Since You Che is willing to accompany him all the time, and You Che's identity is destined to prevent him from getting married and having children like normal people.

It seems that it is not bad for the two of them to accompany each other as friends until old age.

If there is no love, then friendship will make up for it.

But the reality will not be the same as imagined. One day in the future, Nan Jingyou will definitely sneer at the current idea.

What friend? That's a big tail wolf.

Xiaobai left for a whole day. Nan Jingyou was worried all day. Finally, in the evening, Xiaobai came back.

Nan Jingyou breathed a sigh of relief, "Xiaobai, you are finally back. How is it? Is there any problem?"

Xiaobai sighed, "The technician didn't find any problem, and he couldn't tell me why."

"But he said the problem shouldn't be big, it's not a program problem, let me do the task with peace of mind."

Nan Jingyou frowned slightly, but he couldn't help much, so he could only let it go.

After this episode, Nan Jingyou practiced racing for the next three days.

He used the Palencos Shark Shadow, and of course he was going to use this car for the competition.

Although there is still a gap with the modified professional racing car, it can handle this kind of ordinary competition.

Besides, the performance of the Shark Shadow is already very superior, plus the 10 years of racing experience that Xiaobai has instilled in him, he is still very confident that he can enter the top three.

Soon it was three days later.

Since it takes more than an hour to drive from the villa to the Galaxy Track, Nan Jingyou and You Che set out from the villa early and arrived at the Galaxy Track at about 8:30.

Since he didn't know the situation here, Nan Jingyou called Xu Jiayan as soon as he arrived at the track entrance.

After receiving the call, Xu Jiayan immediately came out to pick him up.

When he drove out and saw the shark shadow at the door, his head buzzed.

His friend, Yan Hao, had an even more exaggerated expression.

"Wow, wow, wow, this is a shark shadow, Jiayan, this is a shark shadow, right?"

Yan Hao walked around Nan Jingyou's sports car like a lunatic, wanting to touch it but not daring to, and his appearance was as funny as it could be.

When Nan Jingyou and You Che opened the door and got out of the car, Xu Jiayan came back to his senses.

"Nan, Nan Shao, is this shark shadow your car?"

Nan Jingyou nodded calmly, "Yes, it's mine, I just picked it up a few days ago."

Xu Jiayan looked at Nan Jingyou with a complicated look, and at the same time, he was more awed than before.

He likes racing, so he knows a lot about cars. There are only eight shark shadows in the world.

But in China, as far as he knows, only the son of the richest man in China has one, and that man is the only son of the richest man.

If it is true as he guessed before, that Nan Jingyou is the illegitimate son of a certain big boss, then his position in the big boss's heart is probably not much different from that of the son of the richest man in the heart of the richest man.

With this conclusion, he thinks that he should be more cautious in dealing with Nan Jingyou.

Although he is not interested in the family business, he does not want to offend such a person and bring trouble to the family.

So it is better to make friends as much as possible.

After thinking through all the tricks, Xu Jiayan raised a sincere smile.

He teased: "Mr. Nan, you are going to feast the eyes of everyone present today. I don't know how many people will scream when your car is on the stage later."

Nan Jingyou smiled and said, "It can make everyone happy, and it is not considered to bury this car."

Yan Hao calmed down while the two were talking, and his eyes were starry when he looked at Nan Jingyou.

Unlike Xu Jiayan, who considered so much, Yan Hao simply liked sports cars, especially limited edition supercars like the Shark Shadow.

He persuaded his family to buy him a sports car worth more than 7 million yuan. When he saw this world-class supercar worth nearly 100 million yuan, he didn't even want to blink.

He asked carefully and tentatively: "Mr. Nan, can you let me touch your car? I really like it. I have collected a lot of magazine covers of this car. I dream of seeing the style of this car with my own eyes."

Nan Jingyou said generously: "You can touch it casually, and if you want to go in and sit in it, you can."

Even Xu Jiayan was not calm now. He immediately said: "Mr. Nan, can I go in and sit in it?"

Yan Hao immediately became anxious, "Hey, I mentioned it first, don't rush me."

Xu Jiayan rolled his eyes at him and ignored him at all.

Nan Jingyou smiled softly: "Of course you can, you can do whatever you want, just don't scratch it, otherwise it will be...

It has to be sent to the headquarters of Country M for repair. " Speaking of this, Nan Jingyou thought of his Flying Eagle and felt a little unhappy.

Again? Xu Jiayan was a little confused.

"Mr. Nan, have you repaired this car before?"

Yan Hao also looked over. If such a good car was his, he would be so sad if it broke down.

Nan Jingyou shook his head, "No, it's another car. It was scratched by a woman before and was sent to the headquarters for repair."

Yan Hao breathed a sigh of relief. It's good that it's not this one.

Although it's not his car, anyone would feel sad if something they have loved for so long was damaged.

Xu Jiayan thought about it as always. He asked carefully: "Mr. Nan, is it convenient to ask what your other car is?"

Intuition told him that Nan Jingyou's other car was not simple.

Sure enough, the next words confirmed his guess.

"It's Palencos Flying Eagle."

"Flying Eagle? "Xu Jiayan and Yan Hao said in unison.

Nan Jingyou nodded, and the two of them were like petrified, standing still for a long time without moving.

After a while, the two came back to their senses, but this time Xu Jiayan looked at Nan Jingyou with awe and fear.

Yes, it was fear!

Fear of Nan Jingyou's identity.

Because as far as he knew, the Flying Eagle car was limited to six units worldwide, but the owners of the cars were basically foreign bosses.

The CEO of Palencos said that this car was only available in M ​​country , D and E are limited in quantity, and Chinese people can't buy them at all.

Where did Nan Jingyou buy it from?

Could it be that the power behind him has made the CEO of Palencos take back his previous words and agree to sell it to the Chinese?

Nan Jingyou's identity is now shrouded in a fog, which makes people who can't pry into his identity even more confused.

Seeing Xu Jiayan staring at him without saying anything, Nan Jingyou couldn't help but remind him: "Jiayan, what's wrong with you? Why are you staring at me?"

Xu Jiayan immediately woke up and coughed awkwardly: "Sorry, Mr. Nan, I may have been too surprised just now and couldn't recover for a while."

"Okay, by the way, the race is about to start. If you want to test drive, do it quickly, otherwise it will be too late." Nan Jingyou glanced at his watch and reminded him.

Hearing this, Yan Hao took the lead, "Let me go in and try first."

Nan Jingyou saw that Xu Jiayan didn't object, so he gave the key to Yan Hao directly.

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