Li San chased a river and found that the smell stopped after smelling it. After looking at the river, did these people jump into the water, or did the river have an entrance?

After Li Zhi thought about it, he jumped into the water and swam two times. Li San stopped where there was a piece of water grass in the river.

Li Zhi knew that there was a border in this area. He broke the border directly and rushed in. Li Zhi felt the breath of darkness. Was it the dark church?

But why deal with Nangong Xiangyun? Nangongyun, what are they doing? Li Zhi is astringent, and the third is astringent. The organs are heavily guarded and dark. There are many experts in the Department.

At this time, a voice came from the inside, "you are a group of waste, and let Nangong cloud run away!"

The man below said in panic: "my Lord, there are experts in Nangong family. We dare not use dark magic, so..."

Before he could say anything, he gave a scream and was obviously dead.

Then the voice said, "to make excuses is to die. The Lord won't give you a reason. "

The man below said immediately, "yes!"

The man suddenly asked, "where's the eighth?"

A man replied that he met a one horned horse on the 8th Road and wanted to take it back to the adult, but it is still on the way.

The adult continued, "what color is the unicorn?"

Some people say that he is red. He frowns. Is he from the Phoenix family?

"I hope there is no mistake."

The man said, "OK, lock up the boy and wait for the Lord's order.

Li Zhi frowned. Did these people say, "is it dragon war?"

Li Zhi doesn't know what these people think. It seems that Nangong sword should have been arrested. Li Zhi wants to hold back all kinds of ideas. He wants people to save people, but he already wants to know who the Lord is.

That adult says: "you watch this person, I report to Lord."

Li Zhi's heart is together, and the opportunity has come.

Followed by a black robe. The man came out from the inside, and he was followed by two dark warriors. Li Zhi thought of the two men who were called adults in the dark Church of the orcs at the beginning, and walked to the exit of the cave.

It's impossible to fight through Li Zhi in silence, even if you kill all the people in the cave first. Then you take out a set of black nets, and then you summon Yinsha puppets and 18 skeletons from the dark resources. It's better to use the dark to deal with the dark, so that the people behind don't know what's going on.

The fluctuation of darkness has attracted attention. Someone is now in a hurry. The adult in front of him almost turns around and orders to attack. How strong are the eighteen skeletons and Yinsha puppets?

In an instant, dozens of people were harvested, but Li Zhi felt that there was still a lot of darkness. Li Zhi, with a smile, summoned three zombies to the alien world, and directly used the undead magic, one by one skeletons came out of the ground, and then the gorgeous magic almost collapsed the hole.

Li Zhi didn't control the scuffle and didn't enter the cave. He hurt all the people who guarded Nangong sword.

To ensure the safety of Nangong sword, there are many experts in it. There are also some undead magic that they constantly use the undead to deal with the undead.

At this time, Li Zhi noticed the direction of the adults. He was still walking deep into the cave. He didn't want to help. Seeing that his subordinates were getting more and more wrong with him, he took two dark warriors back. Li Zhi asked Li San to protect Nangong sword.

When he followed him, the man seemed to find Li Zhi's whereabouts, and his pace became faster and faster, so that he was surprised how the hole was so big, like a bottomless hole.

The man seemed to find something wrong with Li Zhi. He turned his head and laughed, "why do you have to be like this? Do you have to kill them all? "

Li Zhi, also wearing a black cloak, giggled and said, "the dark church does not allow other people to die if they do not convert to you."

This man may not have said, "you people of the dark church, who are vengeful, my Lord will destroy you sooner or later."

His body became hazy, and Li Zhi's eyes flashed. Filled in the past, the two dark Warriors also split over. Li Zhi snorted coldly. His body flashed by and made way of all this, but the man disappeared.

There were only two left, and Li Zhixin said that the body method was strange.

The two dark warriors came to Li Zhi again until they were chopped up. They would be fine. The fight between the enemy and the invisible holy light turns into white light. You've already used this move.

But at that time, it was not the same as it is now. Now it is more skillful. At this time, the battle is coming to an end, and people are almost dead. There are many corpses lying on the ground. Move them to the elephant man and order them to stay alive.

But these people all committed suicide. Li Zhi won 18 skeletons. Except for the second one, they were seriously injured, as well as the ghost puppet and the Zombie King.

However, the damage is not too serious. Li Zhi knows that there is no expert. Li Zhi knows that there is a border. Otherwise, such a powerful battle would have collapsed the cave.

Li Zhi sent the Zombie King back to the alien world, and then repaired the skeleton. Li Zhi patted Li Er on the shoulder, "boy, you did a good job."

At this time, he really saw the red light in Li Er's eyes, as if it was Li Zhi in the response. Looking at the red light, he was surprised. Is the skeleton really conscious?

Just as he was surprised, Li San came out and stared at the corpses, absorbing the dark magic of those corpses. To Li Zhi's surprise, Li Er didn't respond.

He also absorbed the dark magic in the face of the situation. Li Zhixin said that the world is crazy, or am I crazy? What's the matter? Can skeletons be conscious?

Or instinct? For a moment, Li Zhi didn't know whether Li Er was conscious or what. After absorbing the dark breath from the corpse, Li Er was normal, but Li Zhi didn't understand. I'll talk about it later. Take back all summoned creatures.

Let's talk to dad about this.

The dark forces outside the dark church are so powerful that they are so powerful in dragon city. And Skynet didn't notice it. How huge is this force?

At this time, Nangong Jin was hijacked. Because of the chaos, the cost was sealed. When Li Zhi took Nangong sword to the gate of the city, Nangong family leaders all came. Nangong Yun looked at Nangong sword in Li Zhihuai's coma and asked, "is my brother OK?"

Li Zhi shook his head, "just fainted."

He patted Nangong sword. Nangong sword slowly woke up and saw Li Zhi's words, which made Nangong Jun almost faint. "Brother in law, don't hold me, you hold my sister..."

Nangong Yun glared at him. "I'm scared to death. You talk nonsense!"

She tugged at the ears of nangongdian.

Nangong sword quickly begged for mercy, "let me go, elder sister is too painful!"

Two people play, that west gate absolutely comes near.

Then he found a room next to the city gate. Ximen juemu said, "what's the matter? Where did Yu Er find the sword?"

After Li Zhi said the source again, Ximen absolutely nodded, "go to check it immediately."

His brows wrinkled.

"I didn't expect that such a big dark force, I didn't know if it was the dark church. Who was it?"

The Nangong master turned his eyes, pointed to it and said, "is it the dragon family?"

Simon Jue touched his chin and said, "this may be very fast."

Here comes the sniffer. It's said that the cave cave collapsed and there were no bodies.

Li Zhi didn't expect that they started so fast. Simon Jue said, "forget it, we can't find anything. Pay attention later."

When he returned to Ximen's house, the weather was dim and it seemed that the weather was going to change. Yifeng came to Ximen group at this time. When he knew that Li Zhi was looking for him, he came quickly.

Li Zhi is on the bed. Next to him are Luo Yi and Yu Feng.

He hummed comfortably.

At this time, he asked, "feng'er, you Phoenix family. Is there any conflict with other factions? "

Yu Feng was puzzled and said, "what's the matter? I don't know what that means? "

Li Zhi said: "that Qiu Fu, I want him to meet you today, but he seems to disdain your family. He has a lot of prejudice."

Yu Feng was stunned, "ah? My mother didn't tell me

Li Zhi explained the original words, Yu Feng frowned: "it's impossible. How can it be like this? What's shameless? I can't ask the descendants of flame villa!"

All of a sudden, there was a wind outside and clouds and rain came.

Li Zhi and Yu Feng look at each other and say in one voice: "Beitang ink!"

At this time, it's windy and rainy in the middle of the night. There won't be anything wrong with Beitang mo. Li Zhi can't rest assured after thinking about it.

Li Zhixin was a little worried. He said that there would be no accident?

He said, "you go to bed first. I'll go and have a look."

Yu Feng said, "I'll go too."

"Well, I can go alone. I'll go and have a look. It's estimated that her family will take care of her."

The two men smelled it on their faces and then went out in a storm.

There were few pedestrians, only the magic lights swaying slowly. Suddenly, Li Zhi found a figure lying in the rainstorm. Li Zhi found her shoulder shaking slightly, as if she was struggling to climb.

But he didn't have the strength for a while, but when he was still in a daze, he couldn't say that I couldn't say that he was blocked in his heart. He admitted the girl.

Let him feel admire very much, but oneself can ignore her?

Li Zhi falls down, arranges a border, holds her up, looks at the haggard incomparable person, Li Zhi in the heart has a little heartache, helps her to drive out the cold, uses the genuine Qi to open her meridians.

Beitang Mo's forehead and clothes become dry, she will also be negative. I feel very comfortable when I am held in my arms by Li Zhi. There is a strange feeling in my heart, but she is very tired.

Li Zhi found that her hands and knees were red and swollen. It was estimated that she could not bend and launch for a long time. He quickly used steam to dredge the meridians for him, and then treated her knees, but the meridians inside had to rest slowly.

Li Zhi said softly, "are you better?"

The North Hall Mo didn't play a temper and nodded gently. Well, they were silent. They didn't know what to say. Suddenly, they were blushed by her.

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