Lin Yang himself did not expect such a dramatic scene.

I wanted to follow the people of qinghetang to attend the assembly of the emperor, but I didn't think that all the people of qinghetang had gone away, leaving him alone.

As a matter of fact, Jiang she is ready to leave.

If it was not for fear of provoking Lin Yang and causing unnecessary disputes, how could she agree to stay?

"How long will the conference be held?"

Lin Yang found a clean place and sat down.

"The day after tomorrow, the meeting will be officially held... Each hall is compulsory, and there is no limit to the number of people and positions. When the time comes, you can go in and get a number!" Jiang Shedao.

"What mode was the meeting held?"

"Is it necessary to ask? That's what nature depends on! " Jiang snake raised his fist and shook it: "Whoever has a big fist will win the meeting and dominate the Eastern Emperor religion."

"Is it?"

"Of course, but Qinghe hall is no more. Not only Qinghe hall, but also the Tangkou on the bottom floor. These people go in and just come out with soy sauce. They will not participate in the fighting and fighting between powerful Tangkou and elders! After all, they know that they can't argue with each other, so why ask for trouble? In vain? "

"So your plan is to support the new leader after the meeting, when there is a leader, and the church tends to be stable, right?"


"It's a way." Lin Yang nodded.

"Brother Lin, let me give you a suggestion."

"What advice?"

"Leave Donghuang mountain early, leave this land of right and wrong! Don't attend the conference. "


"Brother Lin, I have to admit that your strength is very strong, much stronger than Shaoming. But you have to know that when other people attend the conference, they will attend from one hall to another. What about you, representing Qinghe hall? There are only two of me! When the time comes, there will be hundreds of thousands of people in other people's hall. How can we deal with them? No matter how strong you are, can you beat four hands with two fists? You can't have the last laugh at this conference. " Jiang she was very serious.

"I don't know if I can laugh until the end, but I'll give it a try."

"Try it? Do you know what kind of conference this conference is? Say it's a Congress, but it's actually a battlefield! " Jiang snake approached a few minutes and glared: "do you know! This conference... Can kill people! "


Lin Yang frowned slightly.

However, there was no noise outside the hall.

Jiang snake's face changed. He trotted forward and glanced out through the crack of the door. In an instant, he lost color.

"The people of the ancient spirit hall are coming!" Jiang snake trembled: "they come too fast."

"There is no order and no management in the present Donghuang religion. Naturally, they have no scruples." Lin Yang road.

"We have to go. There are a lot of them. Even the double Dharma protectors have arrived. I'm afraid the master of the ancient spirit hall is not there in person! If we don't leave, we won't be killed by them! Must go

Jiang snake trembling said, directly turned to run toward the inner hall.

There is a back door in the inner hall to leave Qinghe hall.

But Jiang Shek just opened the back door, but suddenly stopped.

However, the back door of jianqinghe hall has been surrounded by a large number of people from the ancient spirit hall.

The whole Qinghe hall has been blocked for a long time.


Jiang Shue lost color in horror.

"Elder martial sister Jiang, are you too naive? I come from qinghetang. How can I not know that qinghetang still has a back door? "

It was Zheng Dan standing at the back door.

She looked at Jiang she with a smile on her face.

Jiang snake retreated, pale.

Zheng Dan led people to rush in directly.

At the same time, many people from the ancient spirit hall rushed in at the gate.

After a while, Lin Yang and Jiang she were surrounded by people from the ancient spirit hall.

"You... What do you want to do?"

Jiang's shivering cry.

"What are you doing? Naturally, I'm here to settle the bill! "

A man in a black robe with a black single knife at his waist came over and looked at Jiang Shedao without expression.

"Left protector?"

Jiang she recognized this man, and he was the left protector of the ancient spirit hall!

"Why? What about the people of Qinghe hall? " Zheng Dan looked around and wrinkled his willow eyebrows and said to Jiang she: "say! Where are they hiding? "

"They... They..."

JIANG she hesitated and did not know how to answer.

"Zheng Dan, tell this dharma protector who hurt Shaoming first The left protector said coldly.

"This is the man!" Zheng Dan points to Linyang road.

"That's all! Shaoming is the son of the hall leader and carries the hope of our ancient spirit hall. Now that he is seriously injured and bedridden, how can the hall leader give up? Since this person is here, I'll be able to explain it later! "Left Dharma protector said, directly pulled out the knife in his waist and walked towards Linyang.


Four people can not help but step back.

"I'll cut off his head and go to the hall leader."

The left Dharma protector roared ferociously and slashed Lin Yang's forehead with a knife.

But as soon as the blade fell, Lin Yang raised his arm, and a cold light flashed between his fingers, and accurately cut it on the falling blade.

Bang Dang!

The sword broke in two at once.

The left Dharma protector breathes hard.

However, Lin Yang's backhand was on the neck of the left Dharma protector, and he lifted it with one hand.

Left Dharma protector's feet are off the ground, and they are struggling wildly...

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