He said to Li Zhi, "Your Majesty Ying Long and Han Yu have been in love for a long time. Even if they are your royal sister, they are not good match for you. I hope your majesty will forgive me."

At this time, Ying Long's tone of voice was softer. After all, he knew that Li Zhi also meant well. He didn't mean to force him?

As soon as Li Zhi heard Ying Long's words, he couldn't help saying, "my royal sister is incomparable in beauty. It's rare in the world. Even in the sky, there may not be any royal sister who can surpass me. Anyway, you must watch it today."

"Besides, the high man in my court has come back. Don't you want to share the victory with the high man? These are the two

After Li Zhi finished, he took a look at Kong Xuan and Peng Xuan. He suddenly fell to the bottom of the valley in his heart. One is sure to win the other. How can he win in the later period or the peak of the great Luo?

Then he saw Ying long, looking up to the sky and howling, "God bullied me so much that I couldn't take revenge for him!"

After that, he went crazy. Zhenyuan stirred up the spirit in his body. Li Zhi knew that Yinglong was going crazy.

He took a look at Kong Xuan. Kong Xuan knew it was time for him to appear. Kong Xuan stepped forward and said softly, "I said Yinglong. Do you know who I am?"

Ying Long listened to Kong Xuan's words and temporarily restrained his breath. "I don't know who you are. Anyway, I'm not your opponent. If you want to kill or cut, you can do as you please."

Kong Xuan, on the other hand, gave a little smile and began to sing a poem: "the body is like gold, reflecting the fire, and a cage of armor is bright. I once saw Pangu open heaven and earth, and the sun, the moon and the stars. My mother shines for the Phoenix. I have a destiny with Dashang. "

After Kong Xuan's words, he saw Ying long, showing the color of thinking.

For a long time, he looked at Kong Xuan in shock.

"Ah! Are you Kong Xuan? "

Yinglong is also an ancient god. Although he is not as good as Kong Xuan, it doesn't mean he doesn't know the name of Kong Xuan.

Although Kong Xuan didn't show his ability when he was in the big world, it didn't mean that no one knew. Kong Xuan nodded to Yinglong and said, "I didn't kill Hanyu."

Ying Long glared at Kong Xuan and said, "what you said is true?"

Kong Xuan sneered, "how bold, who are you and who am I? How could I lie to you? "

Yinglong was very happy to hear that hanyu was not dead. He said to Kong Xuanbai, "the immortal said it's true, but where is Hanyu now?"

Kong Xuan said to Yinglong, "if you want to know where Hanyu is, you should ask my royal sister. My royal sister naturally knows about it. Go and ask for it yourself."

Yinglong was very happy to hear that hanyu was not dead. He was pleasantly surprised and said, "where is the princess, please? I'm going to ask, I'm going to ask!"

He now looks full of joy, you know, as long as the drought does not die, he will feel his life has meaning.

Li Zhi takes Yinglong to the back garden. In a small courtyard, he points to the courtyard and says to Yinglong, "my royal sister is here. Go in yourself."

In the face of the news, Ying Long is desperate. He ignores the etiquette and righteousness. Originally, he is also a gentle and elegant person, but now there is no gentleness. He pushes the door and walks into the room of Li Zhi's imperial sister. It is reasonable that he does not conform to the etiquette and law.

But just entering the hospital, a cold evil spirit came to his face. When he felt the evil spirit, Yinglong suddenly showed his joy.

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