Li Zhi interrupted his meditation and said, "I asked the leader just now, but now I have answered my own question. I still have two questions to ask the leader, how should the leader spend the killing and looting now? When should the future be spent? "

The head of Tongtian sect looked at Li Zhi with a flash of light in his eyes. He didn't answer, but asked Li Zhi: "Your Majesty, how do you spend it? What is the matter at hand? "

Knowing that the other party would ask back, Li Zhi said, "I asked the leader, why did the leader ask me?"

Then he sighed and said, "but since the leader asked me, I dare to say that there are three elements in heaven, earth and man. If I want to live in the middle of killing and robbing, I can only live in a harmonious environment.

The killing and plundering is a trivial matter of the way of heaven, in addition to the human religion, the western religion is all in it.

In the beginning, Tianzun calculated the original way of heaven, so he strongly supported Xiqi and asked his disciple Jiang Ziya to help Xiqi.

I think Jiang Ziya is a talented person, so he became the Prime Minister of my big business. Unexpectedly, he was ungrateful and went to Xiqi, which was valued by Ji Fa. Now he can see that the hermeneutics supports Da Zhou

The surplus is the western religion, which is weak and poor.

Moreover, the loss of support for Rouran group last time was not small. Compared with hermeneutics, western religion was only calculating, and it did not dare to appear again. It was also planning for interests.

Moreover, the two people in the West are calculating people. From the fact that they specially placed chaotic lotus seeds in Nanhai, we can see that these two people are definitely not aboveboard people.

But after the Rouran people's affairs, it is obvious that the West has been dormant in their barren land and dare not come again.

The disciples no longer come out. It's also a good place. Only the zhunti Taoist came to our east to cheat us, or forced them to go to the West. Last time, Jinling Daoyou and others almost got through zhunti because of this. "

The head of Tongtian sect nodded slightly: "Your Majesty has seen people before. According to your majesty, what should I do for my interdiction?"

Li Zhi took a look at the leader of Tongtian sect, and then said word by word: "in my opinion, now the intercepting sect is not in the dominant side."

"How do you say that?" the leader asked

Just listen to Li Zhi said: "the so-called can stand out in the killing and looting, to occupy the time, place and people, people and only say that for those who have more help, those who have less help, with people to the best, more help will win, although the power of the interceptor is huge, but the Terran may not support the interceptor."

The leader of Tongtian sect interrupted Li Zhi and asked, "what should I do when I cut off my teaching? According to what you said, is it not true that I will be defeated in great events? "

After hearing this, Li Zhi didn't speak at once. He was thinking that in the original world of God worship, he explained and guided the way of heaven and helped King Wu to overthrow Zhou. Western religion could not avoid it, but gained the greatest benefit in the end.

As for the original big business, it was a misguided business with little help. Although it had excellent troops and strong generals, it also failed.

There are many immortals who cut off religion, and they are also the most powerful. However, like big business, those who are deviant have little help. Because Laozi and Western sages all go to help Yuanshi Tianzun, they fail.

But now it's different. Li Zhi said slowly: "master, listen to me, the way of master is to intercept the wired vitality between heaven and earth. No matter who you are, you can get the road. There are many disciples, so you have the strongest strength.

I am the supreme man in the world. I rule all over the world. I am loved by the people. I am human.

If the leader and I plan to kill and rob, then we will have the right time, the right place and the right people. However, if the leader is alone against elucidation and Western religion, he may not be an opponent.

After all, from the point of view of the future, I saw some scenes in my dream, but I need not say more. The religious leader can naturally know.

I just want to say that if the sect leader and I form an alliance for the world, then the world will be sure. In the process of killing and robbing, both jiejiao and our big business can stand out, or make profits in the process of killing and robbing. "

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