"Brother Lin, when you go in later, please don't talk or stare at others. Some strong people don't allow others to look at them at will. Just follow us! Is that all right? " Jiang snake turned and told Lin Yang.

"Well!" Lin Yang nodded.

The crowd came forward.


There was a shout.

Then we can see that a few of the Donghuang followers who are guarding the gate of the mountain have drunk Jiang she, Changying and Caihong.

"Where are you going The first one said in a very arrogant manner.

Jiang snake understood, and immediately went to the front, put a small bag in the man's hand.

The mountain guarding disciples immediately beamed.

"Younger martial sister Jiang she is still on the way!"

With a smile, the mountain guard opened the bag and looked at it.

But just at a glance, the smile on the guard disciple's face disappeared.

"What is this? A bunch of rags and beggars

Then he dropped the bag directly on the ground.

Changying, Caihong and others don't look natural.

Changying squeezed out a smile and said, "elder martial brother Shi, I'm really sorry. We have no harvest today. There are only these. Please understand."

"Understand? Damn it, I understand you. Who understands me? I tell you, in the middle of the sect, you are forbidden to leave the Donghuang cult. You are outside the sect now, even if you violate the rules, you can enter. If you are willing to accept the strict punishment, you can enter! "

With a wave of his hand, elder martial brother Shi blocked the way to the church.

But Chang Ying and others did not dare to go forward.

People stare at the road in front of them in fear.

No one can move.

Punishment by canon?

No matter who it is, we all know its seriousness!

If anyone accepted the severe punishment of the canon, he would have to take off his skin even if he was not immortal...

Chang Ying bowed his head and did not speak to Jiang she.

Rainbow hides behind, saying nothing.

Many people are clenched fists, afraid and angry.

The fear is the canon.

Those who are angry are the mountain guarding disciples who eat people and don't vomit their bones.

The crowd is very tangled.

Those mountain guarding disciples looked at these people with high spirits one by one. They were not in a hurry. They were waiting for their reply.

But just then, a voice rang out.

"What do they need?"

Changying a Leng, side head and look, just see is Lin Yang on the front.

"They want everything that is good for martial arts practitioners." Changying low voice.

"So, the herbs that can help people to activate blood circulation and expand pulse, and strengthen the body should also be ok?" Lin Yang asked.

"Of course, but the herbs near Donghuang mountain are all used up by us. Where are the herbs suitable for martial arts cultivation?" Chang Ying shook her head.

Lin Yang took out a small bag from his pocket and handed it to the mountain guarding disciple.

Elder martial brother Shi cast his eyes at Linyang, and didn't care who the stranger was. He grabbed the bag and opened it.

"What? Is this... Is it a strange heart grass? " I saw that elder martial brother Shi's eyes were huge, and he cried out in surprise.

"Strange heart grass?"

"My God, elder martial brother Shi, are you right?"

"They gave me such a baby?"

"No way?"

All the surrounding mountain guarding disciples gathered around and exclaimed.

Jiang she and others are also stunned, all turn their heads and look at Lin Yang.

"Brother Lin, you... Did you give them jixincao?"

"Yes, is there a problem?" Lin Yang asked strangely.

"Oh, my God, how did you give them this precious herb?"

"Brother Lin, are you crazy?"

The people were anxious and resentful, and wanted to take back the strange heart grass, but could the meat buns thrown out still expect the dog to spit it out?

"Well, everybody, stop talking about it. Isn't it just a strange heart grass? Let's get in quickly Lin Yang said faintly.

Naturally, he doesn't care about this herb.

But everyone is a pair of black eyes staring at Lin Yang.

"Some senior brothers, can we go in?" Lin Yang asked.

"In, in! What are you saying, younger martial brothers? This is Donghuang religion! It's your home. Can't you go back to your own home? Come on, come on, come on in, please! " That stone elder martial brother says with incomparable enthusiasm.

The party successfully entered the Donghuang religion.

But with the exception of Lin Yang, everyone seems unhappy.

They always feel that they have lost...

but this is Lin Yang's stuff, and they can't say anything about it.

Walking along the mountain stream, you can see a long passageway leading to the inside of the mountain.If you take mountains as your religion, you will be the emperor.

This sect is really extraordinary.

It's no wonder that it will become a super University in the minds of countless people. Even if it is in decline at the moment, its details are still...

Lin Yang is thinking about it.

Originally thought he would follow this road to the end, into the center of the Eastern Emperor's religion, but in the middle of it, Chang Ying, who led the way, suddenly turned around and climbed up a path.

After a while, the crowd stopped in front of the dilapidated temple that had fallen in a corner...

"here it is!" Chang Ying said with a smile.

Lin Yang looks at the old temple in front of him.

I saw three big characters hanging above the temple hall.

"Qinghe hall!"

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