Li Zhi nodded, "don't worry, Beirut grandfather. I won't offend him for the time being. Beirut is very concerned about Li Zhi and has been together for such a long time."

Li Zhi also found out what Beirut was like. Although he was cunning, he was really warm-hearted and sincere to his friends and relatives.

At this time, Qinghuo said: "you said Li Zhihua, your little daughter, baby right. You mean he's teleporting, right? Are you born with space rules

Li Zhi thought for a while and said, "I guess it's the case. When the little girl was breathing, I couldn't find her at all. She seems to have integrated with space, and her divine power seems to be above the LORD God, which I really can't understand. "

Qinghuo laughs, "you're a pervert. Your daughter is also a super pervert. We just guess what's going on out of thin air. It depends on what you find from your daughter."

Li Zhi helplessly said: "I also want to find ah, but the little girl does not cooperate with me, I have no position in front of her."

Li Zhi felt that he was the most talented person in the history of Yulan.

But in the face of the baby, he is really helpless.

In a small yard in hell.

Li Zhi, they are all doing Beibei and said, "ah, there is another niece named Baobao?"?? But how to call a baby

Beibei thinks this little name is a little too

Li Zhi said: "you don't know. Originally people wanted to call you Beibei, otherwise your name would be taken away."

Beibei thought that this child really has personality, "actually want to rob my name, when I see him, I have to put on a show."

Li Zhi said with a sneer: "come on, I don't have any face in front of her, and you're even worse. Now she only serves Jennie. Delia is still good. You see our Taylor is so honest."

Delia glared at him. "Somebody doesn't think that way."

Since the couple have been together for so long, Delia certainly knows Li Zhi.

Beibei said, "Hey, hey, Delia, you're jealous. If you don't give birth to another one, it will be over? Nicole, let's go. Don't disturb them. "

Li Zhi watched Beibei leave.

He shrugged helplessly.

But then he said to Delia, "well, I think Beibei has a point today."

Delia blushed. "Why are you so annoying?"

Li Zhi laughs. Delia says, "it's only day now. Why do you hate it so much?"

But the next moment came the kiss of Li Zhi.

Li Zhi and his family are planning to live for a long time, and Huiyue city is really good, so they plan to leave after they have enough time.

After the Yulan festival in Yulan mainland, people were still immersed in joy. On the happy day, Li Zhi, the patron saint of the Baruch Empire, got the news of his daughter.

Don't forget this matter after people talk about it, but another news comes. His majesty Baruch, Arnold confirmed the news

It is said that Yulan mainland will hold a banquet for guests on the 1st of next month.

After the news was spread out, the people began to gossip again.

Today, there is no war between every country in Yulan mainland, and the people live and work in peace and contentment. Although it is not said that their daughter is a goddess, it is said that she is so divine.

It is estimated that it is not simple. In just a few days, people from Yulan mainland to the palace minister and the God level strong people all know the news.

Businessmen also sold the news all over the world, and even turned it into a novel to spread the legend. There is nothing wrong with Yulan mainland.

Because it's not the season for farming, and after the novel was spread, it sold very well, and the merchants followed suit.

Of course, it's not limited to Li Zhi. There are other things, such as the affairs of princes and ministers, the powerful in holy land. These novels sell a lot every day.

Yale took a sip of wine and then said to Li Zhi, "the little niece of Lao San is really good. Now everyone is spreading the news about him."

Li Zhi says helplessly again: "be not, alas, he makes the whole Imperial Palace chicken fly dog jump."

Yale said, "Hey, hey, you don't know. Now the novels about babies are very popular. Or I'll get some real information to sell. "

Li Zhi thought, "if you go to play with the baby for two days, you will have the information."

Yale shrunk his neck. "No, no, forget it. That girl... I'm afraid."

At this time, the Milky voice said: "who is speaking ill of me?"

Li Zhi shook his head directly, "no, no."

Yale also said, "yes, no one!"

Baobao takes a look at Yale and suddenly hugs Li Zhi's neck. "I want to be a good daughter in the future."

Li Zhi feels that something is wrong in his heart. There must be a crisis if he is so abnormal.

Li Zhi, who was not like this before, quickly pulled him down and said, "if there's anything, please tell me. Don't lie to me."

Just listen to the baby said: "father, I suddenly thought that I should not torture the elders, do not allow the elders to speak ill of me, I was not sensible before I was young, you forgive me."

She looks at Li Zhi with big eyes.

Yale's eyes are about to come out. If you don't know her, you really think what the child said is true, but the child is a little devil.

Li Zhigen didn't believe Baobao's words. He felt that there was a conspiracy and said, "you can tell me what's going on."

The baby turned around and said, "Uncle Yale."

Good tone makes Yale incoherent.

An hour ago, Yale was almost killed by the baby. Now people are so polite that Yale can hardly turn around.

Only listen to the baby said: "the elder, to the younger gift is not?"

Yale nodded, "yes, yes."

Xin said that he has a lot of assets under his command, but what can he do?

Do you give the baby money? The baby definitely won't do it.

If the baby is not satisfied, it will be cleaned up again.

Li Zhi is cool in his heart. Although he knows that this little girl has other thoughts, he finally has the authority of her father for such a long time.

With a wave of his hand, he handed two stones to Yale and said, "boss, these are the two inferior deities."

I think it's very difficult for you to become the holy land now. If you refine this, it should become the holy land soon. Then you can give Renault that you all become gods. It's good that you all become gods.

Yale has a bright future, but he will not doubt Li Zhi's words.

Yale took over Shenge and said, "Hey, the luckiest thing in my life is to be a brother with the third brother."

The baby said, "yes, you've been in the light of my father."

Yale's embarrassed face was red.

His heart is going to break, this little girl really dares to say.

He also knows that it's hard to stay here without being angry.

He said, "there are still things in my chamber of Commerce. I'll go back and deal with them first. Bye."


Beibei looked out of the window and suddenly exclaimed.

The mountain ahead is so high!

Li Zhi did not look out, and found that there was a towering mountain, which was tens of thousands of meters high. Even more than tens of thousands of meters, hundreds of thousands of meters.

After all, the area is so big, the blade of ten thousand meters can only be regarded as a small hill here. After all these years in hell.

I had never seen such a high mountain, so Beibei was surprised.

Li Zhi suddenly thought of the origin of this thing.

He explained“ It's 1.8 million meters. Hehe, Beibei, you haven't seen it carefully. It's a very high mountain. Is it called Meirenguan? "

Nice also exclaimed, "Oh, this is the beauty pass."

Babe was surprised by what NISS said. He said, "have you heard that, too?"

Nice nodded. "I've heard it. I've heard it a long time ago. It's like the first peak of the Amethyst continent. It's very famous. "

Nice has lived in hell for millions of years and knows more about the region than bebebeko.

Li Zhihao laughs“ Yes, this is the beauty pass. But the beauty pass is not as heroic as the Amethyst mountains, but it's very special. "

Beibei's eyes brightened. "What's the matter? There's something special about it."

Li Zhi stood up and said, "the peak of Meirenguan in meirenshan is a big playground, and there are many entertainment facilities. Only you can't imagine, there is no place you can't see."

Beibei said, "Oh, it's so good. Then we have to have a look. But what's the fun? Is there a lot of games coming from the plane? "

Li Zhi nodded, "it should be like this, but there is not much Li Zhi information about this mountain. I don't know how long it has existed."

Delia was puzzled. "Then why is it called beauty pass? It's a very special name. "

Li Zhi nodded and said, "it's very simple. You'll know it when we go inside. Ha ha, I won't explain it to you now."

Beibei said excitedly, "are we going to play?"

Li Zhi nodded, "well, of course, if I can't, you will go too."

Beibei, with a smile, said the other mouth, "the boss knows me."

"In fact, big brother Li Zhi won't let us go. We're going to die because the rules are like this," she said

Beibei said, "what rules."

After listening to Ninis's explanation, he said, "beauty pass is very special. No metal life is allowed to fly on it. If you want to pass, you have to make a detour. However, the detour is too far away. Most people will choose to enter it."

Then he went through, and Beibei was surprised and said, "Oh, it's so powerful. Who prescribed it? Is it the LORD God?"

Beibei wants to come to the Amethyst continent, and the strongest one is the Amethyst God,

Then Beibei was also surprised. He asked, "is this man so powerful? Can we make rules, and no one breaks them? Break the rules. "

Nizi nodded, "no, as long as people who want to break the rules are dead."

Delia couldn't help but say, "is this the master in it?"

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