"Elder martial brother is back!"

A cry of surprise interrupted Lin Yang's thoughts.

Then see that the dilapidated temple with a few figures flashing, a simple dressed teenager ran out, to see Changying and other people returning from outside, jubilant, shouting at the inside.

The temple immediately ran out of many men and women to meet Chang Ying and others.

"Elder martial brother Changying! What's the gain? "

"Did you switch to drugs?"

Several disciples were looking forward to Changying and asked.

However, Chang Ying looked gloomy and sighed.

"There was an accident. We didn't get much today." Jiang said helplessly.

"What? No gains? "

"It's no surprise. I heard that many people in Tangkou have gone out hunting recently."

Some people murmured.

"How could that happen? Senior sister Jiang she! My big brother is seriously injured now! You can't grab anything, you can't change the medicine. I'm afraid my elder brother can't last today!! How can you not gain? "

A male disciple rushed up with emotion, staring at these people with bloodshot eyes, and yelled: "my elder brother is fighting for qinghetang to end up like this. Now he is seriously injured, but you can't even give him any healing medicine. I'll tell you, if my elder brother has something wrong! I will never spare you

"Zhou Hu! What do you say? "


"How dare you speak to elder martial brothers and sisters in such a tone? Get down on your knees and apologize to your senior brothers and sisters

"Yes, get down on your knees and apologize!"

"Kneel down!"

The people around him glared at Zhou Hu and swore indignantly.

But Zhou Hu bit his teeth and said nothing.

"All right, everybody stop." Chang Ying called out.

It was only then that the surrounding area became quiet.

"Let him go! Zhou Hu is right. Zhou long fought for our qinghetang, but now he is seriously injured, we can't even cure him. This is our qinghetang. I'm sorry for him. It's my elder martial brother who is useless! " Changying whispered hoarsely.

"Elder martial brother..."

several people beside him were in tears.

But see Changying take out a shriveled bag from his pocket and throw it to Zhou Hu.

Zhou Hu is slightly Leng and reaches for it.

"This is the last medicine on my body for healing. Take it to Zhou long. I hope it can have some effect." Changying road.

"Elder martial brother, you... You still have to carry out the task! If you don't have any healing medicine on your body, what should you do in case of any situation? "

"Yes, you have to put some medicine on your body

"This is your life-saving medicine."

People nearby were anxious and said one after another.

But Chang Ying shook her head again.

"Isn't this medicine used to save lives? Zhou Hu, don't you hurry up! "

The drink made Zhou Hu shiver.

He took a deep look at Changying, and finally took the shriveled bag and ran into qinghetang.

Many people have shown complicated eyes to Changying.

Lin Yang was quite surprised.

I never thought that Changying had such a mind and bearing.

"Go in."

Changying light road, led the people into the Qinghe hall.

The temple is still dilapidated.

There is a statue of God in the hall. Lin Yang looks at it repeatedly, but he doesn't know which God it is.

However, inside the temple, there are many people.

Most of them were injured. They were sitting on the ground or lying on the ground. Some of them were howling and some were shivering in pain.

Coughing and groaning filled the hall.

It seems that many people have just experienced a great war.

At first glance, I don't think these people are from the Donghuang sect. On the contrary, they are more like disciples of the beggars' sect!

"Younger martial sister, you take elder brother Lin to sit over there. I'll see Master." Chang Ying opened his mouth and led them to the inner hall.

"Brother Lin, sit here."

Jiang snake squeezed out a smile to greet Lin Yang, and then turned to the girl Caihong and said, "little bitch, what are you still in a daze for? Why don't you go and pour some tea for brother Lin

"Oh, yes, elder martial sister..." the girl murmured, and Wei Qu Baba ran to pour tea.

Lin Yang is confused.

"Jiang she, I think you have a very good attitude towards other younger martial brothers and sisters. You are even more willing to sacrifice your life and death to you, elder martial brother Changying. Why are you so bad with this little girl named Caihong? Did she offend you? "

"Ah? This... This... "Jiang she was a little flustered. Maybe he didn't expect that Lin Yang would ask this question. He stammered and said with a quick smile:" no... it's just that this little girl is too naughty on weekdays, so I will be more strict with her. ""I see."

Lin Yang nodded.

But obviously he didn't believe this.

This rainbow, maybe a little story.


At this time, a cry of pain broke off their thoughts.

Many people at the scene turned their eyes to the prestige.

However, a disciple of Qinghe Hall who was lying on the ground suddenly rolled up and covered his chest and kept howling.

His face was extremely pale, his eyes closed, and his face was full of pain.

Jiang she was stunned and ran over in a hurry.

And all the people gathered around.

"All out of the way, all out of the way, saihuatuo is coming!"

At this time, a cry sounded.


The name of the maniac.

Lin Yang couldn't help looking.

I saw a scruffy man about 40 years old crowded into the crowd and checked up for the man.

"Uncle, is Li Nan OK?" Jiang asked in a deep voice.

"He seems to be in a state of attack again! You have to put some medicine on him immediately to stop the pain, or he will die of pain! " Saihuatuo said in a deep voice.

"Take the painkiller right away." There is humanity.

"We've run out of painkillers in our hall!"

"What? So... Where are you going? "

"I don't have any painkillers."

"I don't have any medicine on me. I've run out of it."

"What can I do?"

The people were scratching their ears and scratching their faces with anxiety.

Jiang she was also anxious.

"In fact, you can do it without painkillers. Jiang she, do you have blood activating herbs?" Saihuatuo said with a smile.

"Yes! Yes, there is

Jiang she nodded quickly, took out a medicine package and handed it to saihuatuo.

"In fact, this kind of injury can be alleviated by using blood activating herbs. Don't be too nervous."

Saihuatuo grinned.

After that, he took out the herbs in the medicine bag, put it in his mouth and chewed it. Then he spit out a sticky green thing and put it into the medicine bag again to apply it to the man's chest.

There was a sigh of relief around.

With saihuatuo's help, it will probably be OK.

But at this time, a voice of indifference came.

"If you really use this blood activating herb to relieve pain for him, though the pain will stop, his life will be gone!"

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