Both Jiang she and Lin Yang in the house are surprised.

Jiang snake was startled and looked at the token in disbelief. When he saw it clearly, he was busy: "master! What are you doing?? Qinghetang has been managed by you for decades. You have devoted a lot of your efforts here! How can you give up? And... And... "What else did Jiang she want to say, but he stopped.

Master Lin's order?

That's not to say that Zheng Luo wants Lin Yang to become the leader of Qinghe hall??

In fact, both Zheng Luo and Lin Yang knew what Jiang she wanted to say.

After all, Lin Yang is only an outsider. He is not a member of the Eastern Emperor cult.

It is more than rash to hand over Qinghe hall to an outsider?

"Jiang she, you don't have to say any more. Do you devote yourself to it? What kind of effort can this have? At present, the Qinghe hall is dilapidated and in danger. It is not like the hall. Its disciples are injured or dead. Isn't all this the result of my incompetence? All my efforts are of no value at all! " Zheng Luo shook his head and sighed.


"Jiang she, master is useless and old! Qinghe hall can't hold on. It will be sooner or later that Qinghe hall is merged. Even if the ancient spirit hall is not merged, it will be swallowed up by other people in the hall sooner or later! Qinghe hall, that's it

"The purpose of master's handing over Qinghe hall to elder brother Lin is..."

"most of you who refuse to leave Qinghe hall are also because I am here! But if I leave, you should be out of here. "

"Master, you..."

JIANG snake's breath was tight and his eyes widened. I never thought Zheng Luo would have such a plan!

"Lord Zheng, according to what you said, I'm just a bare commander when I give the position of the hall leader? After all, your people have been dismissed by you! " Lin Yang asked in a deep voice, "isn't my position as the leader of the hall useless?"

"But you have the right to attend the assembly. What's more... I just want to disperse the people in Qinghe hall, even you and I have to disperse together. "

"Even me? What do you mean by that

"To tell you the truth, boy, although you failed Shaoming today, with the temper of the leader of the Guling hall, this matter will never be ignored. The Guling hall is bound to retaliate against us, and the next revenge will be extremely terrible. For your safety, I must dismiss you! You leave here with this token and find a place to hide. The rest of the disciples will find a way to join them in other halls and seek shelter for them. At least, I have to find a way to survive. When the assembly of the Eastern Emperor is over and the eastern cult is stable, I will make plans. "

Hearing the sound, Lin Yang nodded silently.

He didn't care how Zheng Luo arranged it. As long as he could attend the assembly of the emperor, everything was easy to say.

But Zheng Luo's words just dropped, a group of people rushed in.

"Master! Even if you disband Qinghe hall! We will follow you too Changying knelt down in front of Zheng Luo, yelling with red eyes.

"Master, we are not going!"

The rest of them knelt down and cried.

"Well, if you don't go, you'll die!" Zheng Luo sighed.

"If we want to go, we will follow you too!"

"Yes, we are going with you, master."

People are excited.

Feelings they have been listening outside the door.

However, the temple is so dilapidated that there is no sound insulation, and there is no eavesdropping or eavesdropping...

"you are just! Since you insist on following me! Well, I'll take you away

Zheng Luoyou was moved. Seeing that persuasion was useless, he made a decision.


"Master, we will go wherever you go."

"We will never leave you."

They said excitedly.

Zheng Luo shook his head and said to Lin Yang, "Lin boy, Qinghe hall will be handed over to you! It's also a reward for your kindness in repelling Shaoming for us today. I hope you can achieve good results in the Eastern Emperor's Congress. We will meet again after the meeting is over. "

"Are you going to leave here?"

"If you don't leave, the Guling hall will not let us go. You have to go too."

"You have to leave a person beside me. I'm new to Donghuang cult, and I don't understand many things! When someone is around, someone can ask

Zheng Luo hesitated and asked, "who do you want to stay?"

"Just Jiang she knows more." Lin Yang road.

People looked at Lin Yang.

"Jiang she, would you like to follow Lin for a while? When the meeting is over, you will come back. "

"All right."

Jiang snake nodded.

She knows Lin Yang.

If she doesn't agree, I'm afraid the Lord will use coercive means.

The current qinghetang is not suitable for conflict with Linyang.

After making a decision, the qinghetang people began to clean up and planned to follow Zheng Luo to leave.Jiang snake was pulled aside by Chang Ying.

"Younger martial sister Jiang, the origin of this surnamed Lin is unknown, and his temperament is also unpredictable. You should be careful and find an opportunity to leave early, so as to avoid any accident when you stay with him." Changying low voice.

"Don't worry, elder martial brother. I have my own discretion."

Jiang snake nodded.

Soon, the rest of Qinghe hall left the old temple with few things.

In the whole temple, only Lin Yang and Jiang she are left. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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