Although the one eyed dragon is very dissatisfied with his organization, he has no choice but to nod his head.

The ice and fire purgatory in this region is sandy, a special existence. According to the local residents here, they are ready to settle here. There is a lot of water and fire energy.

After high-tech control of water and fire energy, Locke came here to control the ice and fire purgatory established by water and fire energy with high-tech means.

It was used for the first time a few years after its birth. Unexpectedly, there was an accident. When the energy of ice and fire kept climbing and reached the highest point, the Cyclops were already stupid. They didn't hope any more.

He knows that the Seven Star strong may not be able to withstand the temperature of hundreds of thousands of degrees!

Li Zhi inside is not as miserable as he imagined outside. Instead, the goddess of water and the goddess of fire can't help absorbing energy. Her figure becomes solid, her eyes become flexible, and the surrounding energy is absorbed by Li Zhi. After absorbing a lot of water and fire energy, those water and fire energy put their strength into Li Zhi's body.

Li Zhi's continuous energy cells constantly absorb the energy of water and fire.

Feeling that the energy of his body has recovered, and being baptized by two kinds of lack of energy, Li Zhi's undeveloped cells have also been developed. Combined with the energy of water and fire, Li Zhi finds that his physical energy is constantly improving. Because the world of breaking the army is much higher than the world of God, the physical strength of the original realm of heaven will not be improved in the world of God.

But once again, Li Zhi's physical strength has reached seven stars!

It's more difficult for a seven star physical body to reach seven stars in strength than an ordinary energy level.

Because its own physical power will produce the same rules in the field, but now Li Zhi has arrived at the seven stars, and the cells are full of countless water and fire energy.

His undeveloped cells are infinitely developed from the cell wall to the nucleus, forming a rule.

An hour later, Li Zhi's physical transformation is completed, and the elements of water and fire are completely absorbed by the goddess of water and fire in his body.

At this time, the goddess of water and the goddess of fire have gradually formed a general entity.

It was formed in Li Zhi's body. At this time, Li Zhi seemed to realize something. He suddenly bowed to his eyes.

Two figures appeared in front of him, the goddess of water and the goddess of fire.

The element of water and fire is released into the body with a strange rule.

It's a homage to the two goddesses in front of us.

"I've met two Taoist friends!"

The goddess of water and the goddess of fire laughed: "you are me, I am you. Why are you so polite?"

Yes, Li Zhi has now exhibited three corpses!

Water goddess and fire goddess are the evil corpses of Li Zhi.

After the evil corpse appeared, Li Zhi seemed to return to the world of Fengshen.

In the world of Fengshen, the method of cutting good corpses was used on Li Zhi. On the head of Li Zhi, there was a ten thousand mu Qingyun, on which the goddess of water and fire came.

At the same time, the body is still, as if two statues of gods, bearing the world's kneeling worship to the gods.

Now, although Li Zhi's energy has not been fully restored, for example, the original energy has not been restored, but his physical strength has reached its peak.

Moreover, Li Zhi also found that after energy absorption, each scale of Dawei tianlongkai looks like a sprint of white and red colors, and even has its own purple color. Through communication with tianlongkai, he found that his ability has recovered, and is even stronger than before.

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