Delia and they don't know much about the Amethyst mountains. Although Li Zhi knows a lot about it, he hasn't seen it. He said, "OK, let's go down."

With a wave of hand, the metal life was put away, and several people slowly flew to the bottom.

On the surface, the Amethyst mountains are foggy. There are a lot of people around, a lot of God level strong people staying at the edge.

Want to collect Amethyst, in the periphery of Amethyst mountain, Li Zhi saw several castles

The castle should be from 18 families in the Amethyst mountains, but they were a little confused when they saw three people coming. After all, Delia was a superior God with a devil badge on her body.

These several people in the heart doubt, the superior God also as to step on the Amethyst?

No, how can you be so miserable?

After thinking about it, they said, "what can I do for you

"We are here to travel," Li said

The blonde man nodded, "Oh, yes, everyone can pay 5000 ink stones."

Beibei asked: "if there is no ink stone?"

The guard said, "if not. We won't give you a keepsake, so when we come out. You have to give me three amethysts

Li Zhi thought about it and said, "let's come out and talk about it. Here's the Amethyst."

When she got inside, Delia found the sea of fog rolling like the spray of the sea. He said, "it's beautiful."

Li Zhi nodded, "well, it's very beautiful. It's hard to say if you sink in. You can't get out."

This time Li Zhi's goal is to get inside, so he is not in a hurry.

Then a few people went inside.

This is Beibei saying, "is there anyone else in here?"

Li Zhi nodded, "ah, there should be no one. After all, you can't get out when you enter. No one can fly out. Even the middle God can only see about 100 meters in the fog."

But deep inside, you can't see anything.

Nice can't believe it. "No, how can't you fly out?"

Li Zhi nodded and said: "indeed, even if the upper God, the Seven Star devil can not."

But he guessed that Shura level masters should have no problem. After all, the attack inside is weird.

But the strength of Shura level masters themselves is too strong. They always take Delia with them. Li Zhi is a little disappointed after they visit.

Did not find Olivia's figure, after all, Olivia can not be the same fate as the original track, had to come here

Li Zhi stopped and said, "let's go inside and have a look."

Beibei said, "don't you say it?"

Li Zhi laughs, "I will bring you out with your interest."

Take Delia's hand and say, "come on!"

Of course, Beibei has no reservation of trust in Li Zhi.

She took nice and rushed in.

At this time, a middle-aged man saw them go in and exclaimed, "don't go in!"

But before he finished, they went in. He sighed, "what a pity."

Delia looked at the white fog and said, "it's so cold."

Beibei grabs forward now.

Suddenly a Amethyst flew over.

Delia picked up two of them, and they were in the fog.

When NISS saw that Beibei and Delia had both been caught, she said anxiously, "I didn't step on them. I'll step on them too. I'll step on them too!"

Li Zhijia reminded, "pay attention to safety. There will be a lot of amethysts in a moment."

A few hundred meters inside, suddenly strange wind came, the first time she was confused.

Delia, after all, is a superior God. She is not affected.

Li Zhiyou's Panlong ring certainly won't be a problem. As for beibeina, needless to say, Beirut has given too many treasures.

Li Zhi said to Beibei, "protect nice."

He took Delia's hand by himself. You took Beibei to go inside. Then he went inside again. Beibei said, "I'm a little confused, boss, but I can barely wake up."

Delia was in a daze, too.

But he could barely speak, but he said weakly: "it's so uncomfortable and dizzy.

Seeing Delia like this, Li Zhi sighed, a little distressed. But it's no use regretting now.

Can't go out for the moment, can only go inside, this is the purple light flying, Beibei wave the light income space ring.

"There are thousands of amethysts this month," he said

Li Zhi tells Beibei not to collect things and to protect nice.

"Let's speed up."

Beibei didn't hesitate to carry Nisi forward. At this time, Amethyst flew over again. Li Zhiyi's hand was the powerful power of the ghost with more than ten dragon rings.

In a moment, the amethyst was refined and absorbed the essence of the soul. Li Zhi felt more comfortable. After flying for a while, the strange wind disappeared. They were no longer limited. Nice and Delia slowly woke up. Delia said, "what happened just now? I was dizzy."

When Li Zhi felt that he was flying more than ten meters ahead, a strange attraction would sweep all over his body. The gravity of July 1 is very uncomfortable.

Li Zhi said to them, "don't worry. This is one of the laws of the mysterious earth in gravity space."

In the past, Li Zhi thought about what would happen when he encountered this kind of attack space.

You know, he is a person who integrates four kinds of flaunting. He has no way to compete, but can only slow down.

Several people are resisting. Delia is puzzled and looks at Li Zhi. What is gravity attack

Li Zhi said: "this key space is very strange. It has an impact on the soul and has a great effect on the body."

Although Li Zhi knows about gravity space, it is obvious that gravity is a bit special. He can't resist it, and he has traction power on his soul.

He thought, is it possible for the soul to have such memory ability after the fusion of neutral space?

Then Li Zhi overthrows it again, concealing the exaggeration of tears, but without the power of being unconscious. Is it the pulse of the earth?

According to the fate of the track in which the crystal is a fusion of gravity space and the earth pulsation two kinds of mystery to use, which figured out after.

Li Zhi felt the invasion of his soul. He found that the pulse of the earth and the key space began to merge. He had a sense of greatness, just at this time. A piece of Amethyst flew over and hit him.

He broke his clothes and put them on his body. Although Li Zhi's body is strong.

But he doesn't melt at ordinary times. Now he is almost the same as the ordinary God. Maybe he is a little stronger. The pain just now made Li Zhi look down and find that his body has been pierced!

This is a bullet!

Even the bullet may not have this power.

Although he knew that amethyst was fast and powerful, Li Zhi didn't expect it. She was so powerful that she almost killed herself. When Delia saw Li Zhi injured, she quickly said, "are you ok?"

Li Zhibai instantly repaired his body by waving his hand. It would be bad if he touched his head

"Beibei, it's too powerful for you to keep nice behind you."

At the same time, he stood in front of Delia, but his body had melted, but there was no crisis.

Looking at Li Zhi's transformation, he exclaimed, "Wow, brother Li Zhi, you can still transform. You are a dragon man."

Beibei shook his head and said, "what are you talking about? You're my boss. You're not a lowly dragon man. He's a dragon warrior. "

Nisi doesn't know what a dragon blood warrior is, but Beibei says so. It's estimated that brother Li Zhi is very powerful.

Beibei said: "the boss seems to be next to someone recently."

They tried their best to fly to resist the gravity. When they got into the money, they found a dead man. He was already dead. Li Zhi nodded his head and should have been hit in the head by Amethyst.

The fog can only be about 100 meters. It's so fast that it can penetrate Li Zhi. The armor that the sky gave him to the pulse of the earth.

But Li Zhi is lucky. If he was hit in the head just now, he would be killed.

Li Zhi thought that in addition to his own few people, others are not. Didn't you come here? It's not like the tide just came here, is it? It's not supposed to be that accurate. But Li Zhi guessed right. Not long after they went in, the tide broke out. It was only after countless years that a boundless fog sea weapon broke out. It rippled wildly around and swept the surrounding area for tens of miles.

It was close to 18 castles. Before the original Amethyst collector arrived, he was engulfed before he had time to react, covering millions of miles. There are a large number of people coming to collect, but the total number is only 100 million people. In the boundless hell, the population is nothing, and it is swallowed up directly.

One of them, a purple robed man of the eighteen families, looked down and said, "it's not as good as this time in ten thousand years. If the order goes on, the person who supervises the collection of Amethyst must show it if he finds something wrong. "

Then thousands of people poured in from the castle, wearing the same clothes.

If you start to collect, the more you collect, the more you earn.

The harvest of this tide is very big, and the wealth of the Shiba family soared by several hundred trillion overnight.

People are going crazy. After all, this collection may bring in more than one billion and tens of billions of wealth. No wonder people are excited.

The tide brought a huge amount of wealth, but the poor are the inferior gods and the middle gods.

All of a sudden, they were covered in fog, and none of them could come back. Li Zhigang just saw the man who had been frozen through his head. In fact, he was the collector.

But when the tide appeared, it was swallowed. It didn't even have the strength of the upper God, and there was no soul defense. The main artifact was directly shot through by the Amethyst.

Li Zhi's body is with Beibei and lilianis, four people try to resist the pressure drop speed, at the same time alert to the Amethyst below.

Although Amethyst is good, it's too hurtful, but Li Zhi and Beibei are prepared. They are usually shunned. Li Zhi and Beibei who can't escape will also use their bodies to resist. After all, their bodies are extremely strong.

At this time, see the front of Beibei exclaimed, "I go, good big mountain."

Li Zhi said, "the Amethyst mountains."

He carried Delia on his back and let his arrow behind him. Beibei also blocked in front of him like Li Zhi.

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