Li Zhi made a decision in his heart, and his expression recovered.

Although the dark red mark is strange, it should not be life-threatening. Luo monkey returned to the position just now, and everyone went back on the road, and encountered a lot of trouble on the road.

But it was also solved. They came to the ruins. Looking at the empty ruins, Li Zhi didn't know what to say. He waved, and the iron guards around him rushed to the three passages in front of him.

Li Zhi stayed and looked at the words on the wall.

Li Zhi is exploring here. He doesn't know why he thinks the nebula is related to the relics. The words are absolutely not simple, and the totem on the wall is also very strange. It makes people understand what Li Zhi is talking about at a glance.

It's like someone was born with these words.

At the moment, reading the combination of text and totem is much clearer than reading the rune on the stone tablet. Of course, the reason for this is the space key. With the passage of time.

Li Zhi's face became more and more serious. As expected, there was something strange about this planet. Black Nebula existed at the beginning.

However, after excessive overdraft, the energy Nebula mutated, and the positive energy is called tomb.

This planet is called moyunxing.

Because there are black nebulae around, later someone found that the energy contained in it began to be absorbed unscrupulously. Just one person, thousands of people came here, leading to the depletion of energy.

All things have life, and the planet that breeds them also has thoughts. I can't feel it. Mo Yunxing is regarded as a treasure star, but he is treated like this by human beings. How can he not be angry.

The black Nebula still exists, but it contains variation, and that nebula contains a phagocytic energy.

If humans absorb too much, they will be absorbed by this energy in the end. I don't know how many people have become like this.

Moyunxing has recovered its consumption. No one found it at first, but as time goes by, more and more people disappear, which finally attracted people's attention.

No one thought it was black clouds, so the absorbed energy is still absorbed, and the people who should disappear are also disappearing.

Finally, the owner of the last star gate found out that he didn't persuade those people, but people thought what he said was a lie.

With the efforts of many successful people, mein believes that there is a danger. The number of plants they found on this planet is gradually decreasing.

They didn't find the rest. No one cares about these things.

Li Zhi understands this kind of mood, because he also feels the emotion of the planet in this way, and he will feel sad for the abnormal destruction of the planet, but it does not mean that he will do such things.

He doesn't think he is a great man. Great people die very early. The master of the gate of the starry sky is an example. In order not to happen in this matter, that person seals the ink clouds and stars of the starry sky with his own strength.

Ironically, he's almost finished, and the attack is coming, and may knows what he's doing.

But everyone saw that he had given an unforgivable seal, so they discussed at the end.

It was also the weakest time for that man to launch the attack. They succeeded. One of the masters on the gate of the stars was seriously injured, and the seal was incomplete. Four seasons a year, that is, the wandering time of the black nebula.

Those nebulae are no longer simply devouring energy, but they are more deceptive and hidden, if they don't feel the aura of demons.

I always thought that this planet was going to become a spirit, and it was also a very treacherous spirit.

He doesn't think much about it. In his opinion, it's normal for him to defeat the enemy. That person was injured and died because he was not strong enough. However, the fluctuation from the gate of the stars made Li Zhi feel sad. he

The star gate into the body, helplessly said: "how do you want to revenge for your former director?

After so many years, those who hurt him may also die in the end, and they can't die any more! " The phantom sound just fell, and a picture appeared in front of it.

At this time, the undulating and heavy black of the sun Nebula made people feel heavy. Li Zhi was puzzled and felt the violent shaking of the gate of the starry sky.

At the same time, the stars in the picture turn into cosmic dust, and no trace can be found. Li Zhi pondered and said, "do you want me to destroy this planet?"

Soon there was a wave of approval from Stargate.

Li Zhi thought about it. It's not easy. There's a lot of energy in this planet.

If the absorption of gossip can make the urban space more stable, then do me a favor and remember that you owe me a favor.

In this world, only Li Zhi and his magic weapon discuss human relations. He is really cruel. For him, the interests of his hands are the most important. There are still many undeveloped abilities in star gate.

Li Zhi has to take this opportunity to have a good experience. He feels Li Zhi's idea. The gate of the starry sky is a bit depressed. However, in order to avenge his former master, he can't manage so much, and he has been with Li Zhi for so long. He believes that Li Zhi won't be too difficult for him.

After Li Zhida got a positive reply, he was ready to leave and take some risks to absorb the clouds in the starry sky, although Yuanshen didn't like the energy of the nebula.

However, he can use the power of chaos to transform his energy. Among the original gods, as the saying goes, if a thief doesn't go away, he can't bring his brother here for nothing. He should get some benefits before going out.

So the most sweet and shameless question in history began. You said I can't call you that all the time. I'll give you a name. Be careful.

Although it was an inquiry, the tone was absolutely not to be refused, and the gate of the starry sky was speechless for a while.

Li Zhi laughs,

"You agreed, right? Xiaoxing, you must miss the former director. This attitude makes me very jealous. In view of your love, I allow you to bring some of the former master's treasures. Do you know where it is? Tell me, or I'll have a lot of trouble. "

As long as he is an individual, he can hear the meaning of these words, but be careful that he is not a human being. He is just a magic weapon and has human thinking. He can hear Li Zhi's meaning and keep silent. He is not allowed to bring souvenirs. To put it bluntly, he is still greedy for the treasures here.

If he didn't ask for help, well, this guy would jump out and point at the tip of his nose

Li Zhi didn't answer for a long time. He used his trump card and was very tired when he came. Of course, I didn't have strength in my legs. Of course, I'll do your business later. Bye bye, time goes by. The iron guards who explored the way in front of me have come back. They didn't find anything. I almost electrified a seal underground. They didn't know what the seal was, so they didn't change it. Come back and tell the Lord.

I didn't expect that they had just come back to see Li Zhi jump up with excitement, as if they had met something very good.

The next moment, they saw that the star gate, which was originally outside the ruins, appeared, but it became smaller.

They didn't understand. They watched the gate of the starry sky slowly fall. In an instant, the totem and words on the hall slowly rise.

Then he disappeared in the middle of the stone slab. Li Zhi watched all this and felt the fluctuation of the gate of the starry sky. With the transformation of the gate of the starry sky, Li Zhi moved in his heart. Then he said to tie Wenjun, "disperse quickly..."

Before he could finish the last word, it was still stormy. Baby to drown, iron guards and others are serious silly, obviously don't understand what's going on.

They want to disperse, but how can they escape? It's all babies. Not everyone can be so lucky to see so many babies in his life. Even if the iron guards cheat, abduct and steal so much.

I haven't seen so many baby people's thoughts. I'm so silly that I let baby drown myself and I'm almost excited when I die.

In order not to let his main attack too excited. The bodyguards used to attack Li Zhi with weapons one after another, but their weapons crackled. I'm so excited to accept the door.

Forget that the Lord's body is strong. That dagger is his most cherished weapon. After being tempered, it can be regarded as a magic weapon.

I didn't expect that Li Zhi's skin could not be broken by the weapon. Li Zhi heard the harsh voice, saw the helpless men, looked at his weapons, and understood what was going on.

I'm sorry to fart after patting my shoulder. There are so many babies. You can pick them casually later. Ma Wei is very happy. That's better than the dagger.

But it's not as good as this baby, and other iron guards are also happy. Because even if Li Zhi doesn't say it.

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