With tears in their eyes, the people of Tianping Kingdom finally returned to the God who had prayed for three hundred years.

It is conceivable that there will be good days in Tianping in the future.

Li Zhi's exploration showed that the light was emitted by a satellite in outer space.

The badge on Li Zhi's chest is the key, and his armor is also a starting device.

After the satellite in outer space was launched, it transformed the free energy absorbed by the universe for many years.

Then it changed the physique of the people below, which is the miracle.

Ah Xiu said timidly: "Lord God, forget to ask you a question?"

Before knowing Li Zhi's identity, ah Xiu felt that there was no God in the world, and the so-called God was a stronger life than them. Until Li Zhi showed his identity, ah Xiu found that the fear of God had gone deep into her soul and had not changed at all.

If God wants to take her life, she can only kneel down and offer.

In fact, ah Xiu didn't know that the main reason was that Li Zhi shocked her too much.

Li Zhihua is very generous,

"Say what you want to ask."

Since we pretend to be God, we must be as open-minded as God.

"Didn't you disappear 300 years ago? Why is it in the lower bound? In the midst of our untouchables, but also turned into Untouchables

See the legend of the main God ah Xiu hidden in the heart of inferiority also appeared.

Claiming to be a pariah, Li Zhi made up a lie

"I'm not missing. I'm practicing in the divine world. Now I'm a great master. Not long later, there will be one more deity in the divine world, and I will be the fifth deity“

If Sun Fu didn't know his details, he would have been cheated by Li Zhi's words.

Ah Xiu is very excited,

"How do you control these Warcraft? No wonder the LORD God is so powerful that he has already become the fifth God

Ah Xiu has no doubt about Li Zhi's words.

There are many versions of the divine world, but one thing is certain. All the records are exactly the same, and there are classes among the gods.

If Li Zhi didn't want to be a God, he would not have said that.

Li Zhi nodded: "you say these Warcraft? It's not difficult to control them. You know I'm the LORD God. My law of fire is the most powerful. No matter how powerful these Warcraft are, they have to follow the rules. Maybe it's difficult for you, but it's actually very simple for me, just like breathing. "

When Li Zhi was boasting, he didn't even blush. After the transformation of the golden apple tree, his face is probably thicker than that of the star.

Ah Xiu endured the expectation,

"I heard that you are the LORD God of fire. You have a flame that burns all the things in the world. Can I see it?"

Now she is like a child asking for toys. After being shocked, she is also curious about God. Li Zhi worries about ah Xiu's endless demands, so he says with a straight face: "I can show you one time, but it's the last time. My power is not for you."

If other Li Zhi dare not boast, but compared with the flame, if Li Zhi says that his flame is the strongest, no one dares to challenge him. What he controls is not the fire of Honglian industry, but also the fire of Nanming Lihuo of rosefinch, which is the strongest fire in the world.

If he is really the LORD God of fire, his name is true.

Of course, Nanming Lihuo is better for performance. Xiaofeng in Li Zhi's body immediately gathers Nanming Lihuo and beats her palms again when she hears Li Zhi's request.

At the moment of Nanming fire, the temperature of the whole forest increased by Baidu.

Both a Xiu and Sun Fu feel that they are in the middle of the fire.

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