This is a naked threat!

If you don't get into the Guling hall, it's a dead end!

Lin Yang did not speak, but drank tea alone.

Shaohai patted Lin Yang on the shoulder and said with a smile: "before dark tomorrow, I'll wait for your reply. If you can come and take the position of vice leader, I can consider leaving you. If you don't come... Even if you attend the Eastern Emperor's Congress, you will soon become a corpse! You're a smart man. I'll give you time to think about it. "

Speaking of this, Shaohai's body Qi suddenly changed a little.

Then look at the table in front of Linyang, directly into a large amount of dust, with the wind dispersed.


Jiang snake was scared to sit on the ground, some people can not stand up.

This table has been turned into powder by the strength of Shaohai!!

What a terror!

Is this the strength of Shaohai?

How far has his cultivation reached?

If this had been changed into a living person... I'm afraid it would have been shattered!

"I'll wait for you!"

With that, Shaohai patted Lin Yang on the shoulder again and turned to walk out of Qinghe hall.

Lin Yang sat in his chair without saying a word.

For a long time, Jiang could not return to God.

She felt like she was peeing.

"It's late. Go to bed."

Lin Yang looked out of the window and said calmly.

"Brother Lin!" Jiang snake gave a loud cry.

"What?" Linyang side head.

"What's your decision?" Jiang she shuddered.

"What do you think?" Lin Yang light road.

"Go! Must go! Join the gurgling hall anyway! Or we will die Jiang snake howled.

Looking at her excited appearance, Lin Yang understood that Jiang she was very frightened at the moment...

Lin Yang did not speak.

"Brother Lin, do you... Do you still want to fight against Gulingtang?" Jiang snake looked at him with trembling fear, and his face almost had no blood color.

"I don't want to fight against the ancient spirit hall, but I have to get the position of the leader of the Eastern Emperor." Lin Yang said quietly.


Jiang snake almost screamed. Then he rushed and knelt down in front of Lin Yang.

"Since elder brother Lin is determined to do so! Then I beg you! I'll treat you as good! Let me go! Let me get out of here. Let me go to my master! okay? I don't want to die! I don't want to be killed by the ancient spirit hall! "

She almost cried out.

Lin Yang looks at her silently, spins and walks forward and helps Jiang she up.

"Brother Lin..."

JIANG she wiped his tears from the corner of his eyes and looked at her shivering.

But listen to Lin Yang calm way: "do you know? I never care about your life or death! From the moment I came here, my purpose is to be the leader of the Eastern Emperor! Now the conference has not started, you can't go! So you have to stay here! Even if the people of the ancient spirit hall come here tonight, you can't go away! "

On hearing this, Jiang almost broke down.

"Well, go and have a rest."

Lin Yang said, turning to a bed in the inner hall and lying down.

Jiang snake trembles to look at him, which still has the idea of sleeping? In the heart already in Pan Si to wait for Lin Yang to fall asleep after sneaking away.

"Don't try to escape. Even if I'm asleep, as long as you walk out of the Qinghe hall, I can see it immediately. I advise you not to challenge my sensitivity and reaction."

Lin Yang said and fell asleep.

Jiang snake looks pale.

She sat down on the ground, huddled together like a helpless kitten.

The rest of the day was like a year for Jiang she.

Of course, she didn't believe Lin Yang's words and tried to escape.

But this is clearly useless.

As soon as she stepped out of the Qinghe hall, Lin Yang, who was sleeping, woke up immediately and rushed out to catch her back.

Chiang gave up.

She can only follow Lin Yang's side, cooperate with him, and answer any questions he has about donghuangjiao.

Soon, the day of the Eastern Emperor's Congress came.

Qinghe hall is still cold.

But for Jiang, it would be a relief.

The morning of the third day.

"Brother Lin, let's... Let's go, now go and sign up for the number..." Jiang said tremblingly.


Lin Yang nodded.

They left Qinghe hall and headed for the center of Donghuang mountain and the top of Donghuang mountain.

It is the highest peak in Donghuang mountain.

It is said that the palace of the emperor is built on the top of the emperor.

The meeting will be held soon, and you can see a large number of followers of the Eastern Emperor religion on the way.But each of them was dressed differently, and there was vigilance and hostility between each entrance.

No one can accept who!

Even walking on the road, you can see that the people at the entrance of the two halls collide in public, so they fight and kill each other.

Seeing this, Lin Yang suddenly understood.

I'm afraid that even if we win the Eastern Emperor cult, we can't make everyone submit for a while!

We must take tough measures!

We have to scare everyone!

Make them afraid!

Let them fear!

He froze his eyes, and a crazy idea suddenly appeared in his brain.

"Who has the highest prestige at present?"

Lin Yang suddenly turned his head and asked Jiang she. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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