"I want you all to go to the ancient spirit hall! From today on, you are the disciples of the ancient spirit hall, understand? " Zheng Luo drank seriously.

This sound, shaking the hearts of all the people on the scene.

Even Zheng Dan was moved.


In front of him, he knelt down and yelled: "master Zheng Ying shouts! I will not leave Qinghe hall, I will not go anywhere! I'll never go

"Silly boy! What's good about staying in Qinghe hall? There's nothing here. " Zheng Luo said hoarsely.

"Master, Changying is an orphan you picked up and raised by you! For Changying, qinghetang is like home. Do you want Changying to leave home He said, biting his teeth red.


"master, I will not go either!"

"Master, I'm not in the way of this injury! I'm not going

"Master, let me stay."

People are kneeling, trying to shout.

"You... Ah, a group of silly children, just, since you want to stay, stay, get up." Zheng Luo couldn't stop shaking his head.

Then the people got up.

But their action is to make Zheng Dan very uncomfortable.

"Oh? It's really a master apprentice relationship! But how long do you think it will last? Half of the people in Qinghe hall have already gone. If you don't find a backer, you will be swallowed up by other halls sooner or later. Do you still want to win the championship at the Eastern Emperor's Congress? Don't make me laugh Zheng Dan said with a smile.

"Dandan, if you want to pursue glory and wealth, that's your freedom. I'm not really a competent father or a qualified master. But as long as I Zheng Luo is here for one day, Qinghe hall will not collapse!" Zheng Luo cheered.

"I don't know how to live or die!" Zheng Dan next to a man on the front, facial expression of low drink.

"Shao Ming?" Zheng Luo gazed at the man.

"Dear father, don't say that your daughter didn't give you a chance. Now it's you who don't cherish it. It's no wonder that I am." Zheng Dan snorted coldly.

"What do you want to do?"

Zheng Luo frowned and asked in a deep voice.

"Nothing, just want to do something according to the rules of our Eastern religion!"

"What do you do?"

"Zhentang!" Zheng Dan said with a smile.

The words fell to the ground, and the faces of the people in Qinghe hall changed.

Zheng Luo is even more old-fashioned and tense.

"What is Zhentang?"

Lin Yang side head, asked the girl beside him rainbow.

"Zhentang means kicking the hall!" Rainbow low channel.

"I see!" Lin Yang suddenly realized and frowned.

According to the current situation of qinghetang, do these people come to challenge? Isn't that for them to die?

At present, there are not many people in Qinghe Hall who are not injured. If we really want to fight, how can they be the strong opponents of Gulingtang people?

There is no suspense at all.

But... The challenge from other halls cannot be rejected.

Any hall must accept the challenge. Although the challenge can only be held once a month, if you lose, you must promise the other party something within his or her ability.

Calculate the time, just a month after the last challenge.

In the past, Changying was in the way, and Shaoming, a member of the ancient Lingtang, had to go out. Qinghetang was slightly superior and defeated the plot of the ancient Lingtang.

But now there are only a group of old, weak, sick and disabled in Qinghe hall. Guling hall is strong and strong, and Shaoming goes to war.

There is no chance of winning this challenge.

Several people's faces were hard to see.

Even Changying looks very pale.

Although he is loyal to qinghetang, he is not stupid.

He knew that he could not be Shaoming's opponent at all.

It's not even if you try your best.

After all, Shaoming... But there is a rare terror close to them.

Zheng Luo was silent.

The crowd gnashed their teeth, but they did not dare to speak.

"If you refuse to Zhentang, then according to the dogma of Donghuang sect, you will be registered as qinghetang people, and you will no longer be members of Donghuang sect. After all, I can't accept cowards!"

"But if you accept Zhentang, my requirement after victory is to ask Changying to join me in Guling hall!" Shaoming smiles lightly and opens his mouth.

Qinghetang people listen, all pour out cool air.

Even the people who came back to the ancient spirit hall are incredible.

Guling hall still wants to annex Qinghe hall!

If there is no Changying in Qinghe hall, it is not the same as the existence of the name?

After all, only Changying of Qinghe hall can fight against it...

at that time, every month, people from the ancient spirit hall will come to Zhentang. Qinghetang can't resist it. I'm afraid that Zheng Luo will become a bare commander soon.Zheng Luo said nothing.

Changying clenched her fists and clenched her teeth. Her eyes were almost bursting with anger and resentment.

He couldn't hold back.

The other party bullied them, how could he be indifferent?

Even if we can't fight! He wants to fight too!

Thinking of this, Changying directly stood out and was about to start shouting, but an urgent voice came from the side.

"Shao Ming! Zheng Dan! You're going to fight! We're not afraid of you! If you want to fight, do it! "

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