Li Zhi shakes his head. He can't change his name. The little girl said, "I want this name. I've thought about it for a long time."

Li Zhi refused, "no, this name certainly can't. as a father, your name should be mine."

The little girl began to cry, "you bully people, bully people."

Li Zhi has been honed differently by this little girl. At least Sha Sha can do this. She really holds the child in her arms and says, "your father is right. This name can't be used. You have an uncle named Beibei."

The little girl frowned and said, "it's so, but why let me change my name instead of my uncle?"

I was asked.

Jenny looks at Li Zhi.

Li Zhi stood up and said, "don't you mean to respect your elders? Beibei is your uncle, so you have to change it! "

"Little girl said:" that I was saying to play

Li Zhi is going crazy.

For a long time.

Finally did not let her continue to want to use the name of Beibei, but became a baby.

Baby's name came up by Jennie.

The little girl thinks it's good, too.

Although Li Zhi thought the name was really not very good, he was recognized by others. He couldn't say the birth of his daughter at all. The news spread all over the Baruch empire. All the members of the Baruch family came, and grandfather delinkovat came back.

I want to see this little monster.

Of course, the news that Li Zhi has another daughter is well known all over the world.

"Have you heard?"

"Yulan mainland is the most gifted patron saint of a generation, and adults have another daughter, who is born to speak."

This kind of news, big news spread on the mainland.

The whole continent of Magnolia was known in less than three days.

Even the people in Qinghuo mainland know that the daughter was dressed in a wonderful way.

Just born can change stars, colorful glow.

Arnold looked at the baby playing beside Ruth and said helplessly: "grandfather is talking about the baby in the streets now. Even many gods ask about the baby. How can I say it?"

He didn't know what to say about Li Zhi adding an aunt to him.

He has been teased by his aunt for more than ten times, and this little aunt is really powerful.

Li zhirou's deep temple.

He's exhausted, too.

In recent days, the whole empire, from Li Zhi to the palace maids, has been tossed by little girls.

Grandfather Delin's beard was pulled out by the little girl.

It is reasonable to say that the worst of Li Zhi's closest relatives are holy land now, and they can't be teased by a little girl.

But this child can't use common sense at all. No one takes off her clothes except herself. As long as she is willing, no one can see her.

Including Beirut.

In addition, the speed is amazing.

At that time, the baby pulled out his beard while grandfather Delin and grandfather greenbert were sleeping. After that, Li Zhide said that he would open his buttocks.

The little girl scared away Li Zhi. She thought of many ways but failed to grasp them. With such a powerful ability, it's easier for these people to play tricks on holy land, including the God level.

Li Zhi said helplessly: "alas. Next month, we will hold a full moon wedding party for our baby. The invited people will consider it for themselves. "

Arnold ran away. "Yes. I see, grandfather. I'll go back to deal with the government first. "

Every time the baby cleans up, the elder will teach the younger.

At this time, Li Zhi said, "did Sasha go through the customs?"

Jennie shook her head. "No."

Li Zhi suddenly thinks about his eldest daughter.

Although the eldest daughter has a bad temper and always says she is a bad father, compared with the younger daughter, the eldest daughter is an angel.

Li Zhi said helplessly: "Jennie, we have to find a way to teach."

The child can't let him make a fool of himself. Jennie said, "it's normal for the child to be naughty. What do you care about?"

I don't know if it's because Jennie is his mother that baby only listens to Jennie, which makes Jennie feel superior.

This is not realized in Sasha, which also leads to the fact that although the baby is very mischievous, it really spoils him.

Li Zhi said, "it's good to be lively, but the child has gone too far."

A clear voice rang out, "bad father dares to say me again."

Then a small figure appeared in Jennie's arms.

Staring at Li Zhi with black eyes, Li Zhi cheated him. I didn't say anything bad. What you said now is known all over the world.

The baby curled his mouth and said, "you wait. Mother will sleep with me in the future. You can sleep by yourself."

Li Zhi was defeated by his little daughter again and walked out of the living room with tears in his eyes.

Beirut called Li Zhi over, and he laughed, "your little daughter is not simple."

The divine consciousness of the Lord could not find the existence of the baby.

This shows that even the baby has reached the level of supreme God.

Qinghuo also said: "Alas, it's not unusual to be pregnant for ten years. The beast may be pregnant for a thousand years, but the baby is human!"

Li Zhi said helplessly: "of course we are human beings, and his flying speed is not right. I always feel like it's blinking."

Li Zhi wants to catch his daughter, but he can't catch her. He has observed every word and deed.

Li Zhi found that the baby's flight path had spatial fluctuations.

Green fire surprised said: "impossible?" Blink? But I've never heard of this kind of skill. "

Beirut shook his head. "I think it may be blink, but although we haven't heard of it, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. The four beasts could have used the rule of time."

At this time, Li Zhixin said to Qinghuo: "Qinghuo, do you remember the first time I visited you there, did you let me into epiphany?"

Green fire nods, "right, right, I remember, your Epiphany is really powerful, come on!"

Li Zhi said: "I've learned something. In fact, I've learned more from it than from it. There may be a connection between other elements and the four rules."

Green fire eyebrow tip a pick, "exactly how to return a responsibility."

He wants to hear Li Zhi go on. Now he has reached the top of his cultivation, the law is perfect, and he is also the LORD God.

But there is no other level of separation to break through.

He wants to break through is the earth body separate cultivation to the big full, in refining the big landlord God.

Beirut has also seen it, obviously curious about Li Zhi's words.

Li Zhi thought for a while and said, "the seven elements and four rules are related to each other. I don't think that apart from soul variation, no one makes different rules merge together."

Beirut and Qinghuo nodded, as they knew.

Li Zhi said, "but I don't think it's like this. I found a very interesting secret."

Beirut immediately said, "what's the secret?"

Li Zhi said: "I think the four rules are related to the seven elements. First of all. He interprets a process of life, space and time. A person's life, aging, illness and death are different. The strong in the Holy Land and the strong in the divine level look like a think tank for life to get rid of death, but in fact they are controlled. "

"Like being killed, right?"

"It's dead and dead."

"I think death in life, destruction in fate is the law of time, and if it's fused together, it's time. If you merge one, you can achieve great fullness. "

"Other elements are the basis of nature and can evolve into space, because space is not made up of other elements, right?"

Beirut and Qinghuo are stupid.

Listening to Li Zhi's words, I was shocked.

Li Zhi knew that his speech just now would certainly shock them, so he did not look at the two stunned Beirut and Qinghuo. After two years, Qinghuo woke up and said, "Hey, it seems that I've been waiting for the manager to know. I think it's a bit of mystery to refine the gods when I get to perfection."

"Now it looks like it's just a frog in the well."

Beilu said, "yes, although we are the LORD God, we still can't escape the control of time."

Since ancient times, there have been more than 70 gods between heaven and earth, but how many gods have been replaced in these years? Every time the LORD God falls, a new Lord God will be born. If there were not four beast families, how could our Lord God be born?

Then they looked at Li Zhi and said, "it's just that we can't study so much. It seems that you are the only one. Qinghuo nodded and did a good job. Li Zhi, your talent is the highest of all. Maybe in the future you can combine the four rules and seven elements. And evolve into real rules of time and space. "

He had a bright eye in his eyes. Although he couldn't fulfill the dream himself for the time being, now they have hope for Li Zhihua.

Beirut nodded“ Yes! Whether we can go to other places in the future depends on you, Li Zhi. "

Li Zhi said solemnly: "grandfather Beirut, even if it is not for the four beast family, I will kill Augusta, the master of light."

Although Li Zhi is the soul, he has already agreed with the matter of body mother.

Of course, he has to keep in mind that he has to save his father and mother, otherwise there will always be a trace of regret in his heart.

This regret will definitely affect him to obtain the origin of the universe.

Thinking of this, Li Zhi thought for a moment and said, "I'd like to go to the netherworld and see if the death Lord can find my father out?

Now Li Zhi's strength is not enough, let alone to find the master of death, even if he has no strength to climb the Youming mountain.

Now Li Zhi has some strength.

But how to find him?

Even if it is early in accordance with the original fate of the track, others have to do their own master God messenger.

But now it has become the main god of Bauhinia. What is the main god of Bauhinia.

At this time, Beirut reminded him: "I wish Augusta would die now, but don't look for him. After all, he is the ruler of the light, and he also has lofty artifact. Now we are not rivals, you must be careful."

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