Su Hu is not as elegant as he was when Li Zhixuan was the crown prince last time. Now Su Hu's narrow eyes are like venomous snakes. He takes a look at Su Quanzhong. Su Quanzhong is so scared that he doesn't dare to speak any more.

Listen to Su Hu cold voice to Su Quanzhong said: "yellow mouth child actually said big words, smell the three dynasties old master, smell the great master, do you know? Wen Taishi is not only a scholar of martial arts, but also an apprentice of intercepting teachings. He went to the mountain to study arts for many years, and after going down the mountain to assist the big business for many years. Which line can I do as long as Wen Taishi comes out? Which rebellion will win? Oh, this time it's a little impulsive for my father. I thought that when Chaoge was carrying out the new deal, there would be a lot of princes and princes who would rebel together. But I never thought that there were only three armies. The advantage is that we can be in Jizhou, and we can't beat us even if we hear that the grand master will be here for a while. But we should be careful, or we will be doomed if we don't be careful! "

Su Quanzhong was suddenly reflected by Su Hu's saying. After all, it was the young people who thought too little. Although they had the ability, considering the consequences, they suddenly broke out in cold sweat.

He said to Su Hu nervously: "father, what should we do now?"

After all, Su Hu was ambitious and powerful. He said to Su Quanzhong, "wait and see what happens."

Although Su Hu was not sure that he would win Wen Taishi, he knew one thing. No matter how it was, this battle must be fought.

So they called on the three armed forces to gather.

Su Hu said, "all the generals listen to the orders and train their troops. The walls are mostly made of rolling wood and stone to prevent attack."

Su Quanzhong was glad to see this. Although he had just been reprimanded by Su Hu, he knew that his father wanted to fight a war, and it was time for him to show his fists.

Then Su Hu said, "father, do you remember someone? He used to be a stranger, but now in Jizhou, how about calling him here this time? "

Before Su Quanzhong finished, Su Hu said, "well, it's time to apply it to him. Let him bring 3000 crow troops."

What they said is Zheng Lun.

This man is also a real man of virtue. He was worshipped by the Dharma Duhe in his early years. He can be said to be Li Jing's brother.

Zheng Lun's greatest skill is that he can emit two white lights from his nose and absorb people's soul.

Now Zheng Lun is a grain detaining officer in Jizhou. He usually has nothing to do with it.

However, Zheng Lun is proficient in the art of war, has a good martial arts, and has an immortal stick body.

So Su Hu was extremely afraid of him, but now it's time for war, and he can't be used.


In Jizhou, Zheng Lun is depressed. He thinks that with his ability, we have to be a marshal in the city, right?

However, it never occurred to me that I was only responsible for the idle duty of the grain officer. Although the grain was also important, it was impossible to make contributions.

Zheng Lun is not a man who is content with the status quo. Like Su Hu, he is ambitious.

Being an ordinary grain officer would not make Zheng Lun feel better.

At this time, he was drinking in the mansion.

At this time, suddenly the hand came down to report.


Zheng Lun, who was in a daze, was in a bad mood when he glared at him. What a bad job this grain officer was!

"Excuse me, Ben will drink? "Indeed, we should die, drag them out and throw them into the pit of the dead."

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