have a heart as malicious as snakes and scorpions?

The girl's face was obviously stunned, and she cried out: "what are you talking about, brother? I'm dying! What kind of snake and scorpion? I don't understand what you're saying? I just want to get in the car now! After a while, please let me in! Sobbing... "

the girl said, crying more and more.

At this time, however, Lin Yang opened his mouth.

"Little sister, I'm a doctor."

The girl cried.

"Is it... Is it?"

"I think my medical skills are good, so how do you cause these injuries? Are they serious! In fact, I can see some. " Lin Yang said again.

If she is really a desperate little girl, Lin Yang naturally does not want to let her get on the bus.

But this one is not!

Although her body is scarred, but are some unimportant injuries, most of the key points are avoided, looking ferocious, but all skin injuries.

And the blood on her clothes... It's not her blood.

The wounds on her body could not shed so much blood at all!

So Lin Yang felt something was wrong.

"Big brother, i... I don't quite understand what you're talking about."

The girl's cry cavity is small many, in the eye flashed a light, said carefully.

Lin Yang did not speak any more. Instead, he stepped on the accelerator and planned to move on.

But at this time.


A huge rock flew over from the side of the road and hit the SUV heavily.

The road is blocked.

Off road vehicles must not stop.

Lin Yang frowned and looked at the big stone in front of him.

The body of the car was shaking again, and then a strange noise could be heard at the front and rear tires.

The body of the car has shrunk.

Lin Yang pushed open the door and got out of the car.

I saw that the girl was holding a dagger and punctured the tire of the car.

"Oh? Are you willing to get out of the car? "

A playful smile appeared on the girl's face, holding a dagger and staring at Lin Yang.

"What are you doing?" Lin Yang frowned.

"Oh, what are you doing? Do you want to ask? Robbery The girl snorted: "although you are clever, what's the use of it? This is Donghuang mountain! You think you can run away? Get down on your knees now! Do you hear me

Lin Yang glanced at her, but there was no response.

The girl was anxious and glared at Lin Yang and drank again: "asshole! Are you deaf? I told you to get out of here! Do you hear me? "

However, just after she said this, she suddenly found that ye Shangshan had a knife in front of her!

That knife... So familiar!

Isn't that my knife?

The girl shivered and looked at her hand.

I saw that the knife in my hand had disappeared!


The girl took a chill and her scalp felt numb. She thought she was wrong.

When did this guy take my knife?


This person is not ordinary!

"Come on, man!"

The girl felt that the situation was not good and immediately cried out.

Then he saw several figures coming out from all directions.

"I said, younger martial sister, don't you say you can handle this prey? Why did you still ask for help? Are you too useless? "

A voluptuous and sexy woman walked out of the road and said with a smile.

"There is not enough to accomplish but more to fail!"

At the other end, a man whose bangs covered one eye also snorted.

The girl was a little unconvinced, gritted her teeth and said, "this man's strength is not simple! Don't look down on him

"Look down?"

Liu Hainan cast his eyes at Linyang and said coldly, "this man is arrogant! How dare you drive into Donghuang mountain! I say you don't understand the rules here? "

"When I came for the first time, I didn't quite understand. Are you from the Eastern Emperor religion?" Lin Yang asked.

"Yes, but it doesn't matter if it's a member of the donghuangjiao sect."

The man stepped forward and looked at Ye Shangshan without expression and said, "boy, now you want us to do it? Or do you do it yourself? "

"What hand?" Lin Yang asked.

"If you commit suicide now, you may be able to walk more decently. If we let us, I'm afraid you will die without a whole body." The sexy and enchanting woman beside her smiles.

"Is that so?"

Lin Yang shook his head faintly: "please do it! I want to see if you can let me die without a corpse! "

This sentence is very provocative!

People around him were furious.

"Interesting! No one is as arrogant as you have killed so many prey Liu Hainan snorted coldly, and said without expression: "do it! Send this friend on the road!! Remember! More pieces!! Lest we doubt his means"Yes, elder martial brother!"

People around him drank and yelled and rushed to Linyang.

However, Lin Yang is not polite at the moment.

"Boy, get down on your knees!"

See a man shouting, the body such as the wind, rushed to Lin Yang side, directly a foot toward the leg of Lin Yang mercilessly kick.

Look at the surging strength, it seems that Lin Yang's thighs will be broken.

But the next second, Lin Yang took the lead.


A strange voice came out.

Then there was a cry of heartrending screams from all directions www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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