After all the people swear, they use the power of space to restrict. Roland smiles a little. It's very satisfactory when it comes to this step.

Leading this astral domain is the first step of the Roth Family.

At the headquarters of the Fulin family, Fulin was a little restless.

Half a day ago, he found that he had lost contact with the original Ross family.

There he sent back a signal, but he didn't know what it meant. 5000 years of time made Fulin a cautious personality, and he would not rush to it all at once, because he felt it was like a conspiracy. His cautious personality made Fulin ask his friends for help!

One of the seventeen princes of the blood clan! Yongdehai!

Although he knew this kind of thing was very humiliating, he could not care so much, because there was a premonition that the biggest crisis in his life might come. In his anxious waiting, the prince level master Yong Dehai came.

According to his age, he is the youngest Prince of the whole blood clan. He is only 8000 years old, 3000 years older than Fulin. By comparison, Fulin's face is full of wrinkles, while yongdehai's face is only more than 20 years old.

Seeing Yong Dehai coming in, Fulin immediately said, "big brother! When you come, my heart will burn! "

A man with a wrinkled face calls a young man big brother. It sounds weird, but no one thinks it's weird.

Yong Dehai said: "you are also over 5000 years old. Why can't you calm down? Is there anything in this galaxy that we can't solve together? "

Listen to Yong Dehai's words, Fulin's heart also slowly calms down.

He thought it was!

Elder brother's cultivation has been at the peak of the energy in this galaxy, and he is only one step away. Nothing can baffle them, but even so, I don't know why, Fulin's uneasiness still doesn't fade away too much.

Yongdehai and Fulin lead the rose family, which is the most powerful one above marquis.

At this time, on the planet of the Roth Family, their tension is compared with Fulin's.

Roland and and his sister are very relaxed.

After all, Fulin is just a big Duke. Now even Roland can easily beat him. With the prince level strength of rolle, he can basically kill the other side in an instant.

Besides, even if they don't have combat experience, isn't there Li Zhi?

Roland couldn't think of anything to worry about. She knew he would come sooner or later.

Then there is no need to take the initiative to find trouble, let them come over the best.

There are nine habitable planets in this domain. In fact, the blood clan is not the real controller among the nine planets. The controller is an empire in charge of administration. This empire is a medium-sized country with Nebula within 100 light years.

Although there are countless planets in this range, only nine are really habitable.

Moreover, the population density of these nine planets is quite large. For example, on this planet, the blood race of all 5 billion people is a special race. They live by blood and need to suck blood.

However, with the improvement of energy and level, less and less blood is needed.

Like the prince level, you can stop sucking blood.

But after all, some of the lower level of blood still need to suck blood, like the civilian level of those blood, blood sucking is the same as normal people to eat.

This kind of blood sucking behavior is generally not compulsive. It usually takes place between you and me. It usually takes advantage of money to exchange. However, few people sell blood for money.

For example, if a person wants to be immortal, he will make some transactions.

But the common people's blood clan has no ability to turn others into blood clan, because if you want to turn others into blood clan, you must be a pure blood clan and become a blood clan. If you want to make others into blood clan, you must first use your own efforts to supplement each other's body.

Although blood synthesis has been carried out by high-tech means on this planet, and even the blood is the same as normal blood, the blood group is elegant, and it is also a special race. They think that the blood sucked from the artery is the best to drink. Therefore, some common people's blood group and some lower nobles go to extremes to attack human beings and force blood sucking.

The high level of the blood clan also thinks that human beings are lower than the blood clan, so it's natural for them to become food.

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