The bottle was filled with a pale blue liquid. Nan Jingyou took it curiously and observed it carefully for a long time. He opened the lid and sprayed it in the air. The smell was exactly the same as that on You Che. Nan Jingyou was overjoyed, but what made him more curious was You Che's magic-like operation just now. "You Che, how did you make the perfume just now? Aren't you a robot? Do you have many incredible abilities like the system?" You Che didn't keep the secret and said directly: "Master, there is a thing called space in the interstellar world, which is similar to the mustard space in the world of cultivation. What I just took out was from it." After You Che explained, Nan Jingyou was very surprised. But he was so surprised that he didn't see the gleam in You Che's eyes.

Because his things were not taken out from the so-called space.

In order to divert Nan Jingyou's attention, You Che took the initiative to ask: "Master, if you run out of perfume, remember to tell me and I will get it for you. I have extra."

Nan Jingyou didn't ask the previous question again. He nodded and put the perfume on the coffee table, ready to put it away when he went upstairs later.

At this time, Nan Jingyou's mobile phone vibrated. He picked it up and saw that it was a message from Xu Jiayan.

He glanced at it and remembered the key information in it.

"You Che, do you know the Galaxy Track in Hai City?" Nan Jingyou asked after putting down his mobile phone.

He knew that You Che had superpowers to check information, so he was too lazy to check it online himself.

You Che just thought about it and said, "Master, the Galaxy track is a private track that provides a venue for some small and medium-sized racing competitions."

"It is quite popular with some racing clubs. It not only hosts competitions, but also provides daily training venues for some clubs."

Nan Jingyou listened very attentively.

You Che continued, "This track was built at a huge cost by a private owner who loves racing. It is located near a scenic lake on the outskirts of Hai City."

"The scenery nearby is beautiful, the track is unobstructed, and the most important thing is that this track has several sharp deceleration curves, which are a great test for the braking of the car and the control of the driver."

He looked at Nan Jingyou with a serious tone, "Master, those who fail on this track are either disabled or dead, so do you really want to participate in the competition?"

Nan Jingyou shook his body unconsciously, and had some thoughts of retreating in his heart.

But thinking of Xiaobai's words, he regained some confidence.

Xiaobai would definitely not let him fall into such a dangerous situation.

"You Che, I'd better join. I can't back down just because of a little difficulty. I don't want Xiao Bai to look down on me."

Seeing Nan Jingyou's confidence, You Che stopped trying to persuade him.

After the two finished talking, Nan Jingyou called Xiao Bai.

"Xiao Bai, you said there is a way for me to learn how to drive a racing car. Are you going to teach me sports car knowledge like last time?"

"But in that case, I only learned theoretical knowledge and don't have any operational experience."

Xiao Bai: "Host, don't worry. This mission is a bit difficult. I will not only teach you theoretical knowledge, but also give you 10 years of senior professional racing driver experience. I guarantee that you will shine on the racing field."

Nan Jingyou was shocked. "There is such a good thing. System, you really win my heart."

Xiao Bai said proudly: "Of course, my ambition is to become the most considerate system of the headquarters."

"Come on, Xiao Bai, you are the best." Nan Jingyou encouraged it.

Considerate is good!

The more considerate Xiao Bai is, the happier he is.

"Okay, host, get ready for the infusion. Don't blame me for not reminding you this time. It will be painful."

Nan Jingyou couldn't help but shudder.

The pain from last time was still vivid in his mind. He wanted to cry when he thought of having to suffer such a disaster again.

He closed his eyes tightly, looking calm and ready to die.

"Xiaobai, come on."

Because he was so nervous that he didn't notice that a bony hand was gently placed behind him.

Xiaobai: "Host, 1, 2, 3, start!"

Nan Jingyou frowned tightly, and many knowledge points and scenes of racing cars flashed through his mind.

Nan Jingyou was immersed in the scene, as if he was the racer himself.

Because he was too focused, he didn't notice that the pain he imagined didn't come.

After about

It took more than a minute for Nan Jingyou to receive all the information and open his eyes.

You Che's hand also dropped from Nan Jingyou's back at this time.

As soon as he opened his eyes, Nan Jingyou's eyes changed. At this moment, he was like a player who was concentrating on the game, with sharp eyes.

This situation changed when he saw You Che beside him.

"Hey, why doesn't it hurt at all this time?"

"Xiaobai, did you remember it wrong? It didn't hurt at all this time."

Although Nan Jingyou was surprised, he was more happy.

Xiaobai was also confused: "How could it be possible? It would hurt. I won't make a mistake."

Xiaobai was confused. Could it be that there was a bug somewhere?

Oh my God, don't do that. A bug in the program will kill it.

His current body is made up of a bunch of programs, and a little problem may cost him his life.

Woo woo woo, Xiaobai was worried.

Someone didn't know that his little trick scared Xiaobai half to death.

But even if he knew, he wouldn't feel guilty at all.

"Alas, Xiaobai, it seems that you are not reliable sometimes." Nan Jingyou said gloatingly.

Xiaobai was so anxious that his eyes were filled with tears and he almost cried.

"Host, I have to go back to the headquarters. I have to find a technician to check the bug for me, otherwise I am afraid that I will not live to see the day when you become a super rich man, wuwuwu..."

Nan Jingyou was shocked. It was so serious?

This is not okay. If Xiaobai is gone, what will he do?

"Xiaobai, then you go quickly, but don't let anything go wrong." He was about to drive Xiaobai away without saying a word.

Xiaobai was not polite either. He said hello and then there was no sound.

After Xiaobai left, Nan Jingyou leaned on the sofa and sighed, "Xiaobai, please don't get into trouble, otherwise my happy life will be over."

You Che, who was always calm, finally couldn't help laughing, "It's okay, don't worry, even if it's gone, I won't leave you."

Nan Jingyou glanced at You Che, not knowing whether he was comforted by his words, but he felt much more at ease.

Although You Che couldn't give him a lot of money, there was probably no such a good housekeeper and friend in the world.

He thought, if You Che was willing to accompany him for the rest of his life, he would be willing to do so.

China was not friendly to people with his sexual orientation, and it was probably harder than climbing to the sky to find a lover who suited his heart and was blessed by family and friends.

So when he learned about his sexual orientation, he was ready to die alone.

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