People are staring at Zheng Dan, everyone's eyes are full of heat.



These are what most people lack right now.

In particular, many people are suffering from the pain of injury at the moment, they are suffering, naturally craving for the best medicine...

"you dream!" Hearing Zheng Dan's words, Chang Ying, Jiang she and others were furious.

"Younger martial sister, you are too presumptuous! Are you trying to destroy Qinghe hall? "

"Your father has been the leader of Qinghe hall for decades. This hall is devoted to his hard work and bears the will of our ancestors of Donghuang cult. But you want to swallow it up? You're... You're so wicked

They were filled with indignation and scolded.

Zheng Luo's face became heavy and drank solemnly: "Dan Dan, if you want to annex Qinghe hall? Then I would advise you to save your life. Even if your father and I were dead, I would not let you succeed! "

"Then you have the heart to watch all these people die of their injuries?" Zheng Dan pointed to the Qinghe hall disciple at the scene and said with a smile.

The God of Zheng Luo changed.

"What do you mean?"

"What do you mean? I don't have to say more about that, right? Father, every one of them has been injured. The injuries are mild and severe, and the slight ones are strong. If the heavy ones are not treated in time, they will not last for a few days. Father, you just watch the disciples of Qinghe hall die one by one. You are really a good master, elder and master! " Zheng Dan covered his lips and said with a smile.

Zheng Luo's face sank.

The people in qinghetang are also in a hurry.

"Younger martial sister, what are you talking about?"

"Shut up

"I tell you, even if we die of serious injuries, we will never use any plaster from your ancient spirit hall!"

"That is, I would rather die standing than live on my knees!"

"You want to divide us here!"

All kinds of angry voices were heard. Many people even wanted to rush up and beat Zheng Dan hard. Although she was a woman, although she was the only daughter of the master, the resentment against her was extremely strong.

"Dan, did you hear what they said? I won't say the extra words. Go away Zheng Luo looked at this side quietly and said hoarse.

"Ha ha, my dear father, so you really want them to die for no reason, right?" Zheng Dan squinted and said with a smile.

Zheng Luo frowned.

At this moment, however, a cry of panic rang out.

"Master, I don't want to die! I want to live, I want to live well, I also want to practice the top martial arts! I don't want to die

The voice caught everyone's attention.

People looked at it in unison.

I saw a lame disciple sitting on the ground crying.

"Damn it! Ah Wang, what are you talking about? You're just lame. You can't die! Shut up The people nearby drank and yelled.

"Isn't it serious to be lame? I am a martial arts practitioner! I'm disabled! Then I am dead, isn't it The man cried.

The people next to him lost their voice immediately.


For those who practice martial arts, if they are disabled, it is really equivalent to death.

It's very difficult for those who are not gifted or gifted to practice martial arts with their incomplete bodies. There is a lot of sweat to pay for it.

Everyone fell into silence.

There was no more blame for Wang.

After all, he was not wrong.

"Ah Wang, do you want to go to the ancient spirit hall?" Zheng Luo took a deep breath and looked at ah Wang.

"Want to, want to go, who can cure me, I will follow who!" Wang cried.

"Well. Then you can go. " Zheng Luo said hoarsely.

"Master, don't you blame me?" Ah Wang sobbed.

"How can master blame you? You are not wrong. You are just living. On the contrary, you are the master. You are too incompetent. Although I have been in charge of Qinghe hall for decades, it has been reduced to the present level. In fact, I have an unshirkable responsibility! Ah Wang, you don't have to stick to the Qinghe hall, you go! " Zheng Luo said with a gentle face.


A Wang wailed and knelt on the ground and kowtowed hard to Zheng Luo.

"Get up."

Zheng Luo was busy righting ah Wang.

"Thank you, master." Awan wiped his nose and tears.

Zheng Luo nodded and his deep eyes looked at the people around him.

But at a glance, he was immediately shocked.

He saw the look in the eyes of many Qinghe hall disciples around him.

It's a look of envy, desire and expectation...

ZHENG Luo is not an idiot.

How could he not know what these disciples thought?

"The general trend?"Zheng Luo closed his eyes, sighed for a long time, and said:

"who among you wants to go to the ancient spirit hall, you can go with them. Master doesn't blame you!"


Many people's eyes were red and they were looking at Zheng Luo.

"Go on, children. Master doesn't mean anything else. It's just that Shifu can't do anything at the moment. It's useless for the Qinghe hall to come to such an end. I can't delay your future. Go, all of you!" Zheng Luo sighed.

"Master, I will not go! I will stick to Qinghe hall! " Changying knelt down directly, tearful.

"Master, I won't go either!"


JIANG she and others also knelt down.

But... Not everyone is like them.

But see the disciples hesitated next, finally, someone took the head, took the lead to walk toward Zheng Dan.

One goes, the second.

After the second, there will be a third.

Slowly, there were more and more people.

After a while, more than half of the Qinghe hall disciples all stood behind Zheng Dan.

All of a sudden the crowd was dumbfounded.

"Ah Mao! You... What are you doing? "

"Brother Sha! Do you dare to betray your school? "

"Sister Liu, master treats you well. Why do you betray her?"

"You bastards! No one can die easily

Those who stayed at Zheng Luo's side were so angry that they began to curse one by one.

These disciples did not refute, but bowed their heads and were ashamed.

"Oh, they are just a group of wise people, and those who know the current affairs are the heroes! Now the poor people in qinghetang can't even afford to eat. Why do they want to stay here? Are you disciples of the beggars' sect? " Zheng danjiao laughed.

"You, you, you..."

several people were very angry.

"All right! Don't say it

Zheng Luo took a deep breath and said hoarsely, "your younger martial brothers and sisters are not wrong in their choice. Listen, you are not allowed to blame them and resent them. They just chose a more suitable way to go! Do you understand? "


"OK, listen to the last instruction of my teacher again!"

"Go ahead, master."

"I'll go through fire and water, and I'll fulfill your orders, master!"

Changying and others are busy.

"Good." Zheng Luo nodded his head and said solemnly, "all of you will pass by."

Zheng Ying's tongue dropped in disbelief.

"Master, what did you say?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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