The herald quickly begged for mercy: "general, spare your life! General, spare your life! It's not the villain who wants to disturb the general, but the prince who has something to call for! "

After that, Zheng Lun was stunned.

"Slow down! What did you say? "

The herald, who was dragged out half of the way, survived.

Zheng Lun waved his hand.

"Let him come back. What's going on?"

There was something urgent in his voice.

The Herald said quickly, "it's the prince who has something to ask the general to pass!"

"But someone called?"

One side of the family will quickly say: "the general predicted! I heard that Taishi led 100000 troops to attack Jizhou! It's reported that it's almost there! "

Hearing this, Zheng Lun suddenly showed a smile on his face.

He pointed to the herald and said, "good! Good! Five stones of grain for you

The herald breathed a sigh of relief. This time, he was not only not punished, but also rewarded.

Zheng Lun changed his clothes and rushed to the meeting hall.

As soon as he arrived inside, Su Hu asked, "does the general have a good plan?"

Zheng Lun is not a fool. Seeing Su Hu asking, he already knows that Su Hu knows what happened in his mansion.

"I heard that the king had turned against the Shang Dynasty. This time, Wen Zhong, the grand master, came to fight against the Shang Dynasty. At last, he was worried about Jizhou and could not sleep."

Zheng Lun didn't say to ask for a fight. No matter how he said it, he could be regarded as a person of virtue. It's not good for him to catch up with his son.

Seeing what Zheng Lun said, Su Hu's eyes turned to worry and sighed.

"It's a blessing for Su Hu that the general has such a heart, but..."

Speaking of this, Su Hu's face is bitter and his eyes are full of tears.

"King Zhou was fatuous. He believed the words of Fei Zhongyou Hun and other slandered officials, cut off the power of the princes, and appointed the Dalits to be the leader of the state. His country was in danger. He was distressed by the great harm of the state, and could not bear the loss of the state. He wrote a poem" Jizhou Suhu, never Chaoshang "to return to the court song in a rage. Now King Zhou is angry, and ordered the grand master to hear that Zhongshuai's army was fighting against Jizhou, and he thought that the grand master was so powerful that he had all the skills, Jizhou is not an opponent. I know I am not an opponent of Mr. Zhong. I think if the city is broken, my wife and daughter will be humiliated. I don't want to kill my wife and daughter first, and then kill myself in the city, so as not to lose my loyalty! The general is the minister in the heart of the marquis. He can't bear to be implicated... There's some money and food... The general can take it... Run for his life! Hoo Hoo

Speaking of the end, Su Hu burst into tears.

Su Quanzhong secretly admires him. He's so powerful! I can cry in front of Zheng Lun now. I have to make Zhu Jianji remember it... And then I can do it in the future.

Looking at this arrogant Zheng Lun, he was already angry when he heard Su Hu's words.

"Wow! I'm so angry! It's just the old man. What a prince! I'm afraid he will do anything! What is Wen Zhong? It's just that after a few days of teaching, our general learned a lot from immortal Chang'e, not to mention Wen Zhong. Even King Zhou himself, the dim king, will never come back! Whoa, whoa! Finally, the general is willing to lead his army out to meet the enemy, and he will let the monarch and Marquis sleep in peace and fall down! "

Su Hu lowered his head and pretended to wipe his tears.

"Ah! General Zheng Lun said it was very important, but I didn't mean it. Although the general has the ability, but... "

He looked at Su Quanzhong.

"Son, don't be serious about general Zheng Lun's words. After all, the grand master intercepts and teaches high disciples, and has great skills. If we let the general go to war, we can't say it, we'll let him die... We can't do it! must not! All in all, my son remembers that there is nothing he can bear, so don't talk too much. "

Then he went straight to Su Quanzhong's back.

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