She knows that Lin Yang is the only one left in Qinghe hall.

The former Jiang snake had already left. Although she had entered the Eastern Emperor's Congress, her head would never have participated in the struggle for the divine ring. She must have saved her life.

Since it's Jiang she, who else is it?

Is it hard to say that this man has any other friends from outside?

Zheng Dan eye dew fear, alert up.

Lin Yang stood where he was, looking at the mountain.

The fighting on the peak was particularly fierce. In this short period of more than ten minutes, dozens of people were killed on the spot.

People from all walks of life have come to join the war.

It's all from all walks of life.

With their participation, the previous personal fighting became a scuffle between Tangkou and Tangkou.

The scene became more intense.

The peak head of that peak was dyed red with blood. It was very beautiful.

But at this time, Lin Yang suddenly saw something and said in a low voice, "go ahead, follow your route and find Shenjie!"

Still thinking about how to escape, Zheng Dan shivered and looked at Lin Yang in disbelief.

"Elder martial brother Lin, what do you mean? Is this ring... Fake? "

"Eight nine is ten." Lin Yang road.

"How? Elder martial brother, you have never seen the divine ring, and even more, you have not touched the ring. How can you say that it is fake Zheng Dan was not reconciled.

How she expected Lin Yang to rush up and grab the ring.

Then she'll have a chance to escape.

"Look around!"

Lin Yang did not go to explain, only said so.

Zheng Dan was full of fog and looked around.

However, the number of people who came to support in all directions was obviously reduced.

Not only that... But some people are starting to leave here!

Even those who fight for the ring on the mountain suddenly seem to know something. They all start to retreat and stop fighting.

What a strange sight!

Don't these guys want the ring?

"What's going on?"

Zheng Dan murmured.

"The reason is very simple! They all realize that the commandment is false Lin Yang road.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because in other places, there may be such a ring, and people in other places are also fighting for the ring, but this kind of thing must not last long. As soon as people in the two places communicate with each other, they will immediately understand that this is just a trap, and naturally they will not fight for this fake ring again." Lin Yang road.

"So it is..."

ZHENG Dan nodded silently, but he was also frightened.

"Who put this fake ring here?"

"Who is the organizer of the assembly?"

"It's the result of the discussion of all the elders! And the elder in the ether is the Lord. "

"It's not hard to guess. Maybe someone did it deliberately, or maybe it was done by the supreme elder." Lin Yang said calmly: "if someone deliberately does it, just investigate which hall has not competed for the false divine precepts."! After all, they knew that the ring was fake, and they would not waste time and energy to snatch it

Zheng Dan nodded silently.

"But it must be said that the man who placed the ring was really vicious! I don't know how many people died under this fake ring. "

Lin Yang light road.

After confirming that it was a fake ring, Zheng Dan and Lin Yang went back to the place where Zheng Dan said the real ring was located.

"Since you have got the drawing, isn't there anything about the appearance of the ring? Not a picture? " Lin Yang asked.

"No... no..." Zheng Dan was flustered and said in a low voice: "it's just a common map..."

"where did you know about this drawing?" Lin Yang asked again.

"This... It's... it's my father. I learned from him." Zheng Dan squeezed out a smile.

"Is it?"

Lin Yang has some doubts.

However, at this time, Lin Yang suddenly stopped.

"Wait a minute!" He drank in a low voice.

Zheng Dan was stunned and turned his head.

Just found that Lin Yang is a serious face.

He gazed around him as if his eyes were peeping at something.

After a moment, he opened his mouth.

"Now that you are here, don't hide and tuck in. Come out!"


Zheng Dan was shocked. He was busy looking around.

I saw many figures coming out from all directions.

All of them were dressed in black, with swords in their hands.

Their swords are not only cold and cold, but also stained with blood."Ah?"

Zheng Dan was shocked.

Only then did she find that she fell into the encirclement of others...

"in this world, there is always a kind of self righteous fool. It's ridiculous that he plays some tricks in order to show his power when no one is looking for him

First a masked man came forward and looked at Lin Yang and Zheng Dan lightly.

"What do you mean by that? You... Who are you Zheng danchan asked.

"Can't you see that? They are just a group of bandits who rob their homes. " Lin Yang road.


Zheng Dan Leng next, suddenly seems to understand what.

"I have heard from the people of the ancient Lingtang that there are many special halls dedicated to plunder in the Eastern Emperor's assembly. They know that it is difficult for them to obtain the emperor's divine precept, so they intend to kill people and accumulate wealth! If the emperor's precepts are obtained by their enemies or those they don't like, they will leave Donghuang religion with enough wealth, or set up their own homes, or join other sects... I always thought that this was just a matter of concern, but now it seems to be true! " Zheng Dan said in a deep voice.

"Well, what? Originally, our brothers looked at you two. They were too poor to fight you, but this idiot wanted to expose us. We had no choice but to come out and send you on the road! "

The man said helplessly on his face. With his voice down, he would lift the knife and greet Lin Yang's head.

But at this moment, an angry shout resounded.

"Stop it!"

After the sound fell, a large number of people in white rushed to this place and quickly surrounded all the people present.

Lin Yang was stunned.

The people in black were shocked to see these visitors.

"Order team"

Zheng Dan cried out.

"What? Order team? Is there really such a team in Donghuang religion Lin Yang couldn't help losing his voice.

However, she saw a woman with a hot figure and a veil on her face. She quickly stepped forward, glanced at the people at the scene, and looked at Lin Yang and Zheng Dan. She was concerned and said, "are you OK, two younger martial brothers and sisters?"

"Elder martial sister long? We're OK

Zheng Dan Leng Leng Leng, busy is to say.

"If it's OK!"

The man who called elder martial sister long nodded and then directed at those black clothes: "which hall are you from? Do you hear me , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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