Li Zhi said with a smile: "if you want you to only do this, it's too disappointing for me. Can you increase the strength a little, it's not comfortable enough!"

One time I heard you, the Cyclops would be mad.

He said to his men, "come on! Give me more!! Add it to the second day and see if he can make it

Then he began to adjust, and the temperature doubled.

This time Li Zhi was not so relaxed. He felt that the temperature under his feet was getting higher and higher. The cold wind around made him feel uncomfortable.

However, Li Zhi still gritted his teeth and couldn't listen to the words of persuasion from outside.

The one eyed dragon was so mad that he said to the man who controlled the switch: "add it to the third heaven for me!"

The man who controlled the switch said, "my Lord! The general said that he could not be killed. Sanchongtian might have killed him. After all, last time we threw in a Tyrannosaurus Rex, we were killed! "

But the one eyed Dragon said coldly: "it's OK. Don't worry. I'll be responsible for something. This boy is very powerful. It's OK to increase it for a whole day!"

After the three days of ice and fire increased, Li Zhi's face changed. His upper body felt like an ice cellar, but his lower body was emitting smoke, and his feet even made his body red and hot.

Li Zhi felt that the power of water and fire around him began to grow stronger and stronger. He felt that he could not bear it. But at this moment, two red and white lights appeared in his mind. They were the goddess of water and the goddess of fire.

The goddess of water and the goddess of fire in Li Zhi's body began to absorb the energy of the outside world.

As Li Zhi's energy absorption disappeared, the God of nine elements also lost energy.

Now in the outside world, the energy of the five elements is balanced, and they can wake up by slowly absorbing it.

But the water energy and fire energy in this chamber are too strong. In a moment, the goddess of water and the goddess of fire began to wake up and quickly absorb the surrounding water and fire energy.

The water and fire energy in Li Zhi's body began to absorb. The person who controlled the instrument said in horror that it was no good. Our machine out of control, my Lord. The temperature of the ice and fire poles rose to the fourth day.

The monitoring equipment can no longer see the situation inside. When the one eyed dragon heard the report here, he was surprised.

"What! How could it be! How is that possible? How could it be


Niu Niu sits alone on the meteorite of another star, and she has never been so cowardly in her life, because she always does not believe that the other party is a high-level master. If she is really such a strong master, how can she escape the check of the organization?

Although she has been in the organization for so many years, Niuniu also understands part of the strength of the organization.

Because of Niu Niu's understanding, she believes that no one can escape their monitoring.

Anyway, my task is finished.

Destroy the meteorite sun god armour, and when you are healed, you must kill the little dragon!

She said Bruce Lee, of course.


And in the middle of sand Saturn, ice fire nine heavy days, general Locke gloomy looking at ice fire purgatory console.

The one eyed dragon's face was full of fear below.

At this time, the temperature of ice and fire has reached the seventh day. Locke will say: "useless things, you see what you have done. If the boy is really dead, you can find a way not to affect your family!"

Now the situation in the secret room has disappeared, and the monitoring equipment has been destroyed by the ice and fire energy. However, Locke finds that the ring is not broken, and he knows that the people inside are OK for the time being.

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