Zheng Dan a word, directly let Lin Yang become the focus of all people.

Everyone looked at him in unison.

Everyone's eyes are particularly strange.

Lin Yang frowned.

He doesn't like being used!

Especially by their own enemies!

Lin Yang knew that Lin Yang didn't block the gun.

After all, most of the people in the Guling hall are close to Lin Yang, and those who don't know will recognize Lin Yang as one of them.

"Brother Lin? Who is this man? "


"When did such a man appear in Guling hall?"

The people in the crazy sword hall all look at each other, puzzled.

But Ximen Dao didn't care. He glanced at Lin Yang and said with a faint smile: "boy, are you their senior brother? Do you have to fight with us later? "

"I'm from qinghetang!" Lin Yang took out his token and shook it in front of him.

Seeing this, Zheng Dan went up and took Lin Yang's arm. He said angrily, "Oh, elder martial brother! I give you my father's token. I want you to impersonate Qinghe hall at the critical moment and kill him by surprise! Why do you use it on these cats and dogs? These people in crazy sword hall are just rubbish! You can solve them with one hand

Lin Yang frowned again.

Zheng Dan is Zheng Luo's daughter. This is something everyone knows. It's impossible for the people in the crazy sword hall not to know.

Therefore, Zheng Dan's words are tenable.

Ximen Dao nodded: "it's interesting! I heard that Guling hall planned to annex Qinghe hall, but Zheng Luo's coffin had been refused. Now it seems that qinghetang has been taken down by Guling hall! Even the token is in your hands! Younger martial brother, your status in the ancient spirit hall is not low. "

"I don't seem to be able to say anything now." Lin Yang put away the token and said without expression.

"The people of donghuangjiao never use their mouths to solve the problem of gratitude and resentment!"

Simon said with a smile.

Lin Yang nodded and did not speak again.

Zheng Dan's mouth is up, showing a strange smile.

"Elder martial sister, you are a good recruit!"

The man next to him gave a thumbs up.

"The man surnamed Lin has good strength. If Ximen Dao hits him, we will have no worries! We will withdraw at that time. The people of crazy sword hall have no time to do anything to us! Ha ha, we have solved a big problem! " A man on the other side said with a smile.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Zheng Dan slapped him hard on the head.

"Pig brain!" Zheng Dan scolded.

"Elder martial sister, what's wrong with me?" The man's face was full of grievances.

"Idiot! If the people of the crazy sword hall fight with this guy named Lin, what are we going to escape? Isn't it better to sit and collect the fisherman? " Zheng Dan glared at the man and snorted: "crazy sword hall and Lin are our enemies. If we can solve them together at this time, we can solve the big problem! Master, we can also explain it! "

"Elder martial sister is right!"

The man's eyes lit up and he said again and again.

The people beside him also laughed and gave Zheng Dan a thumbs up.

Lin Yang's ear power is extraordinary. Although Zheng Dan lowered her voice, her words were clearly heard by Lin Yang.

But Lin Yang didn't care.

His purpose is not these people at all.

And these people, from the beginning to the end, have not been in his eyes.

He doesn't have much energy to deal with these clowns.

At this time, a figure came towards the entrance.

A little boiling scene immediately quiet countless.

People breathed hard and looked at the man.

It was a man in a long blue dress.

The man was wearing a mask and couldn't see his face clearly. Even his hair was wrapped up with only a pair of eyes exposed. Holding a delicate and wonderful jar in his hand.

There is a lead on the pipe.

His step is very solemn, look very serious, straight ahead, hands holding the jar, step by step to the entrance.

Then, carefully put the jar down.

"It's about to start!"

Zheng Dan breathed tight and lowered his voice.

The crowd immediately gathered towards the entrance.

"Go away! Get out of here

The crazy sword hall people here pushed all the people crowded at the entrance.

People dare not speak.

The people of the ancient spirit hall dare not go forward.

At this time, the man in the blue robe took out a torch and a watch from his arms, looking at the time.

The people around him breathed heavily, and their nerves were strained.

However, the man in blue suddenly put away his watch and ignited the wire with a fire fold.The wire starts to burn.

A moment later.


The mouth of the jar exploded, and a flash of fire soared into the sky and burst into the air.

A huge dragon image appears in the sky.

Joo! Joo! Joo! Chirp...

at the same time, there are a lot of bright lights in the sky in all directions.

A large number of images of lions, tigers, leopards, eagles and other animals appeared.

Almost all the people at the entrance signaled at this time.

The man in blue opened his mouth.

"Now I declare that the assembly of the Eastern Emperor is officially open! All the disciples, please come in quickly and look for the emperor's precepts

As soon as the voice fell, the boulder in front of him suddenly collapsed, and then a road leading to the hinterland of the mountain appeared in front of everyone.

The world breathes hard.


"Get the ring, quick!"

"Find the ring now!"

"Meet with master and them!"

The crowd yelled and rushed madly inside.

The people from Guling hall and crazy sword hall rushed in together.

Lin Yang's footwork is a little bit like lightning, and he's heading inside.

But as soon as he rushed in, he was stopped by several figures.

It's from Crazy sword hall.

They all pulled out their blades and aimed at Lin Yang.

"Brother Lin, what's the hurry? Can't it be too late to find the ring after the gratitude and resentment are over? "

Ximen Dao came with a smile and slowly drew out the knife from his waist.

It was a knife with red light on its body. It was very strange. At the moment of drawing out, a bloody smell filled all around.

Good life is terrible.

Lin Yang frowned.

But see Zheng Dan with the ancient spirit hall people escape to a small hillside not far away, overlooking this side.

As long as both sides are defeated, she will immediately bring people out to clean up the mess and solve all these people.

After all, it's not against the law to kill people in this assembly!

"You've been shot."

Lin Yang took a deep breath.

"No one can move me!" Ximen Dao comes here with one hand holding the knife.

"I want to persuade you to calm down, but you said that the people of the Eastern Emperor cult would not move anyone by their mouths. In this case, I can only solve you first!"

Lin Yang shook his head and walked toward Ximen Dao.

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