But Li Zhi said with a smile, "I didn't ask you to come here for the sake of an expert. There is another very important thing I want to discuss with you."

Now Ying Long is really angry. He stares at Li Zhi tightly and says to him, "OK, your majesty, do you want to protect your superior? Now why does your majesty say that after I come here? Do you think I am a bully? "

With that, Yinglong starts his whole body momentum and goes to Li Zhi. Li Zhi stands in the same place with a smile and doesn't move. However, before Yinglong's momentum meets Li Zhi, Kong Xuan and Peng Xuan suddenly burst into super momentum.

Especially Kong Xuan. As soon as he came back, he was pulled by Li zhilai to act as a thug. In this way, the momentum of Kong Xuan's Zhunsheng level overwhelmed the momentum of Yinglong.

In an instant, Ying Long's body fell to the ground uncontrollably.

At this time, Ying Long looks at the two ordinary people around him in horror.

He thought that he was just an ordinary man, but he never thought that the two people beside Li Zhi were better than him!

Listen to Kong Xuan say: "good big courage, dare to the emperor hand, I see you are tired of living crooked!"

At this time, Ying Longqiang, who had fallen to the ground, struggled. His face was ferocious. "You teased me so much. I want to take revenge for him!"

Then he forced himself to struggle. In Kong Xuan's momentum, no matter how hard he struggled, what was the use?

However, it turns out that Yinglong's cultivation has directly broken through from the peak of Jinxian to the initial stage of Daluo Jinxian. It has already broken through in anger.

As for why there has been no breakthrough for thousands of years, it is also because I am really worried about the drought in my heart. Now, when I am flushed by this anger, the barrier has been opened and I have successfully become a great Luo Jinxian.

But even so, what can be done? After breaking through the realm of Daluo Jinxian, Yinglong still can't see through Kong Xuan's accomplishments, but he can vaguely feel that pengxuan is Daluo Jinxian like him.

In the later stage, even at the peak, he said to Li Zhi, "Your Majesty is very powerful. It turns out that there are quasi Saint level masters around your majesty. I thought I could threaten your majesty with this, but now it seems that I am arrogant!"

Li Zhi listened to Ying Long's words, and when he felt almost done, he said to Ying long, "Ying long, I really have something to do with you this time. Don't get excited first."

Just listen to Li Zhi continue to say: "I have a royal sister here. When you come here, she glanced at you in the palace. When she came back, she told me that you look good. I want you to marry my royal sister."

"You say that I'm really embarrassed by this. I'm the ninth five, and my royal sister is also a phoenix among people. It seems that I'm not at a loss to marry my royal sister to you?"

Li Zhi also uses renhuanggong. Renhuanggong stimulates the spirit of Jiulong. Nine bloody dragons are sent out from Li Zhi in an instant. They are constantly flying around the hall, and the Dragon chants are heard in the hall.

At this time, Ying Long knew that although he could not see through Li Zhi's behavior, after all, there was the breath of Kong Xuan in Li Zhi's body, so now he could not know what Li Zhi's accomplishments were.

However, he knows that this is a mysterious emperor. His mood is too deep, and his skill is too high to a certain extent. Ying Long has not given in under such a strong force.

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