At this time, the leader of Tongtian also showed a clear smile: "so it is. With your Majesty's eloquence, it's not simple. It's said that you want to be one with me for a long time to fight against robbery.

But your majesty is going to be disappointed. I'm a Buddhist monk. Even if I was killed and robbed, I would follow my luck, and I don't want to get involved in worldly affairs. Your majesty is going to be disappointed and go home. "

Seeing that the leader of Tongtian sect broke his own words, Li Zhi was not discouraged. He continued: "the fate of jiejiao coincides with that of Dashang. The so-called cold lips and teeth die. If Dashang dies, jiejiao will not exist. Please think twice."

The leader of Tongtian sect took a look at Li Zhiyi, and then continued to say, "Your Majesty, do you have any questions?"

Seeing the Tongtian sect leader asking, Li Zhi said, "has the sect leader ever calculated the fate of the people in his sect?"

The leader of Tongtian sect flatly replied: "there are a large number of people in our sect. After death, they are enslaved by gods, killing and robbing. All these are fixed numbers. They can't avoid them. They have to go along with the heaven."

Li Zhi nodded: "I understand the meaning of the leader. There are many people in the teaching, but uneven roots and shallow ones. If we can kill the essence of the slash, it will be good.

The leader nodded.

Li Zhi went on to say: "in the whole process of killing and robbing the gods, there is no way to avoid this. But on that day, he once said that it's not decided, but it depends on people.

Although the leader has a plan, other saints also have a plan. How can the leader fulfill his wish? Last time I saw the leader's four swords of killing immortals are really powerful.

Even the sages in the West may not be rivals, but I dare to ask, "how many sages can you resist with the four swords of killing immortals?"

Tongtian sect leader's eyes narrowed, and he thought to himself that the story of killing the immortal sword was brought by Hongjun Daozu at Fenbao cliff. He hasn't used it in these years.

Even if there are only a few saints, few people know about it. Even his own disciples don't know about it. The emperor knows so many things.

Li Zhi knew what he was thinking when he saw the head of Tongtian sect.

Then he said, "don't worry about it. I have many wonderful things since I fell into my dream. Naturally I know a lot.

I know that the sage in Bajing palace has Taiji map, Linglong xuanhuang pagoda, the sage in yuxu palace has ancient sails, the seven treasures of the west, and the twelve grades of liantai

Seeing that he said something about the treasures of other saints, the leader of Tongtian sect believed Li Zhi's ability and said, "it's really good for me to kill the four swords of immortals, but to kill the four swords of immortals, to trap the four swords of immortals, to kill the four swords of immortals.

It was divided on Fenbao cliff of Hongjun Daozu at that time. The four immortals killing swords are fierce and powerful. If you put down the immortals killing sword array and hang the four immortals killing swords in the immortals killing array, you can generate countless chaotic sword Qi, even the Hunyuan sage can't resist it.

However, because the sages are powerful and have magic weapons, it's very easy to use four quasi saints to guard the immortal sword array, one against two, and one against three, but they can barely draw, but they are more reluctant. "

Li Zhi nodded: "what if one against four?"

The leader of Tongtian sect said categorically: "one enemy will surely defeat four.". Even four swords will be taken away. "

Tongtian sect leader was stunned. What suddenly occurred to him? Why did the mysterious emperor suddenly ask? Can't help but face a change: "Your Majesty in the dream, can you see what?"

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