Nangong Feiyang's whole face is now completely frozen.

His eyes are dull, his pupils are trembling wildly, and his brain is blank!



This man is a devil!

Absolutely the devil!

If he's not the devil! Why... The knife stabbed into the flesh, and he could not feel the pain, or even any effect?

Normal people... Do that?

"You... Are you a monster? Say it!! Are you a monster? "

Nangong Feiyang was shivering and shouting. His scalp was so numb that he couldn't hold the knife in his hand. He banged and fell on the ground.

"Oh, no more stabbing?"

"But I gave you a chance. Why don't you cherish it?"

"Why let me down again and again?"

Lin Yang said hoarsely and picked up the knife.

Nangong Feiyang looks at the knife stained with blood. His whole nerve is almost going to explode. His eyes are huge, and his spirit is also in trouble.

He seemed to see Lin Yang stabbing the knife into his body.

In a trance, he saw Lin Yang stabbing the bright knife into his body.

The strange sight was too exciting for him.

Coupled with the current extreme fear, Nangong Feiyang's mind is not clear.

He's completely broken down!

No more reason!

Can't accept the reality again!

"Help! help!! Help me

Nangong Feiyang screamed and ran madly.

Lin Yang's eyes show killing intention, holding a knife ready to catch up.

But as soon as he took a step, he staggered and fell to the ground.

The blood hole in the chest once again gurgled and overflowed with blood, and severe pain also surged up.

Under the intense pain, Lin Yang's almost broken consciousness suddenly agglomerates for a while, and the person also slightly sobers up a bit.

He tried to pull a silver needle from his arm and stabbed it to his chest.

After the needle fell, the blood stopped flowing from the chest.

He also lay on the ground, gasping for breath.


"Lin Dong!"

Yi Guilin with people quickly rushed over.

Seeing Lin Yang lying on the ground, everyone was shocked and rushed to help him up.

"Lin Dong is injured! How serious

"What's the matter? Why did Lin Dong get hurt

"What about Nangong Feiyang?"

"There are no bodies around. Can you tell him to run away?"

"What are you talking about now? Send Lin Dong to the hospital! If it's late, it's bad! "

They were in a state of impatience.

"You are afraid of farts!" Yi Guilin hummed and said coldly, "your Lin Dong will not die so easily! Look at this needle

People raised their eyes.

Just saw the silver needle on Lin Yang's chest.

"Who is your Lin Dong? The world's best doctor, can these two knives kill him? You think too much Yi Guilin hummed.

When they heard this, they were relieved.

At this time, Lin Yang also opened his eyes and spit out his turbid Qi.

"Lin Dong!"

The crowd cried out.

But see Lin Yang fierce cough up, the mouth is spitting blood again.

"Mr. Lin, are you all right?"

"I'm ok, Yi Guilin, help me prick the needle..." Lin Yang said weakly.


Yi Guilin squinted.

"I advise you not to be perverted, or I will die and you will not live." Lin Yang said hoarsely.

"You robbed me of the Kirin gate. This account has not been settled yet! But don't worry, I won't be so stupid. If something happens to you, your men will not let me go. " Yi Guilin light said, then began to needle for Lin Yang.

He did not dare to move Lin Yang!

If it was before, he was not allowed to have some crooked thoughts, but now it is different...

because he saw the power of Yanghua and the means of Lin Yang.

Unless he can guarantee that he can deal with Yanghua, otherwise he will never dare to mess around, because that is the road of suicide.

Several needles down, Lin Yang's complexion is obviously much better.

Not only that, his eyes have become clear, no longer as crazy and ferocious as before...

"what happened to you before? Why does it give me the feeling of being possessed by the devil? " Yi Guilin asked.

"In fact, I was really crazy before." Lin Yang said hoarsely.

"Oh? People like you can be possessed? What a surprise Yi Guilin looks incredible.In his impression, Lin Yang is a very calm person, even if his mind has problems, his body is not enough to let him like this!

After all, Wu is a terrible doctor.

As we all know, Yiwu can't be possessed by the devil.

Lin Yang did not speak.

Yi Guilin is not easy to ask.

At this time, a few more people ran over.

"Lin Dong, the Nangong aristocratic family has already dealt with almost everything. Many people choose to surrender. Shall we... Eliminate the roots?" A man came forward, cautiously.

"No need!"

Lin Yang took a deep breath, shook his head and said, "before I lost my wisdom, I wanted to kill all of them. However, there is no need to kill all of them now. After all, this place is not the home of Nangong family, it is still just a branch. Even if you kill all of them, you will only destroy a collateral, and the legitimacy of Nangong family is still there! This can not achieve the purpose of eradicating the roots. Moreover, such behavior will be criticized and will stimulate the people of Nangong aristocratic family, which is not very beneficial to us! The gain is not worth the loss

"What Lin Dong means is..."

"take them all away! Go to the purple mine Lin Yang drank low.

Everyone was stunned and their eyes were bright.

"Mr. Lin, it's a good idea."



"help! help! Help...

on the rugged mountain road in Kunshan, a figure stumbled forward.

As he ran, he let out a cry of panic and trembling.

This is Nangong Feiyang.

At the moment, his whole body is covered with mud, his hair is dishevelled, he is in a mess, his knees are all worn out, he is running for a while and falls, all over his body is full of scars.

Soon, he ran into the road.

People ran down the road, their mouths were still vague screams.



At this time, several black cars rushed over and quickly stopped beside him.

The man in black ran down from the car.

"It's Nangong Feiyang!"

"Take him to the eighth master."


Several men directly frame Nangong Feiyang, toward a car in the middle of the motorcade.

"Who are you? Let me go! help! Don't poke me! Don't stab me

Nangong Feiyang screams.

Soon, Nangong Feiyang was towed to the car.

When the window rolled down, a middle-aged man with a goatee but a bald head appeared behind the window...

"Nangong Feiyang, why are you so virtuous?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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