The person who manipulated this matter behind the scenes will not be let off.

"You Che, help me check if there is any black material about Tang Tianlang and the family behind him. Since he is so idle, find him something to do."

"Okay, wait for me, Master." Within two minutes after You Che finished speaking, another piece of information appeared in Nan Jingyou's mobile phone.

He first looked at the information of the Tang family, and the result made Nan Jingyou drop his three views. It turned out that everyone was right. The rich family was indeed too chaotic.

Any information in his hand that was exposed was a shocking melon.

Not only was there a lot of melons, but the Tang family also had some dirty things on their hands. Nan Jingyou kept all these things well, and they might be of great use in the future.

He looked at Tang Tianlang's information again. He was shocked. This guy really treated the school as his harem.

It turned out that he was the one who played with other people's feelings and forced people to have abortions, and there was more than one victim.

The most serious case was a death, but it was finally settled by the Tang family with money.

Not only that, Tang Tianlang also drove drunk and hit and ran, resulting in the victim being paralyzed for life.

Later, the Tang family also came forward to settle it, and sent him abroad to avoid the limelight for two years, and he returned to China at the end of last year.

Looking at these materials, Nan Jingyou was very angry. Tang Tianlang was simply not worthy of being a human being.

This time he must teach this man a hard lesson.

Time passed by minute by minute, and Nan Jingyou kept paying attention to the news on the Internet.

During this period, Nan Jinghe called him to ask about the situation, and he was comforted by him.

An hour later.

The woman who spread the rumor about him not only did not clarify and apologize, but also posted a pregnancy test form and an abortion form on her Weibo, as well as several screenshots of chat records that forced her to have an abortion.

And the man's avatar in the screenshot was a selfie of Nan Jingyou.

Not only that, she also @ed Nan Jingyou to increase the popularity of her Weibo post.

Nan Jingyou looked at the selfie and fell into deep thought. He had some impression of this photo. It seemed that he was forced to take it by his roommate after losing a bet in his junior year, and he also posted it on WeChat Moments at that time.

But later he felt a little disgusted and deleted the photo and WeChat Moments together. It seems that Tang Tianlang really put some effort into messing with him.

I guess there is no other way, so he can only use his selfie to forge a chat record between him and the woman.

As soon as the woman posted the Weibo, a large group of people who eat melons immediately went to watch the fun, and they all expressed their sympathy for the young lady, and then turned to scold Nan Jingyou even more fiercely.

Nan Jingyou ignored them and seemed to be watching the excitement in other people's homes.

There were still 20 minutes left before the two hours were up. He seemed to be teasing netizens on purpose, and he would count down on W blog every five minutes.

"Countdown 15 minutes..."

"Countdown 10 minutes..."

Every time Nan Jingyou posted, netizens would scold him, but some people also saw the trick.

"Boss, you are so confident. I bet 10 cents that there will be a surprise after the countdown."

"I bet 1 dollar."

"I bet 100."

"I bet 200."


In this way, under Nan Jingyou's alternative operation, the style of these netizens began to become silly, directly turning his comment area into a large online casino.

"Countdown 5 minutes..."

"Countdown is over, rumor mongers please accept trial, and those haters who insulted and cursed my family, lawyers' letters are waiting for you!!!"

Less than a minute after this blog was posted, before anyone could react, Nan Jingyou updated several more messages.

These messages include videos, audios, and pictures.

There are videos of a woman going to a hotel with different men, and a video of a man accompanying her to get an abortion.

The recording of a phone call in which a mysterious person bribed her to spread rumors about Nan Jingyou, and screenshots of her chats showing off the money she got after spreading rumors.

There is also a screenshot of a bank flow, showing that she received a deposit of 500,000 last night.

And Long Jin and Long Xing also forwarded these contents as soon as possible.

After reading these evidences, netizens were angry.

However, this time the anger turned to the woman who spread the rumors. They scolded the woman and then went to the comment section of Nan Jingyou and the two companies to apologize.

But Nan Jingyou couldn't care about these people now. It was not enough to post the evidence. He seemed to want to piss off the person who was manipulating all this behind the scenes. Or maybe he wanted to take the opportunity to make an official announcement.

He then posted another Weibo post.

"For those who want to mess with me behind my back, I'll kindly give you a tip. I like men, not women. Next time before you make a move, remember to find the right gender. By the way, let me introduce this to you all. This is my boyfriend."

Attached below is a selfie of him leaning on You Che's shoulder.

The two of them were in an intimate posture, and You Che's eyes were full of doting smiles.

As soon as this Weibo post was posted, the comment section was full of "Ahhh" and "Fuck" from netizens.

"Ahhh, the couple I'm rooting for is real."

"Ahhh, why is it so difficult to find a handsome boyfriend? It turns out that handsome guys are with handsome guys."

"Fuck, he's so brave. How dare he come out to the whole network."

"How could such a family allow him to like someone of the same sex? Most likely it's just for fun."


Everyone has mixed opinions on this matter, but none of them prevent them from admiring Nan Jingyou.

He was the first person on the Internet who dared to come out publicly. Just for this courage, he gained a lot of goodwill from people.

Now his W blog has a lot more CP fans and passers-by fans. Just looking at the number of fans, it is almost comparable to some first-line stars.

After doing all this, he called Bai Yin and asked the company's legal department to sue the woman who spread rumors about him, the marketing account, and the account that maliciously insulted him and his family. This time he was determined to pursue it to the end.

The Internet is not a place outside the law. The atmosphere on the Internet in recent years has been too bad. He has to teach these people a good lesson.

Spreading rumors is not zero cost. There is also a price to pay for wantonly insulting and insulting others. He has no intention of being an Internet judge. He is only a rights defender.

After all the things were settled, he leaned on the sofa and breathed a sigh of relief.

You Che gently massaged his temples. After a short while, Nan Jingyou felt that his mind suddenly became clear and his whole body was full of strength.

"You Che, your massage technique is amazing. I feel much more relaxed."

"You are really my big baby."

He only thought that it was the massage that worked, and had no idea that it was You Che's hidden ability that really worked.

However, You Che would not tell him these. He kissed Nan Jingyou on the forehead, "Master, if you like, I will massage you every day in the future."


In another hotel a few kilometers away from the two, the atmosphere in the room was just the opposite of the warmth of Nan Jingyou and the two.

At this moment, a man was throwing a cup in a rage.

"They are all idiots. They can't even do this." Evidence was found so easily.

Tang Tianlang was full of anger and had nowhere to vent. He could only relieve it by smashing things.

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