The enemy is resisting the gravitational slowing down, and the speed is still very fast at this time. Li Zhi and Beibei must be ok if they hit the Amethyst at this speed.

But nice and Delia couldn't bear the thump. The four of them hit a rock on the hillside.

Even if it hit the mountainside, it still rolled down by gravity, the body kept rolling, and the head kept contacting with the ground.

Li Zhi and Beibei are dizzy. Delia and nice are well protected by Beibei and Lizhi. Finally they stopped and fell on a stone. Delia, turn over.

There are amethysts here. He found one or two scattered Beibei and said, "there must be amethysts in the Amethyst mountains, but they are too few, aren't they?"

He hit the rock on the mountain and found that it was not broken, just a small crack. Beibei stared at the strength of his body.

He knew that his full punch was just a small crack, which was not in line with the normal law. He took out a black dagger and thrust it into the middle of 3B.

In addition to the dark red stones, there are also amethysts inside. Beibei said with a smile that there are amethysts inside. It's just too hard. My dagger is special. None of the three artifacts is as hard as my dagger, but the stone is so hard.

Li Zhi took a look and said, "go down first and take the lead in going down."

The complete appearance of the Amethyst mountains has been exposed. After crossing the fog sea, they enter the Amethyst mountains. Li Zhi, they are standing at the foot of the mountain.

Beibei said, "the fog is so light here."

Li Zhi nodded, "well, here should be at the foot of the mountain, there should be no danger."

Li Zhi is more cautious. When you go up, you find that the Amethyst mountain is really safe. According to the previous expectation, it is quite correct.

At this time, several figures fell down from above. They could not stop at all, so they came into contact with the earth.

When Li Zhi saw the new comers, they fell too badly. Li Beibei chuckled and the five men said, "are they from outside?"

Beibei nodded, "Oh, we've never come from outside, but we're not so unlucky as you."

Then he laughed, and five of them didn't look very good.

Li Zhi said helplessly: "well, Beibei, you say less."

Beibei's mouth is open and easy to get into trouble, but the five people are not angry.

He saw that Delia was a superior God and devil. After all, he wanted to unite with them when they were friendly. Seeing that five people fell down on Li Zhi, he also guessed that they met the tide.

The emergence of the Amethyst tide is also considered lucky, and it was met by them. Lose a year may not be able to appear once, even they were given to meet, do not know is lucky or what.

Li Zhihuan, go ahead for a week. However, seeing a few people following him, Li said, "don't follow us. Let's separate."

These five people met by chance. What's their relationship? Besides, Li Zhi has no ability to protect them.

Among the five, one of them took a look at Delia and yelled at one of them, "adults don't speak. What the hell are you? Why don't you let me follow you?"

In the team he wanted to come to, Delia should be the leader, but he didn't know the relationship between Li Zhi and Delia, so it was a tragedy.

As soon as Delia turned her hand, she pointed the spear directly at the man.

The man was shoveled and stabbed to death on the spot.

The rest of them were stunned. Beibei was also surprised. Nice was very surprised.

He always thought that sister Delia was very gentle, but he killed her if she didn't agree.

In fact, of course, they didn't know that everyone had their own presence. Of course, Delia also dared to insult Li Zhi. Of course Delia will.

Beibei snorted coldly, "get out of here."

The remaining four were scared away.

Delia, who killed people, was still a little nervous.

After a look at Li Zhi, Li Zhi laughed and hugged Delia in his arms. "OK, let's go."

Then came a special cry.

"Roar, roar"

Li Zhi's face changed!


"Let's run!"

Then he ran away with a group of people

The roar of the beast echoed around the world very fast. It was faster than Li Zhi. They were so quiet in Li Zhi's heart

The Amethyst mountain range is really special. No wonder it appears. Although Li Zhi thought so, he didn't delay his speed.

The roar of the beast is getting closer and closer. It seems that it's behind Li Zhi. Delia Beibei looks back and is surprised. She turns out to be a beast.

The bodies seem to be made of gold, but there are three on their heads.

There are also spikes behind the three spikes. Nice frowned and said, "it's so ugly. What are they?"

"This is the Amethyst monster," Li explained

The whole body is made up of amethyst. They are very strong in material attack, soul defense and material defense, but soul attack does not and is not afraid of soul attack.

Beibei couldn't help saying: "is this as powerful as me? Do I have a hard body? "

Li Zhiyi laughs "you try."

What I saw was a monster Beibei. Of course, I didn't let him go online. I took out the dagger and rushed to the Amethyst monster to release the Dagger's head.

But Beibei was stunned. She had a big hole in her head, but the other side didn't have any influence. She was still rushing forward to nice.

When he found that Beibei had been knocked open, he was in a panic. He looked at the Amethyst monster and showed his resentment.

Li Zhize said: "don't worry, Beibei's body is very hard. It's OK."

Li Zhi is very reassured about Beibei. He is a god eating rat, and his body can digest it. His spirit is really hard.

Beibei flew back from a distance, covered her chest and hissed and said, "it's killing me."

When he saw the monster just now, he was surprised again. "Why is the hole in his head gone? Didn't I just open it for him? "

Li Zhi hugged his arm and said, "this guy can repair it in an instant. Beibei has a white eye. That's because the body is too strong. It's not afraid of soul attack. It can also repair the body. It's not afraid of material attack."

Now Beibei's body is certainly no weaker than Amethyst monster, but he can't do anything to repair his body.

Li Zhi smiles, "this thing intelligence is very low, Beibei in front of a bright Oh, that I know how to do."

But the Amethyst monster was very angry when he heard the words of goodbye, "damn you."

Although he has a low IQ, he will also have emotions. After all, Beibei has just made a hole in his head. He must be very uncomfortable.

Beibei said with a smile, "that's good!"

After that, Li Zhi attacked again and said, "you cut off all the horns behind his head. This is his weakness."

Beibei laughs, "I'm coming"

He rushed over with a dagger. Although Amethyst monster was strong, Beibei's dagger was too powerful.

Almost in a twinkling of an eye, it cuts off the sharp angle behind the monster,

And Beibei was also caught by the monster and was in the middle of the air. Beibei flies up again. He skillfully cuts off the spikes and corners behind the monster. The pain of cutting off the sharp corner on the back makes the monster roar, and even wants to drag Beibei to swallow directly, after cutting off the 18 golden horns on the back of the monster,.

Beibei, I'm afraid with a smile. Although the monster's golden horn can be repaired as well as its body.

However, the speed of the Amethyst monster is countless times slower. When he finds that Beibei stops, he stares and disappears. NISS says how he ran,

Delia said, "Oh, he can't fight. Of course he's going to run. Although he's mentally retarded, it doesn't mean he has no instinct. Right."

Seeing that Beibei was not hurt at all, he said, "I'm still fighting foolishly. Isn't that just looking for trouble?"

Beibei picked up the broken sharp corners and said, "boss, it's like Amethyst."

Li Zhi answered, this is not the ordinary Amethyst, but the essence of amethyst.

As a result, these Amethyst Li Zhi was placed in the pan lung ring, which was purified at once and the essence of the soul was extracted, leaving only a pile of fragments.

Beibei said: "it's Amethyst. How much is the Amethyst monster worth? My God, I'll calculate that if he sold all his body, it would be 100 billion. "

Is helpless to say: "that you can kill him?"? It's useless that he's worth a trillion yuan. He's so fast that he can't catch it if he wants to escape. "

This is Li Zhi's suggestion. Let's go to other places to have a look. People start out again, but it's foggy all around. We can't tell where it's safe and where it's dangerous, so we can only walk forward.

When judging a general direction, there are many middle gods and lower gods walking here. Some are lucky and haven't been killed. Some meet Amethyst monster, which is directly killed.

After all, the ordinary God can't be the opponent of Amethyst monster. At this time, there was a scream in the mountains.

Or this is the wind coming from the front. Li Zhi said, "let's go first."

Four local people went through it.

Li Zhi looked at a huge hole in front of him and said, "apart from chatting, this is not the Amethyst hole."

There is a huge hole on the ground with a diameter of tens of meters. There is a cave on the hole. At the same time, there are a lot of purple light shooting out, and the speed is very fast.

Those purple lights make people gape. Li Zhi guesses that this is Amethyst?

Some Amethyst inlaid on the wall, some Amethyst fly out.

The most important place for us is the cave. There are countless amethysts in other areas. Beibei's eyes are also wide open. How many are there?

Li Zhi thought, "well, we should be very lucky to meet one of the 108 Amethyst caves at noon. All the amethysts are released by 108 amethysts."

Beibei said, "why so many more than 100?

Li Zhi said with a smile: "well, after we enter the range here, Amethyst may never go, it will make us soft.

Beibei laughed, "so many amethysts are rich. When we stop for a while, we can make a lot of money. With that, he was about to jump down to Paris. He was startled and grabbed Beibei.

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