Locke and others are stunned, looking at Li Zhi who has destroyed the ice and fire purgatory.

A cold air shuddered from Locke and others. Everyone, including Locke, could not help fighting a cold war. Li Zhi said faintly: "do you remember what I told you? The anger of the emperor. "

When they said the word fire, a syllable vibrated their hearts.

Locke can feel that the present reason is very powerful, just like a mountain

Then Li Zhi moves, and Locke feels that he has already spent money in front of him. Then he has a feeling in his heart that the demon God on the opposite side will not let him go.

When Locke thought of this, he felt two snows burst out. At this time, the pain of concentration came. Locke lowered his head and found that his forearm was directly disconnected from the elbow.

The deep white bone is exposed. Locke tries to bear the pain and looks in the direction of Li Zhi.

Find Li Zhizheng holding his two broken arms and sneer.

Then the huge fire element energy erupted, and Locke's arm turned into smoke.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Locke was desperate. The speed of the other side was too fast. Even if he was a five-star strong man, he couldn't see the other side clearly. The other side's strong strength has proved that the other side is a god like master, but he won't wait to die.

He ordered all his subordinates to assemble, but what Li Zhi saw Locke do didn't stop him at all.

Because he wanted to see the killer of ants gathering together.

Seeing that Li Zhi allowed himself to call up the soldiers, Locke felt very lucky. At the same time, he resented the other party's contempt. In less than two minutes, thousands of soldiers poured in.

The passageway outside is more than ten miles long, and there are more than 5000 people called by Locke. Looking at the ruins surrounded by pulse guns, Li Zhiluo Ke laughs with pride.

"Boy, I know you're good, so what? This space is filled with my soldiers. No matter how fast you are, you're in vain! I'll see if you can resist more than 5000 pulse guns! "

Li Zhi sneered in his heart, more than 5000 pulse guns?

Shoot yourself... How could you stand there?

The intensity of pulse gun Li Zhi has calculated that it should be able to hurt his skin, but the feeling of injury is uncomfortable. Will he be hit as a target?

In a flash, at the moment when the pulse gun opened fire, Li Zhi's speed increased to a top speed. Now his physical strength has reached seven stars.

Locke was frightened to see a head appear in front of him, and then his body slowly showed up. Locke was scared and speechless. He wanted to call the past, because he could not call out the fear.

Li Zhichong smiles at him, and then shuttles through the crowd. All the soldiers he meets turn into fireballs or frozen into ice sculptures.

Three minutes later, except for the whole space, there were no living people except Locke and Cyclops.

Locke and Cyclops know that each other didn't kill themselves, because it shouldn't be kind.

Thinking of how they had dealt with others just now, combined with each other's cruel means, they hesitated whether to commit suicide or not

The soldiers in the passage look pale at Li Zhi as a soldier. They are not afraid of death, but when death is meaningless, it becomes terrible.

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