"Where are the drawings?" Lin Yang asked immediately.

"No more!" Zheng Dan trembled.

"No more?"

"Yes, I destroyed..."

"so I can kill you?"

"No, no, no, brother Lin! Senior brother Lin! You can't kill me! I... although I destroyed the drawing, but... But all the drawings I remember clearly, I know where the divine ring is! I know the route! I know everything! As long as you don't kill me! I promise to bring you to the ring of God Zheng Dan said eagerly.

Hearing the sound, Lin Yang fell into silence.

In fact, he didn't believe Zheng Dan.

This kind of speech is totally self protective.

Can God ring this thing, put in the hinterland of the mountains, is undoubtedly looking for a needle in a haystack!

Moreover, a person from outside the Donghuang sect attended the assembly, but he had no complete information, so he would have suffered a great loss. If he groped for it, he did not know when to find it.

If someone beat them first, all his efforts will be in vain.

Not much time!

If you procrastinate for a long time, you will regret what happened to Nangong family!

Lin Yang thought for a while and whispered, "how long does it take from here to the place where the divine precepts are placed?"

"Five little things!" Zheng Dan almost did not want to think!

"Well, I'll give you a chance to take me at once! If I find the ring, I'll let you go. If not, or if it's more than five hours, I'm sorry. " Lin Yang murmured.

"Good! OK, thank you very much! Thank you, elder martial brother Lin

Zheng Danxin was excited and said.

"Let's go."

Lin Yang road.

Zheng Dan quickly led the way ahead.

The hinterland of Donghuang mountain can be said to be craggy rocks and towering peaks.

A large number of trees cover the mountain.

And you can hear the roar of many wild animals in the mountain stream.

Obviously, this place is not a tourist destination.

However, the most dangerous thing at present is not any wild animals or steep terrain, but people who are also looking for the emperor's divine precepts.

Zheng Dan walked very carefully.

However, I did not take a few steps, but also saw many people of the Eastern Emperor religion.

They are in a little bit of the investigation of God's ring may appear in the place.

The reason why a hall entrance is divided into four directions is to not let go of any corner. If all the people are concentrated in one direction, the other three directions can not be investigated. If the divine precept appears in the other three directions, people will not be able to arrive in time!

"God forbid!! Here is the commandment of God

Just then, a cry of surprise rang out.

Looking forward, Lin Yang and Zheng Danqi are stunned and rush to the sound source.

The sound source comes from the top of a peak.

There is a box on a big stone at the top of the peak.

The box had been opened and a ring was shining in the sunlight.

"What?" Zheng Dan made a cry of surprise.

Lin Yang frowned.

Is this the emperor's precept?

How could it be?

So exposed to the air?

He thought that the emperor's precepts must have been placed in a cave and guarded by some strange things or people.

The appearance of the emperor's divine ring immediately aroused the covetous eyes of countless people from all over the country.

People rushed madly, and many people in the hall took out their mobile phones and sent messages to people in the other three directions, asking them to rush here for support.

"Ha ha, the emperor's commandment is mine! I want to be the emperor! The Eastern Emperor's religion is under command

A thin and short man climbed the peak with great flexibility. He took the ring out of the box and put it on his finger. He raised his hand and laughed.

But his laughter has not spread far.


A gunshot came out.

See that person's chest appeared a bloody hole, blood gurgling from the hole.

The man glared at his chest in disbelief, then his neck tilted, fell down and breathed out on the spot.

"Damn it, what kind of cat and dog dare to rob me of the ring? Die, you

A rough man with a gun rushed up, spitting at the dead man, then quickly took off the ring on his finger, but did not wear it, turned to run.

But how can these people who rush up the mountain let him go?

"Elder martial brother Chen! Keep the ring

A man flew over with a sword and killed the rough man directly.

"Do you want to die?"

The rough man was furious and pulled out his pistol to pull the trigger.

Bang Bang Bang Bang...

bullet flying shuttle.

But the man was extremely flexible, constantly dodging and rolling, looking for a boulder shelter.The bullets went down, but they didn't get any hair on him.

"Damn it, I won't kill you!" The rugged man was so angry that he quickly took out the spare magazine.

But who will give him a chance? Kill him with a sword at once.

The rough man saw that, knowing that the guns and ammunition couldn't deal with these people, he yelled, pulled out the big knife hanging from his waist and cut it down.

Dang! Dang! Dang! The percussion sound of utensils sounded.

The fighting on the mountain peak is very lively.

It was just that the rough man could not beat four hands with two fists. After people climbed to the peak, more and more sharp blades were chopped at the man's head.

After a while, the rugged man was separated and killed on the spot.

The rest of the crowd beat the gods.

The mountain is full of blood and corpses, especially tragic.

Zheng Dan heart startled meat jump, pretty face pale to the extreme.

But she soon came back to her mind, and she was busy saying, "elder martial brother! Come on! Go! That's the commandment! Go grab the ring

"Divine commandment?"

Lin Yang looked at him silently for a while and said with no expression: "do you really believe that is the divine precept?"

"Hard... Is there any fake?"

Zheng Dan side head careful way.

"Have you ever seen the ring of God?"


"who has seen it?"

"I'm afraid not many people have met..."

"that's it!"

"Elder martial brother, do you mean that the divine precept... Is false?" Zheng Dan seems to understand Lin Yang's concerns, and then carefully said.

"I don't know! But this possibility is not ruled out. "

Lin Yang said quietly.

"This..." Zheng Dan's eyes shook, looking at the fight on the peak, and then carefully said: "that... Elder martial brother, are we so indifferent? If that's true... Isn't it going to be taken away? "

"No hurry!"

Lin Yang said calmly, "if it's true, don't we also guard here? Wait a minute

"For what?"

"Wait for the news from others!"


Zheng Dan was completely confused.

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