However, he shook his head and said to Li Zhi, "Your Majesty, I don't know. The more you see your appearance, the more you feel inferior. You have no face to face Yinglong again, so you will never see him."

"Your Majesty is right, but I don't want to drag Yinglong down. Without your Majesty's means, I'm afraid I can't combine with Yinglong any more in this life."

Li Zhi sighed. At this time, he suddenly thought of something and heard him say to the drought in front of him: "in fact, you and I are the same people. We are all teased by fate."

After Li Zhi's words, Han Yu also knows what he means. She already knows a lot about the previous things, and even a lot of secrets about Li Zhi. Only Han Yu knows.

Just listen to Li Zhi suddenly say to Han Yu: "since you and I have such similar fate, if you don't abandon me, how about you and I become brothers and sisters?"

After hearing this, he suddenly looked at Li Zhi in shock.

She comes from ancient times, and has been sealed for so many years, and her status as emperor of the people is still in ancient times.

If it wasn't for her being the daughter of the Yellow Emperor, as an ordinary person, she couldn't even see the face of the Yellow Emperor. Now I'm shocked to hear what Li Zhi said.

Seeing Li Zhi's serious look, he nodded and said to Li Zhi, "I don't know that he is blessed to be a brother and sister with his majesty."

They swore to heaven that they would be brothers and sisters. At this time, Li Zhi said to Han Yu, "little sister, now you have taken off Han Yu's real body, but it's not good to call him by his name."

After Li Zhi calmed down for a while, Hanyu said, "it's true. But brother, although I was famous before, I had already thrown away my name when I turned into Hanyu. Now it's good to take a name."

At this time, Li Zhi thought of a thing, and saw him say to Han Yu, "how about I give you a name?"

After hearing this, he quickly said, "thank you, your majesty!"

Li Zhi paced for a while, and then said to Han he, "I give you the surname Li and the name ran. How about your name Li ran in the future?"

Li Ran is actually the name of a good sister Li Zhi met in his last life. But later, Li Ran became seriously ill and died, which made Li Zhi feel sympathy. Now that he meets another sister in his life, Li Zhi will naturally be very attentive.

He said, "Li Ran, Li Ran... That's a good name!"

Then he bowed to the ground to thank Li Zhi.

In the middle of the hall, Li Zhi suddenly turns his hand over and appears a charm. The charm burns instantly and disappears into a streamer in the hall.

In less than half an hour, Yinglong arrived in the rain.

At the moment when Yinglong came, there was a light rain in Chaoge, which was not controlled by Yinglong.

It's because he has a lot of rain in his body, so it will rain here. Yinglong has a surprise in his eyes.

"Your Majesty, but the Minister of your court has returned?"

Li Zhi shook his head and said, "it's not like that. It's just that I didn't miss you very much for a long time, so I called you here."

Ying Long is not happy in his heart. It is reasonable to say that he has nothing to do with Li Zhike. It is impossible to say that he is as ambiguous as Li Zhi said.

Just listen to Ying Long said displeased: "Your Majesty, that day you and I can say, as long as you court that high man back, you will tell me, now people do not return, why let me come?"

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