Sun Fu knew that he would die if he fought. In fact, the reason why Li Zhi made such a big scene is that he used space to move.

Move all the Warcraft in this space, so that it looks magnificent.

See all the Warcraft toward Li Zhichen, ah Xiu said: "who are you in the end?"

Li Zhi grins at ah Xiu, just like a wolf sees a rabbit,

"If you want to know, swear."

Sure enough, as Li Zhi thought, ah Xiu had to agree to his curiosity.

After the oath, Li Zhi mobilized yuan Shen, and then Li Zhi extracted a trace of ah Xiu's soul,. Then start tormenting ah Xiu's soul.

The pain of the soul acts on the body. Ah Xiu can't bear it and falls to the ground howling miserably.

Ah Xiu's appearance made Sun Fu look silly. He couldn't help asking, "my Lord, what did you catch in your shadow just now?"

Li Zhi looks at Sun Fu and smiles,

"It's her soul."

An answer caused a huge wave in Sun Fu's heart. All the time, Sun Fu knew that although Yunxiao city called the next pariah God, it was also a powerful one with strong energy.

But Li Zhi in front of him made Sun Fu feel that this was a real God.

Li Zhi's power is God to him.

But Li Zhi's little tricks seem to be all.

Sun Fu was very cold when he knew that Li Zhi could extract human soul.

Because he knows that even the big four of Cloud City can't do it.

In fact, Sun Fu's idea is not correct either. If Li Zhi extracts his soul while he is alive, he will be tortured forever. However, Li Zhi has no ability to compete with the rules of heaven and earth for the soul of the dead. After all, the rules of the underworld are extremely powerful.

Otherwise, he can only go to liudao reincarnation a to save ASA and the woman who broke the army. Anyway, for people like Sun Fu and ah Qiu, Li Zhi is absolutely strong.

After suffering, ah Xiu reacts that she is drenched with cold sweat and trembles. Li Zhi smiles,

"How's it going? The pain in the soul is not easy. Let me give you a warning to let you know the power of magic fire. If you break the oath, you will suffer this pain forever. Your soul already belongs to me. Even if you die, you will return to me. "

Li Zhi's words make a Xiu tremble. She suddenly feels that Li Zhi is not a God, he is a devil@

However, he no longer dare to show disrespect to Li Zhi, because no human body will suffer from the pain of the soul. "I have done everything you have to do, my Lord. Now, do you want to tell me your identity?"

Ah Xiu knows that if God gives him another chance, she would rather die than know who Li Zhi is.

Li Zhiyi smiles, and then his whole body is radiant, which makes Sun Fu and a Xiu unable to open their eyes.

After opening his eyes, Li Zhi had a set of bright red armor on his body and a bright red cape behind him.

There are two scales in the Cape.

Seeing Li Zhi transformed into a Xiu, he screamed: "you... You are the God of fire!"

Even though she had guessed the identity of Li Zhishen, she did not expect that the God of fire, who had disappeared for 300 years, would appear again.

After Li Zhi put on the armor of the God, the flame of Tianping Kingdom, which had been extinguished for 300 years, suddenly burned.

It burns more than before.

When Li Zhi's chest became hot, a beam of light came out of his badge. With the beam of light coming out, a huge light enveloped the light of Tianping kingdom. All the people of Tianping Kingdom who were enveloped felt that the power in their bodies had increased. After a minute of continuous irradiation, all of them knelt on the ground.

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