Everyone was surprised to hear this.

Because it's not other people who are talking, it's Chiang Shek!

Jiang she is like a master in Qinghe hall. She is not only old, but also good at martial arts.

But... It's only in Qinghe hall!

In other halls, Jiang's strength is not enough. At least Shaoming, the son of the leader of the ancient spirit hall, is afraid that one hand is enough to beat him.

"Jiang she, don't talk! Let me do it Changying's eyes showed a quick color and whispered.

"Elder martial brother, you can't be Shaoming's opponent! If you challenge him, you will lose. Shaoming will force you to join their ancient spirit hall! In this way, nothing can be changed at all! " Jiang snake whispered.

"If I am defeated, I will die! I will never join him. Even if I die, I will be the ghost of Qinghe hall Changying gnaws her teeth.

"Elder martial brother! Why are you so uncivilized? I don't want you to fight Shaoming, but let Lin fight him Jiang snake whispered.

"He?" Chang Ying was stunned.

"The strength of this surnamed Lin is stronger than you and me. He may have a chance to fight Shaoming!"

"But Shaoming's strength is not simple. He is known as the first master of the ancient spirit hall. He is the next batch of seeds to enter that level. I admit that the strength of this surnamed Lin is very good, but if we really want to fight, I'm afraid he will still suffer losses!" Shaoming frowned.

"So, elder martial brother, do you think his chance of winning is lower than yours?" Jiang she has no good airway.

"That's not true. I'm just worried."

"What are you worried about?"

"I'm worried that this person will not use all his strength! After all, he has nothing to do with the success or failure of this earthquake hall. " Chang Ying said hoarsely.


Lin Yang is not a member of qinghetang. His purpose is to let the people of qinghetang help him to attend the assembly of the Eastern Emperor. That's all.

How can he worry about qinghetang? As long as qinghetang is not dead for a while, he can watch the opera nearby.

But Jiang does not think so.

"Elder martial brother, are you stupid? This man is not a member of our Eastern Emperor sect. He is just an outsider. He doesn't understand any rules. We can cheat him! What's more, I don't want this person to leave our Qinghe hall? If he shows some strength later, he will surely attract Shaoming's attention. Shaoming is not an idiot! As a martial arts genius, his eyesight is much better than you and me! If this person wins, it will be better. If he loses, Shaoming will definitely not ask you, but choose to ask that person to join his ancient spirit hall. In this way, we can not only solve the crisis in front of us, but also solve this hidden danger. Isn't it better to have the best of both worlds and kill two birds with one arrow? " Jiang she said with a low smile.

As soon as he said this, Chang Ying's eyes lit up.

"That's a good way! Just... Younger martial sister, is it not kind of us to do this? " Changying is a little impatient.

Jiang snake a listen, people are almost dizzy.

"We've all robbed our families and robbed our roads. What kind of kindness do we care? Do you want to watch our qinghetang collapse Jiang she had no choice but to say.

Changying sighed and nodded silently.

"Well, as you say."


Jiang Yang nodded to the snake.

"Brother Lin, can you take the place of our Qinghe hall?" Jiang Shedao.

"What does this have to do with me?" Lin Yang asked lightly.

"Brother Lin, think about it. If you take our place in the war, it means that you are a member of Qinghe hall. At that time, you will also be able to attend our meeting of the emperor of the East." Jiang said with a smile.

Lin Yang thought about it and nodded: "it's reasonable. In this case, I'll take part in it. But there's one saying one, martial arts competition, boxing and foot blindness. I'm afraid that I'm heavy handed and the situation will not be easy to deal with."

"Ha ha, don't worry, brother Lin. this Shaoming is not an ordinary person! At least elder martial brother Changying is far from his opponent. If you think of him as a person of our level, you will be very wrong! " Jiang said with a smile.


Lin Yang felt relieved and went out directly and stood in front of Shaoming.

Seeing Lin Yang, people can't help but show a puzzled look.

"Who is this man?"

"Good looking is pretty. I haven't seen it before."

"Is he from qinghetang?"

"So handsome..."

"what is he doing?"

All the people in the ancient spirit hall talked about it.

"Jiang she, what does this guy do?" Shaoming frowned and looked at Jiang she.

"Shaoming, this is my younger brother Lin! Younger martial brother Lin is the disciple that Shifu just received today. Now, he will fight on behalf of our Qinghe hall! " Jiang said in a loud voice.

As soon as the words fell, everyone was stunned and burst out laughing.

"What? A newly recruited disciple comes to fight our senior brother Shaoming? Jiang she, are you crazy"Is Qinghe hall empty? No, isn't Chang Ying still standing there? "

"Is it that Chang Ying was so frightened by our senior brother Shaoming that she didn't dare to move and let a new disciple come to die?"

"The people in Qinghe hall are so shameless, aren't they?"

The people of the ancient spirit hall burst into laughter.

Shaoming is also cold hum repeatedly, his eyes show ferocity.

"What? Do you want your younger brother to be disabled on the first day of his entrance? "

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