The two bodyguards knelt in front of him, and the cup residue splashed on their faces, leaving blood marks, but they dared not say a word. Because they knew how cruel the person in front of them was, silence was the best choice. "Okay, get out." He waved his hand to drive the bodyguards out, and he was the only one left in the room. After venting, he calmed down. At this moment, he had to admit that Nan Jingyou's back was not as simple as he imagined. Even his Tang family might not be able to collect evidence in such a short time. It seems that if he wants to deal with Nan Jingyou, he still has to go back to Hai City for a long-term plan. There are too few people he can use in Jing City and too many restrictions. An hour had passed since Nan Jingyou posted a blog to clarify. Longjin's PR and legal departments were very helpful and quickly sent a lawyer's letter to the woman who spread rumors about him, the marketing account, and the haters.

This is of course not just a warning. They will receive a court summons soon, and none of them will be able to escape the price they have to pay.

Originally, those haters were still lucky, thinking that Nan Jingyou's previous warning was just a joke. After all, they have always been so unscrupulous on the Internet, and no one has ever really sued them.

When they really received the lawyer's letter, these people were completely panicked.

So one by one, they quickly deleted their comments and sent private messages to Nan Jingyou to apologize.

But Nan Jingyou ignored them all.

It's really funny. What did they do earlier? They only felt pain when the stone really hit their feet, but they deserved it.

In a simple rental house in Jing City.

"The number you dialed is not in service. Please check before dialing."

"No service, how could it be a no service? What should I do..." A woman was walking around the room with her mobile phone, her face full of anxiety and panic.

What should she do? She didn't want to go to jail, nor did she want to lose everything!

This woman was the one who framed Nan Jingyou online. When she saw the lawyer's letter sent to her by Long Jin, she was completely panicked.

She wanted to contact the person who had spread rumors about her before, but now she couldn't contact him at all.

She was really desperate, so she started to contact her boyfriend. After all, he got some benefits from this matter, and he couldn't just stand by and watch her die.

Beep, beep, the call was connected.

"Hey, honey, what should I do? I'm going to be sued now. Please give me back the money I gave you. I'll go apologize to Nan Jingyou and give him the money to ask him to withdraw the lawsuit..."

Before the woman finished her words, the man on the other end of the phone sneered, "What does your lawsuit have to do with me? You gave me that money voluntarily. You want me to spit it out? No way!"

"Don't come to me again in the future. If it weren't for your good looks, do you think I would be willing to be with a dirty bitch like you? Bah, unlucky thing."

The phone was hung up, and the woman still had an unbelievable expression. After a few seconds, she screamed hysterically for a few times, and finally fell heavily to the ground, repeating: "It's over, it's over."

This rumor storm not only made Nan Jingyou gain a large number of fans, but also raised the stock prices of Longjin and Longxing.

But Nan Jingyou didn't want to be in the spotlight. He asked You Che to remove this hot search after only three hours, and instead put the company's press conference last night on the hot search.

He also sighed that You Che's hacker ability to manipulate the network at will can save him a lot of money on buying hot searches.

At the same time, the cash winners last night also received a cash reward of 100,000 yuan. They posted screenshots of the receipt in the comment section of the company's official blog, which aroused the envy and jealousy of many netizens.

After the matter was resolved, Nan Jingyou temporarily put it aside. As for Tang Tianlang, he decided to treat him in his own way.

But he will not take action for the time being. He will wait for two days until the heat of the company's new product launch conference has cooled down before taking action. He does not want to affect the company because of personal matters.

At the same time, it also allows Tang Tianlang to relax his vigilance, and then give him a heavy blow and catch him off guard.

Thinking of this, Nan Jingyou showed a playful smile.

At this time, a mobile phone rang again in the room. He picked it up and found that it was an unfamiliar number.

But he answered without any hesitation, "Hello, hello, who is this?"

A respectful male voice came from the other side, and it was slightly flattering.

"Hello, Chairman Nan. I am Zhang Tao, the vice president of Dingsheng Entertainment. I would like to ask when you are free to come to the company. The executive president left with the previous major shareholder. Now

The company is leaderless, and everyone is looking forward to you taking charge. "

Zhang Tao on the opposite side had a nervous and excited look on his face. Now, apart from the chairman and the remaining directors, he is the highest position in the company.

As long as he pleases the new chairman, the position of executive president will fall into his hands.

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became. At this moment, he wished that the chairman would come to the company immediately.

Nan Jingyou on the opposite side was not so happy, but after so many experiences in the system, he was no longer ignorant as before.

But how to arrange such a large company, he decided to go to the company first and then make plans.

So he replied: "Okay, I will go to the company this afternoon, about two o'clock, and I will talk to you when I get to the company if you have any questions."

The other side immediately agreed, "Okay, okay, then we will see the chairman in the afternoon. �

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Tao immediately asked his assistant to tell all the company's leadership and artists to go to the first floor to welcome the new chairman before 2pm.

No one doesn't like the feeling of being flattered. He is sure that the new chairman will be satisfied with his arrangement.

Maybe if the chairman is happy, the position of executive president will be his.

After hearing this request, the assistant didn't ask any more questions and just gave the original order. As expected, everyone felt a little sympathetic.

Especially those artists, the changes in the company's top management made them uneasy, and they were all worried about the allocation of resources in the future.

Some artists with relatively big names and whose contracts are about to expire are also waiting and considering whether to renew them.

Although Dingsheng is famous and has many resources, there are also many unspoken rules.

In a lounge of Dingsheng Entertainment.

"Yaoyao, do you really plan to leave when your contract expires? The contract the company gave you this time is actually very good. Do you really want to consider it again? "The agent advised her earnestly.

She signed this artist herself and brought her up. Now, five years later, she has become a second-tier artist.

I had already secured a better contract for her, but she didn't expect that she would not renew the contract.

Jiang Shuyao looked at her agent apologetically, but she couldn't help but express her concerns.

"Sister Qing, Dingsheng is now half owned by Zhang Tao. He has begun to threaten me and wants to take advantage of me. I don't want to give in, so I can only choose to leave."

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