
Jiang snake shivered and looked at him in amazement.

"What are you asking for?"

"You just have to answer my question."

After looking at him, Jiang said in a low voice, "there are three most powerful Tangkou in our Donghuang religion, which are the war palace, the killing palace and the Liwang palace."

"Is it not Tangkou? How can it be a palace? "

"Elder brother Lin has no idea. These three halls are the top three elders of our sect. After the death of the leader, the three elders began to devour other Tangkou crazily in order to fight for the position of the leader. Therefore, these three halls have been upgraded to three palaces, and their strength is equivalent to that of a sect in other places." Jiang Shedao.

"I see."

"In fact, the prestige of the three elders is great. There is no accurate way to say who has the highest prestige. However, there is an extraordinary force besides these three elders!"

"What force?"

"That's the orphan of the former leader, the force formed by elder martial brother Yuanxing!"

"Yuan Xing?"

"Yes, elder martial brother Yuanxing is the only son of the leader, but he was still young at the time of his death. He was supposed to take over the throne, but he was interrupted by several elders, so elder martial brother Yuanxing gave up. Later, he got the support of the Supreme Master. He gathered a group of people from the sect and lived beside the East Palace, waiting for the meeting to be held! Master Yuanxing, who has been passed down by the Supreme Master, is very powerful. He has learned the supreme divine skill of Donghuang sect, Donghuang Huanyu. It is said that with this unique skill, elder martial brother Yuanxing can even compare with the five evil spirits! "

"Five evil spirits? What is that? " Lin Yang is more and more confused.


JIANG she looked at Lin Yang helplessly: "elder brother Lin, do you know nothing about our Donghuang religion except the assembly of the Eastern Emperor?"

"Almost." Lin Yang nodded.

His understanding of donghuangjiao was limited to this.

If it was not for the Eastern Emperor's assembly, he would not even know the Eastern Emperor's religion.

After all, Lin Yang's focus has always been on Yanghua.

Jiang she almost fainted at the sound.

"Brother Lin, don't you even know the five evil spirits? OK, I'll tell you! In our Eastern Church, there are five incredible extraordinary talents! They are all demons. Before they are adults, everyone has the strength to match the elders. The Tangkou with these five geniuses is also the most likely existence to win the Eastern Emperor's Congress... "

" senior sister Yu Ling, who ranks fifth, comes from the palace of killing the king. It is said that her soft whip is superb and her strength is extremely terrible, but it is the most frightening What worries her is her mind. When she fights with people, she seldom confronts them head-on. All of them are through all kinds of cunning and cruel strategies. Countless people have died in her hands, and she is a famous beauty of snakes and scorpions. "

"Pang Liang, who ranks fourth, is excellent at fencing. He is good at sealing the throat with one sword. The people who fight with him usually can't take ten moves in his hand."

"Senior brother Feng Siyuan, who ranks third, has amazing brutality. He is good at boxing. One punch can break mountains and rocks. It's no wonder that Sheng Sheng smashes the body of an adult."

"The second one is elder martial sister Ren xuansu, who seldom shows her face in front of people. Her body style is superb. She is like a fairy or a ghost. I don't know much about her real strength."

"As for elder martial brother Wuji, who ranks first, he is known as the first expert of Donghuang cult. It is said that his martial arts skills have reached the peak. He can use all kinds of weapons. He is proficient in all kinds of boxing, leg techniques and body techniques. Ordinary elders are not his opponents at all, but he rarely shows up in front of people. Therefore, many people do not know about him."

Jiang she began to patiently introduce and talk.

When Lin Yang learned this, he nodded.

"I see."

The situation of Donghuang religion is much more complicated than Lin Yang thought.

"Brother Lin, who has the highest prestige and what is your intention?" Jiang asked.

But Lin Yang did not answer her.

Jiang snake's eyes moved.

"This ancient spirit hall should also follow the example of the war palace, the killing palace and the Li palace, and begin to devour those halls everywhere?" Lin Yang road.

"Yes, but the ancient spirit hall is different from the three of them. Shaohai elder began to absorb it through the weak and immature hall entrance, and then gradually strengthened himself." Jiang Shedao.

Lin Yang heard the sound and thought deeply.

"Here we are, big brother." At this time, Jiang snake gave a low cry.

Lin Yang was slightly stunned and looked forward.

Only then discovered that two people just over the other side of the mountain, is a piece of open land.

A large number of people from inside and outside Donghuang mountain gathered here, as if something was going on.

There are a row of tables on the open ground. These tables are connected into a line. There are many people sitting in front of the table. Whenever someone approaches, they will register something on the paper on the table and hand a sign to the person in front of them.

There's a number on the sign."Elder brother, you just need to go over and register with their boarding information by virtue of the order of the master of Qinghe hall in your hand. After registration, you will get a sign. When the time is up, you can enter with a token, so you can attend the meeting." Jiang said.

"Where will the conference be held?"

Lin Yang asked.

"Behind this is the venue of the Convention."

"Is it?"

Lin Yang was greatly surprised.

Because behind these people, there is a deep mountain with grotesque rocks.

"What do you mean?" Lin Yang asked.

"Brother Lin, you don't know. There are four actually reported lists, which are divided into four sides, Southeast and northwest. Our application form is in the south. As long as we successfully register, we can enter the entrance and wait. When the opening time of the Eastern Emperor's Congress comes, we can enter the hinterland of the mountain. If anyone gets the Donghuang God ring in the hinterland of the mountain! Who will be able to win the victory of the assembly of the Eastern Emperor and become the new leader of our Donghuang cult, the emperor of God Jiang Shedao.

"The so-called assembly of the emperor of the East is a contest for rings?" Lin Yang said unexpectedly.

"You can understand that this is why people from all walks of life will fight for people crazily. The more people there are, the stronger their strength is, the more chances they will have to get the ring. If they stand alone, they will certainly not be able to hold the ring even if they get the ring!"

"How can the man who has obtained the ring be recognized by all?" Lin Yang asked.

"Very simple!"

Pointing to the highest East Palace, Jiang she said: "the one who gets the ring goes to the East Palace, opens the secret collection left by the leader, and obtains all the inheritance of the master, then he can become the leader of the Eastern Emperor cult. After getting the secret collection, no one can even admit it. After all, there is only one secret collection, and only the leader can get it!"

Hearing the sound, Lin Yang took a deep breath, looked at the registration point in front of him, and walked forward.

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