Li Zhi was so stuffy that he hit the big tree next to him with one punch. When he went down, all the trees collapsed. Emperor Wu Ying opened her eyes and couldn't believe it. If she wasn't a magician, how could she be so powerful? Li Zhi said casually: "I'm a double cultivation of magic and martial arts."

But who expected that the big tree he knocked down would move slowly.

Emperor Wu Ying immediately opened the torch field. Is there any mosquito bat hidden under the tree?

The tree was slowly moved to one side, and the local magician appeared in front of the crowd. One night passed, and the day appeared. All night long, Li Zhi, they did not stop for a moment. They were saving the Kingdom's army, 200000 troops overnight.

Under the attack of mosquitoes and bats, there were only about 3000 people left, including Emperor Wu Ying, Li Zhi and other mages.

Of course, this group of magicians did not destroy the whole army, and at least the bronze level masters remained, and the space mage also survived.

It's just that he's the only one who can survive the injury. He has a nail sized scar on his head.

The moment that the mosquito bat touched him, it cast a space spell and escaped, but it was also the only survivor of the whole team.

Looking at all the soldiers fighting with the mosquito bat, but almost all of them were destroyed, he hid under the tree.

Li Zhi didn't dare to come out until they appeared. Looking at the remaining 3000 people, Li Zhi felt very heavy, although it was hard to find the straightness of people's standing.

However, Li Zhi finds sadness in their eyes. After counting a few people, Li Zhi withdraws from the scope of operation as everyone and looks at himself being excluded. Emperor Wu Ying quit for the time being.

"No, why don't you take me?"

Li Zhi kneaded his forehead and said, "you are a girl. It's not convenient for us big men."

Li Zhiqing's team is really all men, in addition to the earth magician and space magician, there are three other magicians.

The rest are the warriors of the silver level, and finally there is a person in charge of carrying luggage arranged by Li Zhi.

In his opinion, Zhang Ke is worthless.

The Emperor Wu Ying child's temper offended and said: "if you don't take me, I'll go myself!"

In desperation, Li Zhi was able to agree that there were only 12 people left in a team of more than 200000 in a day.

Zhang Ke is carrying a huge package and curses Li Zhi in his heart. Everyone knows that he will die this time. Zhang Ke doesn't think that Li Zhi will report his credit when he happens to meet a flaming polar bear, so he clearly wants to be a coolie and walk inside. He hasn't found a flaming polar bear for three days.

But there are more and more mosquito bats. In Li Zhi's field and di Wu Ying's field, a group of people leave at least thousands of mosquito bat carcasses every night.

However, this kind of fighting in the daytime and at night also has some advantages. When stepping on wolves, tigers and leopards around the place where mosquitoes and bats live, they dare not go inside. So in the daytime, Li Zhi and others are safe. One evening, Li Zhi is scanning the terrain in the middle of the sky.

Suddenly I found a corner of the building in front of me. Is there anyone else in the rain forest?

Li Zhi came down to talk to the people. When he heard the news, the people became excited. If he could find someone in the rainforest, he might get some clues about the fire polar bear.

It's better to finish the task and go back to the house. The group moved forward three times faster than usual.

Even Zhang Ke was motivated.

The corner of the building is clearly displayed in front of you. At last, people can see an artificial wall. When they see here, they can't believe that there is a desolate cemetery in front of them. The cemetery is not big.

It seems that thousands of years ago, the construction was full of traces of vicissitudes. Near the cemetery, there are iron railings carved with grimace patterns.

There is a semi oval entrance to the underground mausoleum in the middle, with its back facing the setting sun. It feels dark and bloody inside.

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