The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

Fate. The God Slayer in the Sky Chapter 102.

The descendant of that old Demon King Leviathan who had started the rebellion had also been defeated at the hands of Sazex, had been captured, and the angels, fallen angels, and demon camp had started to fight back.

These guys don't have a chance anymore.

Yo thought so, seeing. Jenova and Wisteria Irina. Were walking towards him.

"Huh?" Yo felt the way, the two guys. "Being controlled by someone." That lost soul look was without a doubt a symbol of being controlled by someone.

"I can't believe it's being controlled like that." Yo said so. "It's not that you guys are too weak, but the other party is too strong, right."

"That's right." A voice was heard, and appearing in front of Yo was a pair of people. Wearing anything, there were technological cold armor, magic robes, and even robes.

"How in the world is there a Haruno Yo." The one in the robe who headed the group said. "The Lord God didn't say this world would appear. What?"

He looked over to his hand.

"The mission to repel the Golden Dawn attack has been changed to escape."

"The other side isn't a weak existence, and is a demon with a reputation in Hell, you'd better escape before he does, survive for ten minutes and gain a B-rank branching scenario and 5000 points."

"Damn." The other side said so. "Why didn't the Lord God say so earlier." If you had told me earlier, you would still fall for it? Yo so thought.

Lord God Space, you're still infinitely horrible.

(I actually plan to write infinite streams later.)

The existence of the main god space Yo also knew that, to be frank, it was the gods' dolls, of course, occasionally a few of them could produce a few more eye-catching talents.

However, more often than not, it was just some useless trash.

More exceptionally, the Lord God Space was said to be a prop left over from the last era of the True God, this being stood on the River of Time and had the ability to control time, although some gods wanted it, they couldn't get it, knowing that the River of Time, like the Ocean of Original Sin, was one of the incarnations of the heavens ah.

"In the name of the saint who boarded inside this sword, I order its liberation. --Dilandal!" Jenova was the first to call out, she was under the control of that captain's SS-ranked item Demon Spirit, an artifact from World of Warcraft that had the power to control hearts and minds.

Wisteria Irina, on the other hand, used her Cross Cult magic.

Those guys, on the other hand, turned around and fled.

"Hmph." Yo looked at them and didn't go after them, so these guys were given.

"Damn, what's going on here." The head priest said. They were the top ten strongest team in the Lord's World, the Heaven's Square Team (Don't mind the name or anything...) . The captain was a ss-grade Sword Immortal Enhancement, and the others were all at s-grade level.

"That Lord God guy is screwing us over again." A female magician said so. "Haruno Yo, this guy is that scum from the air of fate, right. Actually, he's a demon god. Wait don't come a Haruhi No Vault and turn into some fallen angel."

"You raven-head." The priest said so to her. "You got me."

Appearing in front of several people was the Haruhi No Dome, but what was noticeable were the six pairs of light wings behind it.

"Twelve winged fallen angels!!!" The priest said so, and this enhancement, which was also famous in the Lord God, appeared in front of him.

"You guys." Vault looked at these people and grabbed the black rabbit's hand and shook it hard.

The space around them began to freeze, and all of the others were frozen without even the slightest reaction. You know, the Vault was already a sub-god that could reverse the laws.

"Team Skyfang, all destroyed." The voice of the Lord God rang out in an unknown place.

"Is that it." Yo felt the power of the main god, a power that was actually enough to rival the true god, "I'm getting curious about you. Lord God."

In front of him were the dead Jenova and Wisteria Irina, the demonic spirit that imprisoned their souls destroyed and their souls severely injured.

"Let you fight for me." Yo walked over and a drop of blood appeared in his hand, after which it dripped onto their corpses 。。。。

Yo, but he was planning to make them his servants.

Chapter 31.

Chapter 31

Jenova and Wisteria Irina who had been resurrected had become demons.

No, they weren't really demons, but had become existences similar to Yingling. Only possessing Yo's blood, so they had an entity.

"I didn't expect to become a demon." Jenova said as she sat in the classroom where the club was operating.

"Be content, it's good to pick up a life." Liyas said to her. This former genius in paradise, used by Dilankar, had become a demon.

"Grace." Wisteria Irina said so as well.

The battle that day ended with the victory of the three major powers.

The battle between Monkey and Mina was won by Monkey, although Mina was also a strong demon, but it was the awakening of the True Ancestor's bloodline that was liberated by the treasure, not as good as Monkey's self-training, at the last moment, when Mina, who had originally failed, was about to be seriously injured, Gaspar jumped out, and for the sake of his sister, he exploded the strongest power of his artifact, and actually stopped the entire boundary of time to save his sister.

Afterwards, Monkey had to retreat despite having the upper hand thanks to Mina and Gaspar's combined efforts.

The battle between Vali and the Lias Familiars, while Vali could finish off anyone, was stopped by the kitten, invincible attack, invincible defense, and finally, wounded by Kiba Yodou's Dragon Slaying Sword Art, and had to withdraw from the battle.

The group of attacking magicians, on the other hand, fell to their knees at the hands of a group of lorises.

The proud magical attacks were blasted by the sky dragon, the true red-eyed black dragon, the time mage, and the marshmallow. In the end, they were beaten like shit by the Sky Dragon who had summoned a few of his own kind, a blonde haired, princess costumed loli winged goddess dragon and an armor clad knight hime loli giant divine soldier 。。。。

And so this attack fell to its knees at the hands of a bunch of loli.

"What a bunch of scum." Yo said so. He was talking about the Lord's Space 。。。。

"Shouldn't the words go a bit?" Yo thought so.

The levels of the Lord's Space were divided into E.D.C.B.A.S.S.S.S. The S.S.S.S. corresponded to Mortal - E, Black Iron - D, Bronze - C, Silver --B, Gold --A, Servant of God --S, Slave of God --SS, Sub-God --SSS, of course, this sub-god is actually the trashiest of those new gods to evolve to the level of an ancient demon god like Yo. You're mixing it up for a hundred million years, let alone a true god or something.

Back then Baal had met a bunch of reincarnators in the original hell and tried to make a deal with him, then he got played to death.

As for who to send to the Lord's Space.

Yo thought better of it another time.

"I'm suddenly thinking." Yo said to the people in the club room. "Why do we have to come to school activities even if we're on vacation?"

"Nah nah." Hajima Jounai asked. "So where do you want to go, Sensei?"

"Me?" Yo thought about it and said. "I still like squatting at home ah 。。。。"

"Dead house." Everyone said in their hearts.

"Then Sensei should simply go to the concubine's house." Mina said so. "The concubine is always welcome to come to Sensei's home oh."

"Romania?." Yo said so. "It looks great."

"Then why don't we just go to my house." Leas said so.

"To the underworld?" Yo suddenly thought. "I remember there's a party for new demons this time of year, I guess."

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