Li Zhi's mind has quickly removed the divine consciousness. He doesn't know who arranged the border. It's really sinister. At the same time, he greets the female relatives of the ancestor who arranged the border.

GUI Kai's nose itches and sneezes. The turbulent flow instantly rolls the statue to pieces.

Ghost que sees powder son's face become iron blue, how does this return a responsibility son? His constitution is unlikely to catch a cold, not to mention sneezing, looking at the powder of the statue, there is a trace of gentleness in his eyes.

The powder on the ground floated slowly. Then it became a statue, only a little smaller than the original, and the material was more crystal clear

It looks as if he is alive. GUI que is obsessed with looking at the statue, and the whole person calms down. No matter what happens, he can calm down as long as he sees the statue. This is a habit.

Although Li Zhi doesn't understand what is at the bottom of his sister, and doesn't know if he has a way to deal with it, he knows that he can easily sneak in without being found. Because it has made clear the composition of the nodule, but it has no defense in the process of assimilation. At this time, even the most ordinary guards can kill him. Fortunately, there are no guards nearby.

Li Zhi confidently made his body transparent, but with the blue and black color in the transparency, he reached out and reached for the border. His heart was empty. When he touched the border, Li Zhixin became fair, and nothing was left. His body was like water into the sea, and directly joined together. After Li Zhi's body passed through directly, the blue and black color disappeared, Inside and outside are different worlds. The picture he saw before the border seemed to be an illusion. After crossing the border, the illusion disappeared. What relieved him was that there were no guards outside.

However, it's not a corridor. It's like another parallel space. It's different from the parallel space just now. There's a smell of preservative in the space. Li Zhi's scalp feels numb when he hears the smell. He thinks of the smell in Xuanyuan Xiaguang laboratory, and it's 100 times worse here than there.

This is not a place for people! There are no strange buildings in this space, but there are many ordinary rooms. Li Zhi feels the breath of life, which is not very strong. However, Li Zhi is more vigilant than ever. After seeing GUI, Li Zhi always keeps this vigilant state. After all, no one knows whether there will be ghosts more powerful than GUI. It's just that the style and common materials of the room are a little strange. They look more like being imprisoned inside. Doubts flash in Li Zhi's eyes.

From the memory of the dead soldier to the sad picture, Li Zhi pauses for a moment and walks over like the nearest room without hesitation. Without exploration, he can't guess anything. No matter where it is, he has to see it himself. His body turns into molecules again.

The divine sense attached to the molecules and spread to every corner in an instant. Almost in an instant, the rooms were sealed, as if to stop something. It was not until he got close to Li Zhi that he found that many of the materials in these rooms were rare metals, some of which were unknown metals and materials.

Some of those substances are even very similar to the colloid in its original spirit. This seal still gives off a smell. It can only be said that there are innumerable gaps in the room. Li Zhi's divine consciousness turns into innumerable intensive explorations, and finally finds a small vent at the bottom of the room, Previously, the breathtaking breath was emitted from the vent, and Li Zhi's body was transformed into molecules.

The vent rushes into the room full of resentment, and the resentment keeps increasing. Because of the compression of space, the molecules in Li Zhi's incarnation are almost swallowed up by the resentment.

In this way, Li Zhi could not use molecular energy to appear, otherwise the consequences would be very serious. Li Zhifei quickly gathered the energy together, and his body reappeared. Those resentments seemed to have found a new continent, and came to the protection of Sirius battle armor one after another.

It's a small matter for Dementor pearl to start to rebound those resentments and absorb them. However, the decrease of resentment here is bound to attract other people's attention. Li Zhi doesn't want to take risks. At this time, Li Zhi's divine sense finds that someone is quietly leaning over. Li Zhi quickly gathers the resentment around him, as if he saw the carrier, and drills into Li Zhi's body.

It's just that Li Zhi's skin is very tough and there is no danger for a while.

The visitor came to check when he saw these complaints surging, because he was the guard here. He was a little nervous when he put on protective clothing. You should know that this place is dedicated to storing complaints. If anything really happened, the consequences would be unimaginable.

I'm afraid their fate is worse than that of the experimental objects. When they came to this room in a hurry, they didn't find anything. He shook his head and surmised that it would be like this because the resentment had accumulated for a long time. Just as they were leaving, a big hand quietly put him down and the body fell to the ground. Then Li Zhi took off his clothes and lost his protective body, It became a carrier of resentment.

In an instant, there was only a pool of blood left on the ground. Li Zhi recalled the memory he had just got, and put on protective clothing where he had changed. However, Li Zhi's body was a quarter shorter than the original, but his diameter was twice larger. The protective clothing was like a blank on his body. He followed the memory route to the angry room and said in a thick voice, "Ma Changlian, Lao Liu, open the door for me. What's bothering me! "

The entrance of the passage opened. Li Zhi noticed something behind him. Then he walked out carelessly. There were two middle-aged men sitting in the room. One was full of vicissitudes, the other was greasy. His face was very long.

They seem to be gloating. The liquor they put on the table in front of them is almost enough. It turns out that just now this man was defeated by two people in rowing, and no one did it. It's very easy for Li Zhi to take off his clothes. It's really difficult for him to take off his clothes. Ma Changlian and Lao Liu laughed at this scene. They sat down and continued to drink, Lao Liu said: "when is the head? I've been locked up here for many years. My mother-in-law has remarried!"

The horse lost his smile,

"Don't talk nonsense. Can you live if you are heard?"

Li Zhi had heard of the soul searching method and already knew that they were just the robbed coolies. He looked up at the time and pretended to be helpless and said, "don't think about it. It's good to be alive. It's time for us to patrol."

There was a doubt in Ma Chang's eyes,,

"You, you are lazy every time. You took the wrong medicine today. Are you so diligent?"

Li Zhi's body was slightly stiff. Lao Liu found something. He grabbed Ma Chang's face and said helplessly,

"If you say less, you'll talk more. It's late. It's time for us to start."

Ma Changlian listened to him very much and turned around at any time to pick up his things. Li Zhi takes a look at Lao Liu, who looks as usual. There is a glimmer of doubt in his eyes. The three of them live in the same room and patrol one area every day. As for other people, they are responsible for each other and do not disturb each other in other areas. Li Zhi feels very satisfied. In this way, the exploration will not cause many changes. It is estimated that what Lao Liu has explained before.

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