Donghuang mountain is located in the northwest of China, near the border.

This is a very wide range of mountains, but also many domestic mountaineering adventure enthusiasts of the holy land.

There are many no man's land in Donghuang mountain. Few people can cross Donghuang mountain without any protection. Therefore, many explorers come here every year. Of course, many people die every year because of Donghuang mountain.

Lin Yang got off the plane and walked out of the airport.

Outside the airport, a man in a suit trotted forward and said respectfully, "Hello, Lin Dong! I'm Zheng Xuan. It's Ma who asked me to pick up the plane here. "

"Well." Lin Yang nodded: "we are going to go to Donghuang mountain now."

"In such a hurry? Don't you find a hotel to have a rest and have a good rest Zheng Xuan said cautiously.

"Rest?" Lin Yang looked at him strangely: "what do you mean?"

"You don't know, Lin Dong, there has been a strange phenomenon in the area of Donghuang mountain recently. It is said that the miasma in the mountain suddenly blows to the foot of the mountain due to the influence of the southeast wind. These miasma are now pervading every entrance of the mountain. If we don't make preparations, it will be very difficult for us to pass. After all, these miasma can be highly poisonous." Zheng Xuan said helplessly.


Lin Yang slightly a Leng, looked at the sky.

How can there be a southeast wind this season?

Isn't that unusual?

And the southeast wind only appears in the Donghuangshan generation...

I'm afraid this is not a natural wind, but a wind created by the people of Donghuangshan?

Lin Yang was vaguely aware of something and said, "you can send me to the entrance. I'll drive the rest of the way."

"Ah? Lin Dong, how can this be done Zheng Xuan was in a hurry.

But Lin Yang ignored and directly sat in the co pilot's seat.

Zheng Xuan sighed and had to climb up to the car.


the car starts and goes straight to Donghuang mountain.

About an hour later, the car drove to the foot of the mountain.

At the moment, there are many taxis at the foot of the mountain.

Several taxi drivers are getting together, smoking, laughing and chatting.

"Ah? That's weird! The miasma is closing down. Why are there so many taxi drivers here?? Can they receive guests here? " Zheng Xuan couldn't help muttering.

"Well, that's about it. You can take a taxi back."

Lin Yang said faintly.

"Good, Lin Dong."

Zheng Xuan nodded, but his eyes were still full of worries.

He knew that Lin Dong had excellent medical skills and was not afraid of the miasma.

But at present, the danger of Donghuang mountain is more than miasma??

Zheng Xuan gave the car key to Lin Yang and got off the car himself.

Lin Yang also got off the co driver's seat and walked around to the front of the driver's seat.


At this time, another taxi drove to the intersection.

Then two old-fashioned people got out of the car.

They are a man and a woman. They are all very unique in their clothes, which makes people think that they are playing cos.

"Sir, it's 1300 yuan in all!" The taxi driver said with a smile on his face.

The man took out a bunch of money and threw it directly on the front of the car. Then he walked into the car smartly.

The driver was overjoyed.

"Thank you, sir. Thank you very much. Ha ha..." he called as he picked up the money.

Around the driver is full of envy.

Seeing this, Lin Yang seems to understand everything.

These taxi drivers are carrying such strange costumes of guests here.

These guests are generous, do their business, than these drivers run a week more cost-effective, they are naturally very happy.

Lin Yang swept around.

There are more than a dozen taxis here.

It seems that before this, many people had entered Donghuang mountain...

Lin Yang thought for a moment, and directly stepped on the gas pedal and headed for Donghuang mountain.

"Are these people afraid of death? The miasma is so big that they don't even wear gas masks, so they go in like this? "

"Well, brother, you don't know something about it! These people are all masters

"Master? What do you mean

"You don't know, brother? In the Donghuang mountain, there are a group of experts from the world! Just like in TV, flying on the eaves and walls, going up to the earth, omnipotent, what is this miasma? One of them, qigong, is enough to deal with! "

"I see..."

the drivers are still chewing the root of their tongue at the entrance.

But Lin Yang was indifferent to them.

He drove the off-road vehicle provided by Zheng Xuan and rushed inside along the entrance.A man and a woman who had come in before saw him and could not help humming.

"Where is this idiot? I don't know that the assembly of the Eastern Emperor will be held soon! No one is allowed to enter Donghuang mountain by car? " The woman glanced at the cross-country and couldn't help humming.

"There are too many ignorant people in the world. When they suffer setbacks and suffering, they will regret why they were so naive."

The man shook his head.

Lin Yang couldn't hear their conversation.

He pinched a silver needle, stuck it in his neck, and drove in.

The part with strong miasma is just the entrance to the mountain. The more you go inside, the more thin the miasma becomes.

It can be seen that the so-called southeast wind is only a means used by Donghuangshan people to seal the mountain.

They just want to prevent people from entering the mountain...

the road of Donghuang mountain is only built to the mountainside, and the rest is the rugged path that people used to walk on.

Fortunately, the off-road performance of this car is good, but Lin Yang didn't drive hard.

It was just open, and suddenly there was a shrill cry from the front.

Suddenly, a figure of cross-country vehicle suddenly came out from the front of the road.

Lin Yang quickly stepped on the brake and the SUV suddenly stopped.

Take a look.

I saw it was a young girl.

But at the moment, the girl was covered with blood all over her body, and her whole child was in a state of confusion and dishevelled hair. Her face and arms were injured...

Lin Yang was stunned.

But listen to the girl cry: "help!! help me! Please help me

As she said this, the girl rushed to the SUV and tried to pull the door of the co driver's seat.

Lin Yang frowned slightly, did not open the door, but looked at the girl: "who are you?"

"Brother, please open the door and let me go up. Someone is chasing me! Please let me up The girl cried out, crying and looking back, as if there was something terrible behind her.

However, Lin Yang shook his head repeatedly.

"Your life and death have nothing to do with me! What's more, in the wild, a teenage girl suddenly came out and asked me for help. Do you think I'll help you at will? "

"Are you hard hearted?" The girl showed despair.

"I'm not, but I'm afraid you're a snake!" Lin Yang said quietly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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