Are you going to explode and die? Li Zhiyu has no tears. Why is the power of faith so hard to absorb?

At this time, the power of belief in Li Zhi's mind began to rotate vaguely.

And the speed of rotation is faster and faster. Li Zhi feels that it is not good. At this time, the system that has not been seen for many days appears again.

In Li Zhi's mind, he said something sarcastic: "Oh, host, have you made a fortune? So much faith

Li Zhi was pleased in his eyes and said to the system, "less nonsense, do me a favor, system!"

The sound of the system continues to come from Li Zhi's mind.

"Do you want to sell it or absorb it?"

Li Zhi was stunned: "ah? Can you sell this thing? "

Li Zhi said in surprise: "that's for sale! Of course, I want to sell it, but how can I sell it? You won't be too black for me, will you

At this time, Li Zhi still does not believe in this mysterious system.

"I am the system, the most fair, a share of... A share of the recovery price of 0.1 points. Don't know if the host agrees or not? "

On hearing this, Li Zhi quickly said, "agree!"

You should know that the power of belief in his mind now covers the whole territory of big business!

The common people of big business can be said to occupy more than 90%! This number of people, at least there should be tens of millions, even if it is sold, there should be millions of points!

"The deal is done."

Li Zhi felt that the power of belief in his mind disappeared all of a sudden. When he looked at the system, the prompt appeared

"Host: Li Zhi

Points: 3.75 million.

Strength: secondary system. "

All of a sudden, the information of this prompt made Li Zhi realize that the system is really powerful!!

Can the power of faith be transferred?

I'm afraid even sages may not be able to do this!

At this time, Li Zhi suddenly became curious.

"System, I said, what's the selling price of your power of faith?"

"What do you do with all that? You just sell me. "

Li Zhi shook his head: "no, I'm just curious to ask..."

"Well... Well, I'll tell you, now the power of faith sold by the system is 3 points, single share."

The system was silent for a moment.

After listening to the system, Li Zhi jumped up from the ground.

"What! It's 30 times worse!! You're too cruel, aren't you? You are pickpocket! You're not a human being in the system. You can sell 3 points and give me 0.1 for recycling? "

However, no matter how Li Zhi complained, the system would not reply.

But Li Zhi knows one thing: the system can recover points, which shows that this guy should have other functions behind him!

Since we can buy, we can sell.

It shows that the system itself has become more powerful with the improvement of its strength... Maybe it really has super power, saints of heaven... Can you deal with it?

What Li Zhi thinks is good, because this time he absorbed too much power of belief!

Although the cultivation has not improved much, it has greatly changed the origin of Li Zhi. Now, except for those sold by Li Zhi, the origin absorbed into his body has been improved several times.

To put it another way, the improvement of origin is also the improvement of qualification. Although Li Zhi's current qualification is not as good as those congenital Shenshi, he will become more and more powerful one day.

Therefore, Li Zhi is very satisfied with this free ride by taking advantage of his reputation of seeking rain.

Although most of the power of belief is sold to the system, those points also give Li Zhiqi the confidence.

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