So this time, the words on it read: "Your Majesty's merits and virtues, great fortune in heaven."

"Have you heard? Your majesty is ready to pray for rain again

"I've heard that it's been all over the world, and we're going to get something to pray for."

"I've seen it too. It looks good and is worth money. It's given to me by your majesty. Why don't you go to the patriarch to get it?"

When they got those ID cards, they saw the request. They needed to recite or recite it every day - "Your Majesty's merits and virtues are in heaven."

Of course, Li Zhi also knows that human nature is like this. He can't get up early without profit.

Even if it is given to them for free, if they think these things are useless, they will not come to get them.

So the day after Li Zhi issued this decree, there were countless rumors in the world.

As long as you read that sentence every day according to your Majesty's instructions, you will be blessed!

No disaster, no disease, there are good things coming!

And there are several other examples that have emerged from the rumors.

For example: an old man who has been on bad legs for many years, after reading his Majesty's scriptures, threw away his crutches and made his legs better, just like a young man!

There is also a couple living in a remote area, who have not had children for many years. After reading "Your Majesty's merits and virtues, you are rich in heaven", it happens that they are not born with a fat boy!

Li Zhi looks at these rumors. They are extremely painful. Is Fei Zhong exaggerating? When I send my son to Guanyin? A son in a day? I'm afraid the man of the house is green, isn't he?

However, although the legend is so exaggerated, the people believe it!

In fact, Li Zhi's purpose is very simple.

That is, he needs to absorb a lot of the power of belief, and let the power of belief condense into his body.

On the day of praying, people all over the world learned that his majesty wanted to pray.

Moreover, it is rumored that it is extremely hard for the emperor of seven days to eat or drink!

Even some people were moved to tears and felt sorry for your majesty. Where can I find such a good emperor? It's true that you did good deeds in your last life to meet such a good emperor!

However, the hard-working Emperor they thought was eating a lot of good food in the harem!

However, what Li Zhi ate was the treasure of genius, which Kong Xuan found from outside. It was not what Li Zhi wanted to eat! It's not eating!

The tremendous power of belief poured into Li Zhi's body like water.

Li Zhi now has a lot of power of belief in his mind.

The power of belief is very difficult to absorb. Kong Xuan has to find Tiancai Dibao to help Li Zhi absorb the power of belief.

See Li Zhi a Polygonum multiflorum, a thousand years of ginseng.

I don't know how many herbs he took, and finally he sat in a secret room of the star picking building.

At this time, Li Zhi's face turned red. Now there are some ferocious expressions in Li Zhi's face, mainly because he doesn't know how to store the power of belief.

So far, although Li Zhi knows that belief here is a good thing, he finds that it's not good to eat too many good things!

And this time all the power of faith poured into his body, Li Zhi felt that there was some danger!

His mind was bursting with pain.

Just when Li Zhi felt something was wrong, he felt that the power of faith seemed to be restless.

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