They also know that these treasures must have his share. Sure enough, Li Zhi said, "collect the things quickly, and let everyone choose when the work is finished!" See if there's a suitable chorus.

Then quickly put the baby into the space, a small bracelet of Li Zhi is almost full, so are other people.

But stargate is obviously in a dilemma. Like Li Zhi, he continuously sprays weapons. Li Zhi doubts who his former director is. He has so many collections, and Li Zhi has many.

However, most of them are given away or sold. On the contrary, they are just pens.

But even so, it is also the down payment of this plane. After a period of busy work, the baby stopped spraying. At this time, the treasure in the hall has already buried the people. They are very happy.

Stargate is obviously irritated by the means of resisting rogues. That's why he did this kind of behavior of losing Li Zhi. After spraying all the fog, he regretted it in his heart.

But no one in the world can deduct the premium from Li Zhi. Stargate understands this and cheers. Dear master, you seem to have no place to put it. I'll put it away for him

Li Zhi was not surprised to feel the spiritual fluctuation. After so many things, he certainly knew that there were emotions, er, weapons and emotions. Li Zhi directly in his face into the system space, fooled all of a sudden, all the baby disappeared.

Looking at the green face of the gate of the starry sky, Li is very happy. Of course, Li Zhi is not a person who doesn't do anything with money. After he puts away his treasure, he says to Xiaoqing, "OK, let's go.".

I'll avenge you and open the door for us to go out. The bodyguards don't know what happened. They all wait for Li Zhi quietly, but the door in their heart slowly opens.

You go out and the iron guards follow him. When they step out of the gate of the starry sky, Ma, Tian Wei Jun is stunned. The place in front of you is Fengyin town. Originally, they planned to go back and tell Li Zhi.

However, the star gate spray protection made them forget the original idea, but it doesn't matter. Now they come back to believe that Li Zhi knows the existence of the seal.

I can't say and I don't think it's necessary, but the iron guards are still human. They are curious. Knowing what the seal was for, he looked at Li Zhi. I didn't care about the eyes behind.

All his attention was attracted by the seal in front of him. He had never seen such a wonderful array.

For a moment, the Fengshen array was not perfect. Every arc represented the truth of heaven and earth. The most important part of the array was not completed. Li Zhi felt that something was missing.

However, it is precisely because of this defect that he is particularly rare. Li Zhi does not know how to describe his feelings. The energy in this seal is similar.

He will completely annihilate Li Zhi from the world. He is a little reluctant, but he can't break his promise. He struggles again and again. Finally, when I listen to Wei Jun and others' shocked eyes, he enters the seal and releases yuan Shen. He is not moved by that kind of pressure at all. He is immersed in sadness, and the yuan Shen also shows the feeling of loneliness

Everything around him has nothing to do with him. Even the energy in the seal can't feel its existence. It's still shuttling through Li Zhi's body. Xiaoxin feels that the master is slowly disappearing, with a heartache.

The soul will also feel heartache. Be careful to know that he has emotions. He floats above silently. History feels the energy under the seal ready to move. Cold flashes in his eyes. He reaches out his hand, and the power of chaos moves in his hand and slowly sticks to the seal.

The only flaw is that the surging energy bursts out and rushes into his body, containing the energy consumed. He wants to find Li Zhi's energy absorption.

However, the power of chaos gently wrapped this group of energy into a slow journey. The original lucky energy God greedily absorbed this energy, and no longer had that disgust.

Li Zhi's strategy of guiding himself succeeded, so he made great efforts to absorb the energy. As time went by, the Wei army saw that Li Zhi was tired.

He thought about it. He wanted the messenger to get in touch with everyone else. Everybody's here.

At this time, one of the iron guards found that Li Zhi's Yuanshen was shaking more and more. They knew they couldn't bear it, so they quickly took the place of Yuanshen and absorbed the energy from Li Zhi.

Other people see this move and understand what's going on. Obviously, it's not only helpful for skills to save the main attack, but also helpful for the body.

Other people are standing on the edge waiting to take over this person's position. Li Zhi feels that the original trial has reached saturation, and even if he tries to compress it, he can't inject it. It seems that he still overestimates himself, but he doesn't dare to stop absorbing it with a bitter smile. Fortunately, at this time, the power of colloid feels the crisis and actively embraces the inner strength.

He almost wanted to come to a familiar breath at this time. Li Zhi directly imparted the energy of that body to that person.

If there is not some Li Zhi to remind him that he can't, Li Zhi even wants to load all the energy into the person's body, even so, the person will be happy.

This microscope replaced the position of the original God, and immediately felt the domineering energy rush into the body. At this time, the situation was different from that of ancient absorption.

Even the tenacious iron guards snorted. It can be seen how painful it was. Other people helped, but so did other people.

However, they receive great energy and feel physical pain. Even though no one feels pain for his impulse, this feeling will relieve a lot of Li Zhi's pressure and make him feel light.

He understood that the bodyguards had come to help, but the human endurance limit was limited.

Just look at the feeling that they bear the burst of channels and collaterals, we can see that the transmission is too reluctant for them, but it is also a good opportunity to improve their strength.

It's easy to break through the bottleneck. For Li Zhi, it's very easy to absorb the aura, but it's too difficult to absorb the energy of the whole planet.

He can destroy a planet, but he can't absorb all the energy of the planet. He came before this experience, otherwise he doesn't know what happened.

But the iron guards in front of us have reached the limit. Looking at the Lord is more important than looking at our own life. It's hard to imagine the situation behind.

At this time, the iron guards appeared one after another. They appeared from every corner of the planet. However, at this time, they should be trying to find a way to enter the human body wall. It won't be long before they can support the people. They are excited, absorb energy and work hard. Other people are also affected.

Yuan Tiangang, including Li Zhi, was serious because he absorbed more and more energy. He confirmed those strange words not far from him.

He was so calm that no one else could see the heart made of powder above the ruins.

When they just absorbed the news, they rushed over. On the way, Yuan Tiangang found that the surrounding nebula was slowly fading, and he already knew what was going on.

No one knows Li Zhiyuan better than him. Tian Gang knows that Li Zhi always likes to take risks. He is determined to do it even when he knows there is danger.

Because of this, he was worried. Fortunately, the speed of the iron guards was very fast. At this time, the speed of the nebula disappeared, which also meant that they had no way to love others.

Yuan Tiangang made use of his knowledge to detect the location of the seal, and the Tiewei army broke through one by itself.

The roof of the shed above Li Zhi and others suddenly collapsed. Yuan Tiangang came down from the sky with the iron guards. When they saw the people in the seal, they were relieved and didn't need yuan Tiangang's command.

Other iron guards immediately divided into several groups and quickly replaced the front iron guards. Almost everyone experienced the baptism of energy.

Yuan Tiangang can't stay out of the way. Fortunately, there are people changing shifts in the Tiewei army, and Li Zhi is always changing by himself. He never felt so tired. If it wasn't for the support of his mind, he would have fallen to the ground. For the first time in so many years, Li Zhi wanted to give up.

But the figure of Wu Yin and others appeared in his mind and became his pillar. An inconspicuous idea appeared, and the iron guards sitting beside him were all shaken away. They didn't understand. Looking at the seal, they found that Li's whole body had become extremely dark, as if to enter the nebula, in Li Zhi's transparent body.

They see loneliness and disillusionment. As soon as Yuan Tiangang's body is gone, there is a flash of epiphany in his eyes, and starlight on him.

Seeing the light echoing from afar, it looks very dignified, and so do other iron guards. They broke through the bottleneck originally, and the whole person's view is different from the original.

The biggest change belongs to Li Zhi. His body slowly turns back into a corpse, and then into a crystal. It turns back and forth, and finally calms down after eight changes.

Yuan Tiangang doesn't understand what's going on, even though he has seen a lot. They can only wait for the seal. Well, Li Zhi on the edge wakes up

Li Zhi suddenly felt relaxed and had not felt this kind of fatigue for a long time. When his body reaches a limit, it's not destruction but rebirth. Li Zhi's whole body is transparent, and his tiredness disappears. It's a long lost experience. His spirit can't help but release, eh.

The tieweijun in the seal has reported that Ren Tiangang and others understand that this kind of opportunity is rare, and they sit on their knees and enter a settled state.

The energy in their bodies has been rapidly transformed, and it has been nearly saturated. In each cell, their bodies have been transformed, and the color of the seal has become increasingly dim.

That little rule makes the array return to nothingness. Without the restriction of the array, the nebula is unbridled, surging, and rushing towards the moths. It blends into the strange body in an attempt to obtain energy, and Li Zhi's body is like a bottomless hole, constantly absorbing this energy.

The speed of the chaotic force in its body has reached an incredible level. In an instant, it does not remove the harmful energy from the nebula.

And then it becomes an increasing energy that doesn't stay in him for long.

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