The charming woman is called Jiang she, Liu Hainan is called Changying, and the girl is named Caihong.

But the girl's real name is not called this. Her name was obtained by the elders of these people. No one knows what her real name is.

Mountain path.

"Why are you blocking and robbing here?" Lin Yang glanced at these people and couldn't help asking.

As soon as the words fell, people's faces were not very natural.

But Chang Ying opened her mouth.

"I'm ashamed to say that we came here to rob, but only to live!"


"Yes, most of the people from outside the mountain carry a lot of useful things. We ransacked them in order to maintain the survival of my younger martial brothers and sisters in Donghuang mountain." Changying road.

"Oh? At present, the Eastern Emperor cult is in such a predicament that it has to ask its disciples to find a way to survive? " Lin Yang frowned.

"There is chaos in the religion, and many rules are no longer in existence. The present Donghuang religion is not Donghuang religion any more. It is like a Warring States period. Our food and medicine have to be exchanged with something useful to the martial arts! The food and medicine provided by the teachers are already very limited. " Chang Ying sighed.

Hearing the sound, Lin Yang nodded silently.

The long-term chaos has resulted in unfair distribution of resources!

Lin Yang would never believe that such a large church of the Eastern Emperor was so poor that he could not even eat food and medicine because he had no leader!

In fact, it is not useless, but the distribution of resources has been uneven after the chaos.

Those powerful elders or factions with great influence occupy the most food, medicine and various benefits. As for the immature factions, there is a great shortage of these things.

Because of this, Changying and others ran out to act as a roadblock, robbing those foreigners who entered the mountain.

As a matter of fact, there are quite a few followers of the Eastern Emperor who have done so.

If not forced by real life, who would like to do such a thing?

You know, few of the people who dare to come to Donghuang mountain are soft persimmons...

after a few questions, Lin Yang did not say anything more.

She already had a number in her mind.

The clique of Chang Ying and Chiang Shek may be at the bottom of the eastern cult.

He followed the crowd to the East emperor religion.

Jiang snake secretly looked at the eye Linyang, then quietly close to Changying.

"Elder martial brother, we have to find a way now."

"How? What can I do? " Chang Ying looked at her and asked.

"What? Elder martial brother, you really believe me. Let this guy follow us to attend the Eastern Emperor's Congress? " Jiang she asked in a low voice with wide eyes.

"Isn't that what you said? What's more, this man's strength is really good. I'm going to let master talk to him. If he can participate, our strength will be greatly enhanced. " Changying low voice.

"Stupid! It's stupid! My good elder martial brother, why are you so stupid? " Jiang she couldn't help complaining, his face was helpless and anxious.

This can make Changying a fog.

"What do you mean, younger martial sister?" Chang Ying asked.

"Do you think this man is strong?"

"Do you think he is weak?"

"No, strong, very strong. One hand is enough to deal with us!"

"What are you worried about?" Chang Ying asked.

"Elder martial brother, didn't you compare him with those peerless talents?" Jiang asked.

Chang Ying breathed, and her face suddenly turned pale. She seemed to think of something terrible.

Those guys... Can't be called genius at all! It's a demon!

Even monsters can't compare with them...

"senior brother, this man is strong, but he is better than us. It's not enough to compare with them. If he stands for us, he will only annoy those elders and those elders. When one of them becomes the leader, will he still not be able to settle the account with us?" Jiang Shedao.

"This..." Chang Ying hesitated for a moment and nodded with approval.

"We are the weakest group of people in the sect. Others can resist, but we can't, because we are not qualified. The most taboo in the sect is this kind of thing. They know that we dare to covet the position of the leader of the sect, and they will certainly punish us! We'll be in a bad mood then Jiang Shedao.

Chang Ying sighed and said in a low voice, "in that case, what are your plans?"

"Slow down! As for this man, I'll go to the elder to reflect and recommend him to other elders. Don't harm us. "

"Good! It's settled! "

Changying Yanlu said firmly.

After walking for about an hour, these people finally slowed down.

Lin Yang also looked ahead.Then I saw a rugged mountain stream before meeting.

There are many people in bright clothes standing in the mountain stream.

On a small peak next to the mountain stream, there are three huge characters in hot gold.


It is magnificent and magnificent.

"Is this the Eastern religion?"

Lin Yang murmured with emotion. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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