Lin Yang's words are not arrogant.

These are the people of crazy sword hall.

Although the crazy sword hall is not the top group of Donghuang religion, they can be placed at this entrance, which is the top of the food chain.

What's more, the crazy sword hall can't eat an ancient spirit hall by annexing the entrance of the bottom hall?

How about their crazy sword hall?

"What the hell are you arrogant about? I'll cut your dog's head A man from the crazy sword hall nearby couldn't hold on to it any more. He didn't wait for Ximen's sword to shoot him.

But at the moment when the bright knife came, Lin Yang had already hit the blade directly.


The blade was split in two by a silver needle.


Four weeks of shock.

They didn't see the silver needle between Linyang's fingers. They thought Lin Yang was splitting the blade with his fingers!

Breaking knife with empty hands?

Is this something only monsters can do?

The hearts of the people trembled.

But a more chilling scene emerges.

He saw Lin Yang holding the broken blade with his back hand and slashing the man in front of him.


The man was cut into two ends on the spot and died.


"Younger martial brother!"

The people of the crazy sword hall cried bitterly.

But their younger brother can't hear their voice.

Lin Yang releases the blade, turns his head and looks at Ximen Dao.

He won't keep his hands.

Not to mention that these people have killed him.

"It seems that this guy in the ancient spirit hall has two brushes!" The eyes of Ximen Dao are cold, but there is still some fear in the bottom of eyes.

Previously, he intended to do it himself, but now, he found that he could not see the depth of this person, so he didn't dare to mess around, so he waved: "go! Give it to me

As soon as the voice fell, all the people in the crazy sword hall rushed to Lin Yang.


People rushed forward like crazy, all kinds of terrible blade cut hard at Linyang.

Not far away, the people of the ancient spirit hall all looked stunned, and some female disciples even cried out.

With so many knives, I'm afraid it's not to cut Linyang into pieces.


these knives haven't fallen, and Lin Yang has moved.

When he lifted his backhand and rotated around, his palms burst out with a large number of tiny meteor like halos.

The meteor halo did not enter these people's bodies and disappeared.

And all the people who rushed over stood still like statues.

The people of the ancient spirit hall and the rest of the crazy sword hall were all stunned.

"What are you doing? Come on! All for me

Ximen Dao is in a hurry. He shouts at once.

But these people are still standing still.

It seems that I didn't hear Ximen Dao.

Ximen Dao looks cold.

He knew that it must be Lin Yang who did it!

"You, give it to me!"

The fear in Ximen Dao's eyes became more and more intense. He drank to the people beside him: "break him up in pieces for me!"

"Elder martial brother, this man is... A little strange!" The people next to him trembled.

Obviously, they all saw that Lin Yang was not easy to provoke.

"What? You don't even listen to your senior brother? Believe it or not, I'll kill you?? Go! Give it all to me Ximen Dao roars.

People see this, can only be forced to rush to Linyang.

But they just moved, so did Lin Yang.

His body is like a gust of wind. He directly brings the single sword of a fixed disciple of crazy sword hall nearby, jumps to Ximen Dao, and cuts him with a knife.

"Asshole! Do you dare to compete with me? Look at my overlord sword

Ximen Dao was furious and roared. The bloody sword in his hand slashed wildly at Linyang.

However, his speed was far less than that of Lin Yang. After the collision of his two swords, Ximen Dao found that his sword technique could not keep up with the opponent's blade!


The sound of the flesh being torn.

The abdomen of Ximen Dao was hit twice, and the man retreated again and again to cover the abdominal wound, but the blood still couldn't stop flowing down.


People around me are confused.

Zheng Dan in the distance is also a gaping crowd, thinking that they are wrong.

"Crazy sword hall? This is it? "

Lin Yang frowned slightly.

"Don't be crazy! I'll show you how powerful my bloody knife is! Let's have a look at the blood knife technique I have practiced for three years

Ximen Dao is full of ferocity, especially unwilling, and roars with both hands.

Hua HuaA breath burst from the body of Ximen Dao.

The knife in his hand could not help shaking.

"Magic knife! The knife in your hand is really a magic sword

"The magic sword is going to be powerful!"

"This guy is finished!"

Those people in the crazy sword hall shudder.

Lin Yang is at a loss.

"Magic sword? Isn't this just a common knife, and then dyed red with blood? "

"Ha ha, if you think so, you are very wrong!"

Ximen Dao showed a ferocious smile: "now, I want you to become a headless corpse!"

Yinluo, Ximen Dao roared as hard as he could, and he took the knife and chopped at Linyang.


A nearly five meter long Dao Qi erupted from the knife, and it was slashed fiercely towards Linyang.


Lin Yang was shocked. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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