Li Zhi said, "what's the matter?"

She shook her head and said, "let me go, let me go!"

Li Zhi doesn't know why. He doesn't do anything. Beitang Mo is put down by Li Zhi and stumbles forward.

Li Zhi quickly helped her and said, "what are you doing? I'll help you!"

Beitang Mo blushes badly, but she has no strength to climb. She hasn't eaten for such a long time. When Li Zhi sees her like this and sees her legs clamped tightly, he seems to bear something. He suddenly realizes that he wants to go to the toilet!

He took her directly to the alley and said with a smile, "no one is here to solve it."

He leans her against the wall and turns around.

Beitang Mo asked her to cry. She trembled and said, "my hands and feet are not good. I'm going to pee my pants..."

She is more and more anxious, he more and more wants to pee, Li Zhi Leng Leng see North Hall Mo this appearance, temporarily can't think of any good way to turn around, help her take off pants!

Li Zhi, "it's OK. I've closed my eyes and ears."

But although Beitang Mo wanted to pee, he couldn't pee when the meeting was over.

Li Zhi said with a smile, "don't be nervous. We have such a close relationship. What is such a thing?"

As a joke, she relaxed, and then was pulled up by them. Fortunately, the wind and rain covered her voice for a long time, and then she leaned weakly.

Li Zhi suddenly said: "girls have to wipe their urine..."

Beitang Mo is so shy that she has to find a hole to drill. Li Zhi waves his hand and hands her a handkerchief. She did not catch directly fell to the ground, Li Zhizhong in and out of the air, and then randomly in her legs wiped.

Then he picked up her pants. Beitangmo's trembling brain was buzzing. He peed in front of this guy, and he wiped it?

"We can touch everything," Li said

"What can you do if you touch me?" he said

Li Zhi laughs: "do you want to bite me? Kiss me, whatever you want

North Hall Mo face a red, thought of that night in the palace.

Li Zhi said, "I'll take you home."

Beitangmo shook his head. "My father doesn't recognize me. I have no home. I have to climb three laps."

Li Zhi comforted and said, "no, maybe he just said angry words."

North Hall Mo shook his head.

She continued to walk on the wall.

Li Zhi ran after her and carried her on his back.

"What are you going to do?" he said

Li Zhi, hahaha, don't you want to finish your task?

I'll just help you when beitangmo is struggling.

"No need to help! I'll do it myself

She was proud and grateful for Li Zhige's coming. Li Zhi's care and embrace made her warm, but she didn't want to give up halfway. Li Zhi slapped her on the buttocks two times. "It's really like a cow. We didn't say that we can't ask others for help. Can't you make a change? How did you become a general? "

Beitangmo doesn't speak any more. Before, she claimed that she had done well in the army and didn't work as a famous general. But Li Zhi's two attacks on him completely broke him down.

"It's right to stick to the principle, but it can be flexible without violating the principle. That's why the general is responsible for the lives of his soldiers," Li said

Beitangmo thought about it and thought Li Zhi's words were right. She put her arms around Li Zhi's neck and said, "how can you help me, help me climb?"

Li Zhi, hey hey, "how simple it is!"

Then he ran out, touched his back, and threw himself on the street. But his body didn't touch him. Li Zhi, who was still in the middle of the stone slab, pushed his hands and pushed his feet, and the whole person flew out like an arrow.

Beitangmo screamed, "how fast! cannot bear sth! It's too fast! Be careful

Li Zhi said with a smile, "is this fast? I'm even faster! "

Speed up again!

North Hall Mo is behind her, "Oh, the front is about to bump into!"

She was scared to close her eyes, but when Li Zhi's business was about to hit the wall, her body suddenly turned away like violating physics.

Slowly, beitangmo felt more and more exciting, shuttling on Li Zhi's back in the rain. He was in a clear mood. It seemed that the miserable days had not affected her.

Relying on Li Zhi's speed, the voice circle was completed quickly. Beitang Mo didn't play enough and said, "Oh, that's it?"

Li Zhi put her down and said, "Oh, what do you think of me as a sedan chair driver?"

North Hall Mo snorted, she looked at Li Zhi together.

Li Zhi did not understand, "do I have flowers on my face?"

Beitang Mo looks at Li Zhi suspiciously, "are you really ximenyu?"

Li Zhi asked, "why do you say that?"

Li Zhi's words made her not answer.

"I thought you liked me?"

Beitang ink red face, "almost, maybe a little more, I like you."

Li Zhi laughs, "well, you work hard. There are many people around me. You won't have a place then. "

North Hall Mo frowned and said: "it seems that you have not changed, as before, flowery, arrogant!"

Li Zhi laughs. She's right. He's changed and his two souls are united.

Li Zhi's eyes flashed a glimmer of stars, and suddenly he dropped a figure in mid air. Li Zhi said, "who sent you?"

The man immediately begged for mercy and said, "young master, please forgive me. General beitangze asked me to come."

The North Hall Mo hears a glimmer of gentleness in the eyes here, elder brother cares about him.

Beitangze? Li Zhi frowned. Beitangze was so sincere that he couldn't understand what he was doing?

Li Zhi said, "your lady has lived with me. Tomorrow, someone will come to pick her up."

The man nodded and disappeared into sight.

"Big brother has been very nice to me since I was a child."

Li Zhi looked at her smiling face and said with a smile, "you look much better with a smile than with a cold face. Is this the real you?"

North Hall Mo shakes his head, "I don't know, father said that people should hide themselves, can't show their appearance, I don't know which is me."

At this time, Yu Feng's voice came, "husband?"

Li Zhi looks back and sees Yu Feng galloping over with a border.

Luo Yi stands on one side, looking at Li Zhi tenderly.

Li Zhi put them in his arms and said, "Why are you here?"

Yu Feng took a look at the Beitang Mo beside him and said, "we are worried about you. Then we come here right away. Roy and I have been waiting for you so long, so we come here first."

Yu Feng said, "Hello, I'm Yu Feng and his woman."

North Hall Mo nods, a little embarrassed, looking at two people who mean together. At this time, Roy comes over, her transparent eyes seem to penetrate the heart of North Hall mo.

"This is Roy and I..."

Roy snapped, "I'm his maid. Nice to meet you, miss of the North Hall."

She slightly smile, ease the North Hall Mo constraint uneasiness.

But now he has recovered his indifference, and his heart is shocked and his back aches. The women around Ximen Yu are not simple!

Li Zhi said, "let's go home."

One by one, he went back to Ximen mansion.

At this time, the Beitang family.

The master of the North Hall was sitting on his chair, and there was a thief kneeling down. The thief said, "I'm sure the young lady likes ximenyu, and ximenyu is good to the young lady."

Beitang, the leader of Beitang family, laughs fiercely, "providence! It's providence

He turned his eyes and said, "maybe we should go to find Ximen Jue."

The next day, Li Zhi takes Yu Feng to the barracks, and the head of the North Hall comes to Ximen house not long after Li Zhi leaves.

Ximen Jue sat on the hall and asked, "what's the matter with me?"

He is very cautious about Beitang's frequent courtship.

The North Hall shrewd sighed a tone, "have no other matter son, is for the sake of the little girl's business son."

"Yes, I have a grudge against women."

"Well... Young master Ximen is really brilliant. Two hundred people defeated 20000 elite soldiers. She is responsible for all this. She is not afraid of the jokes of the Ximen family leader. This is the matter. She has come to ask for something."

Simon said with a flash of vision: "what's the matter? But as soon as I say that I will do it, I will not refuse. "

Beitang fierce said: "I think the master knows that I have expelled the little girl from the house, but the daughter is the flesh of the heart, and she can't bear to be exiled.

So I want to ask you to take care of one or two? "

"So? What a big deal. I'll make it right and I won't let her be wronged. "

"Ah, thank you, master Ximen, for sending me through fire and water in the future."

This has already explained that he is close to Simon's family.

Simon Jue said, "well, I'll help each other in the future."

"So there's the Simon family. I have to go first."

Ximen juemu said, "don't you see the family order?"

"North Hall fierce shake head," no, meet embarrassed, she hates me now. "

After he left, Ximen Jue's smile subsided, and compared with Beitang's fierce courtship, he doubted, but there was no reason. Beitang family Li Zhi was independent and always neutral, but what choice was he going to make this time?

Is it on Simon's family?

The success of Ximen's family will surely lead to the rise of his position in Beitang family. But if the long family wins, they will disappear. What's the matter with such a big risk that the sky doesn't need to slow down?

Li Zhi takes Yu Feng into the barracks, but he has disguised himself as a woman. Generally speaking, women are not allowed to come to the barracks, with the exception of beitangmo.

In fact, Li Zhi has the right to ask Yu Feng to come directly in women's clothes, but the boys in the barracks have never seen a woman for many years. Besides, such a beautiful woman, it is estimated that there will be riots at that time.

When Li Zhi arrived at the barracks, he first supervised the training of Wushuang battalion, and then held a small meeting. Yu Feng listened to Yu Feng, who was knowledgeable and involved in many things.

There were soldiers in the Phoenix family who knew about the army, but after hearing the same lecture, she was still shocked and infatuated. That kind of war theory made her understand that there is heaven and there are people outside.

After the class, Li Zhi took Yu Feng to find Qiu Fu, while his men went to drill the soldiers.

When he was in the barracks, Qiu Fu took a look at Yu Feng. His face didn't look good. He said, "ximenyu, I don't want to see her. Take her away!"

Li Zhi didn't speak. Yu Feng said, "I don't understand why I have a prejudice against my family. If you don't tell me, we are still from the same family!"

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