However, they ignored a few things. First, the number of human beings is much more than the blood group. Second, although ordinary human beings are not the opponents of the blood group, the strong ones in the human group are very powerful! The third is that the actual rulers of the world are human beings, not them.

That started the war, the war between human and blood race. The blood clan failed.

Forced to transfer all the forces to the underground, although they control the rights of some planets, they are not as good as before.

After the rise of the Church of light, it suppressed them in every way, so that the life of the blood clan was getting worse day by day.

Although the high-level of the blood clan no longer appears, there are still some small nobles and peaceful people who are sucking blood everywhere. But the real strong among the human beings are not interested in them, and they can't kill all the blood clan civilians, because the fundamental shaking is shaking. In that case, they will fight for the blood clan.

If you apply for a job with someone, even if human beings will win, they will lose a lot, but whether the real strong person doesn't mean that some small people won't care.

So a professional bounty hunter was born!

They hunt and kill the dark creatures, and take them to the Church of light or some countries for rewards.

A long and a Hu are a pair of partners. They are both bounty hunters.

And very outstanding, engaged in more than 30 years of industry has not failed, they even killed a blood among the marquis.

At this time, the two of them are in a bar. Their career is very dangerous. They can be said to be a life-threatening career holding their heads on their waists. They will not spare any money and spend money like dirt.

At this time, the two of them are staring at a guest in the bar. There are men and women in that guest. One of the girls can't see clearly on her face. They don't know why. No matter how hard they observe, they can't see her face.

However, ah long and ah Hu are staring at another girl in her early 20s with a little pale face.

Staring at her is not because the girl is beautiful, but because they feel the smell of blood from the girl.

They determined that the girl was a pure blood group, and her age was very low. Ah long and ah Hu saw the greedy killing and abuse in each other's eyes, and the blood group girl was their happiest.

And there is also the appreciation of money. As for those people, these two guys think they are just ordinary people.

Of course, the people they are staring at are Li Zhi and them.

But they did not choose a good target, this time destined to kick on the iron.

They didn't want to stay in the castle, so Luo Er took them out to play in the city. It's easy to go anywhere at their own speed?

And Li Zhi left a jade Fu, let Roland encounter things that can't be solved, crush the jade Fu.

No matter where he is, he will arrive in 10 seconds.

Before coming to this bar, several people had tasted the city's special food, and then went to the bar.

Li Zhi found the eyes of a long and a Hu.

They both stare at Luo Er and Li Zhi, and he sighs that Luo Er is still too young to be watched.

However, Li Zhi didn't worry about Raul either. After all, Raul is the prince level, and the prince level is already the strongest in this galaxy.

Li Zhi found a very meaningful thing, interesting thing, ASA and broken army both gave their hearts to the dead woman, but Youquan Fengshen array and Feiying, these three guys never showed any interest in strange things.

What's the matter? Do the three of them have any mental defects?

Li Zhi looked at several people with great interest, and looked at them uneasily.

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