If it was just a cemetery, it would not surprise Li Zhi. It was mainly the abandoned buildings and rusty iron railings.

There are countless mosquito bats hanging in the dark. This is clearly the nest of mosquito bats.

It's their paradise!

With the help of Li Zhi, Emperor Wu Ying closes his mouth and explores Li Zhi's eyes. Girls will be scared when they encounter such disgusting things.

Li Zhi nodded and motioned the crowd to step back. These hateful mosquitoes and bats killed hundreds of thousands of soldiers and finally came into the old nest. Of course, they had to be carried away. When they saw a lone one walking inside, they were not only shocked by all the people present, but also the families of the mosquitoes and bats.

Millions of mosquitoes and bats are hanging in the original place. The only sound in the air is the night wind blowing through the leaves and making a rustling sound. Seeing Li Zhi walk to the entrance of the cemetery, he feels the pressure and screams of the nearest mosquito and bat and falls down.

All of a sudden, thousands of mosquito bats flew up and covered the original sky. Just as these mosquito bats were preparing to dive down, Li Zhi started a golden flame around Li Zhi's hands, and then countless colors of flames flew up and down his body.

As the mosquitoes and bats rush down, Li Zhi's body bursts into a light blue light, and the chaotic forces around him trigger a sky fire, a small explosion of water molecules.

Then the approaching mosquito bats were attacked. In the past, the scattered sky fire crashed into the mosquito bats, which didn't play enough killing role. It was just a temporary lead, and the impolite intention was not so outstanding. Then he gave a light smile, and the fire rules were activated.

Li Zhi vibrates all the elements and molecules in the air through sound, and then the whole cemetery directly becomes a sea of fire from heaven to earth.

This is the mystery of the incantation that Li Zhi realized in the competition. Those obscure incantations are just to trigger the resonance of the elements. At this time, Li Zhigang just screamed, just like the monarch calling on his subordinates to achieve this effect.

Millions of mosquito bats scream in the air like exploding fireworks. The bodies of countless mosquito bats are cut into countless pieces in the golden flame, and they have been burned to ashes before they fall to the ground.

Although the whole process is colorful, it is also a flash in the pan.

After a moment in full bloom, the beauty disappeared in front of the public.

But there was a smell of barbecue in the air, and there was a dead silence. Emperor Wu Ying and others came out of their hiding place and went to the front of them to watch Li Zhi strangely.

With shock, envy and jealousy in your eyes, how did you do it? Li Zhi, this is a forbidden magic!

There are also those colorful flames. Why are they so powerful? All along, Emperor Wu Ying, who is guarded by the fire hawk, thinks that she is the second and the first angry genius at the age of 16.

She had already mastered the secret of the church in the afternoon, the fire of Honglian. At the age of 18, he could send out a lot of magic. At the age of 20, she could send out the true fire of Qiya. Like Li Zhi just now, it's a forbidden spell level magic that kills millions of mosquitoes and bats in an instant.

Emperor Wu Ying knows that she may not be able to reach this level even though she has been practicing for decades. At the thought that she still wants to rob others' Divine armor, Emperor Wu Ying is very ashamed.

It seems that the last competition was reserved.

Otherwise, with his strength, I'm afraid I will be burned to ashes.

This time, Emperor Wu Ying is a little self abasement.

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