It's too late for GUI Kan to find out that Li Zhi has the source of the universe, but he wants to kill Li Zhi more. Even if he is the owner of the source of the universe, how can he get it back? There are only things he doesn't want to do, nothing he can't do.

There was a cold light in Gui Que's eyes. He was calculating something. He had a sinister look. Although his appearance was perfect, his face was ferocious. The energy around him was still flowing. It was just that Li Zhi had left. Because of this, he didn't see GUI Kai's ferocious appearance. Naturally, he couldn't know that he had become their target.

But will Li Zhi care? What if I knew? GUI Kai now knows that the zodiac is in action. This is what he expected. Even the soldier was released by him. He must have sent someone to spy on him now. However, despite the investigation, he absolutely doesn't believe that anyone can come to the place of falling in love.

When the explorers go back, it is estimated that the planned things can be carried out, and then the star iron can be removed.

The ghost que looks at the iron chain wrapped around his hands and feet, and shows an enigmatic smile.

This chain limits half of his strength. When it is untied, everything will be interesting.

The headquarters of anti star soul is very quiet. Except for the voice of soldiers patrolling, there is no voice at all. These people are like machines, without human emotions, and even their bodies disappear. Li Zhi observes the eyes of these soldiers and finds that they have no vitality, just like puppets under control.

Li Zhi wrote this down. In a short time, the Tiewei army may meet with these guys. Only when they know themselves and the other can they win a hundred battles.

It's important to master the information. He believes that the superficial strength of this point should not be the whole strength of the soul of the inverse star. After all, the scale is a little too small, right?

The energy from Li Zhi's body disperses quietly. Each molecule has some energy from Sirius battle armor, which can cover up the information. In this way, the scope of exploration is wider. It's really much faster than before. After half a day's work, he has finished the whole headquarters.

Li Zhi carefully wrote down the way of defense, and then went to the most secret place of the building. Li Zhi didn't find the soldier who died in the war. In his memory, there was something wrong with the place where he was interrogated. At the same time, kailiya also entered the falling star.

Although she has a space field, but see the complex situation of falling, still produced a feeling of helpless.

The most important thing is that there is no breath of Li Zhi here. Can we only say that he has entered the parallel space?

It's not clear which space it is. Kailia knows that it's time to be calm, so she can keep calm and explore the surrounding situation carefully.

Kano was very suspicious, even for his confidants also retained some doubt, so did not believe what Li Zhi said, so he decided to re explore, he does not think that the escaped soldier is really escaped, the only explanation is the enemy deliberately put the smoke bomb.

With a dignified look, kailia found that things were extremely complicated, which was beyond his imagination. The headquarters of the anti star soul was not on this planet as many people thought, but there were many parallel spaces near this planet.

The problem is that there are too many disordered energy in the parallel space to judge. Although kailia is naturally compatible with the space energy, she can't search for the environment. Just resisting the space turbulence has consumed a lot of energy, which makes her a little hard. Kailia thinks about it and goes directly into the space field.

There is not too much time to waste. We can only find the place where the energy fluctuation is obvious first.

GUI que shows a strange smile. The water mirror in front of her shows her actions. She is very interested in her actions. He doesn't know that there is such a number among the holy warriors. Looking at the constitution of natural affinity space, she is rare in this position.

If it is not necessary for him to deliver false information, guique really wants to leave her to study.

Kailiya is different from Li Zhi, although the appearance of space energy Affinity still causes a little fluctuation, which is probably the problem of realm.

Ghost is what realm, this fluctuation can not affect, the first time has found the trace of kailiya..

The next time we meet her, we will not be so relaxed. At this time, Li Zhi has come to the depth of the headquarters, and there is a transparent border floating quietly in front of him.

Li Zhi didn't rush to restore his body to its original state, which is no different from the usual. Moreover, there are no guards at the other end of the corridor. Anyone would feel strange if there is a vacancy in any well guarded place. Besides, there are no guards except the nodule, which is very dangerous. After waiting for a long time, Li Zhi is sure that there is no one exploring this place.

So he slowly restored his body under the action of the rules. No one paid attention to this process. It was all static. This is what Li Zhi had learned not long ago. It was because of this experience that Gui que did not find Li Zhi's trace. Otherwise, he could not stand here as leisurely as he is now.

Now Li Zhi is going to cross the border in the same way, but the smell of the border makes him feel a little uneasy, as if there is some danger. Li Zhi believes in his intuition, so he doesn't rush to move, but carefully observes. As time goes by, the border seems to be polluted and turns black.

Li Zhi didn't know why, and his face became dignified. He quietly observed the abnormality with his divine sense, only to find that there was nothing strange except the color change. He was absolutely fooled. He calculated the social reality, but found that there was a strange energy coming from the bottom of the border.

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